Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 15 of 19 →
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no one who has witnessed the Masonic precessions which frequently indulge the inhabitants of Devonshire , and at the same time aid its own cause , will contradict the assertion , that the manner in which Masonry is cherished in the Province , offers a profitable example to all rulers of the Royal Craft . The Brethren have now achieved their last triumph , by the adaptation of ; an ancient building to the purposes of Masonry . The venerable hall of the Tuckers' Company ( the only corporate body of the city exclusively devoted to charity ) is peculiarly suitable ; it was formerly a church , and has now heen aptly chosen for carrying out the
holy mysteries and privileges of Masonry ; it is fitted up in excellent taste , the shields and pennons of the numerous Sir Knights are arrayed in their proper position , under the groined and fretted arches of the fine old roof , whilst other appropriate fittings and decorations proclaim the skilful hand of the Perfect Master , as well as the industry of the Apprentice . In obedience to the truly Masonic notice , which was distributed through the Western Provinces , a numerous body . _ > f the Craft assembled to do honour to the occasion . The banquet w-yserved
up in the New Hall , at half-past four , when Bro . Rev . John Huyshe , a name familiar to all good Masons , was called to the President ' s Chair ; Brothers Denis Moore and Empson , ably assisting as Vice-Presidents . Among the company , we were pleased " to observe a number of other distinguished Masons , including Brothers Captains DAjbiac , Gordon , Cummins , and Tarleton , of the 4 th Dragoons ; Captains Powney , R . N ., K . H ., Locke Lewis , and Dixon ; Brothers VA iliiam Tucker , of
Coryton Park , Cann , Force , Evans , Laidman , & c , together with the venerable Father of the Province , Brother Hirtzel . " The Chairman gave the usual Masonic toasts in his accustomed happy manner , prefacing those of the Right Hon . and Noble P . G . M . antl the R , AV . D . P . G . M ., with remarks alike honourable to them and to the Craft whom they so affectionately and judiciously govern . " The Army and Navy" was acknowledged bCaptain Locke Lewislate Sheriff and
y , Deputy-Lieutenant of Radnorshire , in an address indicative of real Masonic feeling ; in allusion to the Hall , the worthy Brother declared it to be the most truly Masonic apartment he had ever witnessed , and its proportions were also singularly correct ; he had found it to be thirtythree feet in length , three times seven in breadth : it was enriched with
thirty-three shields , thirty-three banners , and presented thirty-three compartments in its beautiful roof—( cheers)—forming altogether a rare combination of Masonic correctness , and tasteful display . Bro . Lewis related an anecdote beautifull y illustrative of the beneficial effects of Masonry , which had saved the life of a naval officer , a friend of his , who now resided in Devonshire ; his head was on the block , but on making himself known as a Brother Mason to one of the authoritieshe
, was spared . Brother DENIS MOORE proposed the health of a Mason singularly accomplished , and as generous in his attentions to the science , as he was proficient , Brother Huyshe —( much cheering ) . The worthy Brother offered his thanks , in an address replete with the genuine evidence of unalloyed Masonry . " I am rejoiced ( said the Rev . Brother in conclu-
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no one who has witnessed the Masonic precessions which frequently indulge the inhabitants of Devonshire , and at the same time aid its own cause , will contradict the assertion , that the manner in which Masonry is cherished in the Province , offers a profitable example to all rulers of the Royal Craft . The Brethren have now achieved their last triumph , by the adaptation of ; an ancient building to the purposes of Masonry . The venerable hall of the Tuckers' Company ( the only corporate body of the city exclusively devoted to charity ) is peculiarly suitable ; it was formerly a church , and has now heen aptly chosen for carrying out the
holy mysteries and privileges of Masonry ; it is fitted up in excellent taste , the shields and pennons of the numerous Sir Knights are arrayed in their proper position , under the groined and fretted arches of the fine old roof , whilst other appropriate fittings and decorations proclaim the skilful hand of the Perfect Master , as well as the industry of the Apprentice . In obedience to the truly Masonic notice , which was distributed through the Western Provinces , a numerous body . _ > f the Craft assembled to do honour to the occasion . The banquet w-yserved
up in the New Hall , at half-past four , when Bro . Rev . John Huyshe , a name familiar to all good Masons , was called to the President ' s Chair ; Brothers Denis Moore and Empson , ably assisting as Vice-Presidents . Among the company , we were pleased " to observe a number of other distinguished Masons , including Brothers Captains DAjbiac , Gordon , Cummins , and Tarleton , of the 4 th Dragoons ; Captains Powney , R . N ., K . H ., Locke Lewis , and Dixon ; Brothers VA iliiam Tucker , of
Coryton Park , Cann , Force , Evans , Laidman , & c , together with the venerable Father of the Province , Brother Hirtzel . " The Chairman gave the usual Masonic toasts in his accustomed happy manner , prefacing those of the Right Hon . and Noble P . G . M . antl the R , AV . D . P . G . M ., with remarks alike honourable to them and to the Craft whom they so affectionately and judiciously govern . " The Army and Navy" was acknowledged bCaptain Locke Lewislate Sheriff and
y , Deputy-Lieutenant of Radnorshire , in an address indicative of real Masonic feeling ; in allusion to the Hall , the worthy Brother declared it to be the most truly Masonic apartment he had ever witnessed , and its proportions were also singularly correct ; he had found it to be thirtythree feet in length , three times seven in breadth : it was enriched with
thirty-three shields , thirty-three banners , and presented thirty-three compartments in its beautiful roof—( cheers)—forming altogether a rare combination of Masonic correctness , and tasteful display . Bro . Lewis related an anecdote beautifull y illustrative of the beneficial effects of Masonry , which had saved the life of a naval officer , a friend of his , who now resided in Devonshire ; his head was on the block , but on making himself known as a Brother Mason to one of the authoritieshe
, was spared . Brother DENIS MOORE proposed the health of a Mason singularly accomplished , and as generous in his attentions to the science , as he was proficient , Brother Huyshe —( much cheering ) . The worthy Brother offered his thanks , in an address replete with the genuine evidence of unalloyed Masonry . " I am rejoiced ( said the Rev . Brother in conclu-