Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 11 of 19 →
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with thanks for his exertions in reviving the G . Lodge in this Province ; Bro . Brutton , and Past Grand Officers , with thanks for his arrangements for tbe festival ; the AA . Dr . Crucefix , and the Alsiting Brethren ; the Rev . Dr . Oliver , and all absent Brethren ; the Hon . Mrs . Anson and the ladies of Staffordshire .
It is much to be regretted that some Brother was not invited to report for the press , that Brethren in the distance might profit by the auspicious transactions of this trusty Masonic gathering . In Lodge , the ceremonials were observed with unusual impressiveness ; and what particularly gratified us was , that the absurd and indeed illegal , practice of admitting R . A . iVIasons who had merely been permitted to sit in tbe Master ' s chair , was denounced as indiscipline ; the order for their exclusion from the last grand and solemn rite was obeyedwith
regretcer-, , tainly , but without a murmur . The Brethren of Staffordshire and their visitors are deserving of praise for their ready compliance , and we hope their exam ple will be followed on every occasion . The addresses after banquet were in keeping with the solemnity of the Lodge . The Hon . Prov . Grand Master was in excellent health and spirits , and prefaced each toast with appropriate remarks , giving earnest of great promise for the future prosperity of his Masonic Province ; his
frankness in explaining the cause of his delay in summoning the Lodges , was gracefully apparent , ancl met with the kindest cordiality . He alluded to the memory of the late illustrious Grand Master , with great moral effect , and left an impression on the hearts and minds of all present , that Masonic attainment was happily blended with the courtesy of the
gentleman . Bro . Dr . CRUCEFIX was entrusted with the leading toast , viz ., that of the health of the Prov . Grand Master ; and if we may judge from the manner in which the toast was welcomed , we may consider that the compliment was as creditable to the speaker as to the Brother it referred to . Dr . C . observed that it had been his good fortune to attend many Masonic meetings , but on no occasion had he ever observed such a
careful attention to discipline and practice as on that day ; he wished every Provincial Grand Master could have been present . That the Grand Secretary should have been perfect in his duty as an Installing Master , and that he ( Dr . C . ) might have performed his share without difficulty , was probably expected ; but that the entire conclusive duties should have been performed by the newly installed Prov . Grand Master in a manner so truly efficient , was a matter of gratifying exultation . —( Great
cheering . " The PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER , in reply , touched on the points of this address in a very masterly style , and was cheered with acclamation as he sat down .
Bro . AVHITE , G . S . in noticing the manner in which a toast to his health had been received , addressed the company at considerable lenglh , gave a very lucid explanation of many Masonic points , and at the conclusion of his address was also loudly cheered . Bros . Colville , M . P ., Brutton , Rev . R . Buckeridge , Colonel Hogg , Boulton , Lloyd , and Lambert , severally returned thanks for the toasts dedicated to themselves and friends . Rev . Bro . SLADE proposed the health of the Historian of the Craft , Dr . Oliver , and absent friends , in a most eloquent address , in which the transcendent merits of that distinguished Mason were adverted to in glowing language . The toast was most warmly welcomed .
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with thanks for his exertions in reviving the G . Lodge in this Province ; Bro . Brutton , and Past Grand Officers , with thanks for his arrangements for tbe festival ; the AA . Dr . Crucefix , and the Alsiting Brethren ; the Rev . Dr . Oliver , and all absent Brethren ; the Hon . Mrs . Anson and the ladies of Staffordshire .
It is much to be regretted that some Brother was not invited to report for the press , that Brethren in the distance might profit by the auspicious transactions of this trusty Masonic gathering . In Lodge , the ceremonials were observed with unusual impressiveness ; and what particularly gratified us was , that the absurd and indeed illegal , practice of admitting R . A . iVIasons who had merely been permitted to sit in tbe Master ' s chair , was denounced as indiscipline ; the order for their exclusion from the last grand and solemn rite was obeyedwith
regretcer-, , tainly , but without a murmur . The Brethren of Staffordshire and their visitors are deserving of praise for their ready compliance , and we hope their exam ple will be followed on every occasion . The addresses after banquet were in keeping with the solemnity of the Lodge . The Hon . Prov . Grand Master was in excellent health and spirits , and prefaced each toast with appropriate remarks , giving earnest of great promise for the future prosperity of his Masonic Province ; his
frankness in explaining the cause of his delay in summoning the Lodges , was gracefully apparent , ancl met with the kindest cordiality . He alluded to the memory of the late illustrious Grand Master , with great moral effect , and left an impression on the hearts and minds of all present , that Masonic attainment was happily blended with the courtesy of the
gentleman . Bro . Dr . CRUCEFIX was entrusted with the leading toast , viz ., that of the health of the Prov . Grand Master ; and if we may judge from the manner in which the toast was welcomed , we may consider that the compliment was as creditable to the speaker as to the Brother it referred to . Dr . C . observed that it had been his good fortune to attend many Masonic meetings , but on no occasion had he ever observed such a
careful attention to discipline and practice as on that day ; he wished every Provincial Grand Master could have been present . That the Grand Secretary should have been perfect in his duty as an Installing Master , and that he ( Dr . C . ) might have performed his share without difficulty , was probably expected ; but that the entire conclusive duties should have been performed by the newly installed Prov . Grand Master in a manner so truly efficient , was a matter of gratifying exultation . —( Great
cheering . " The PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER , in reply , touched on the points of this address in a very masterly style , and was cheered with acclamation as he sat down .
Bro . AVHITE , G . S . in noticing the manner in which a toast to his health had been received , addressed the company at considerable lenglh , gave a very lucid explanation of many Masonic points , and at the conclusion of his address was also loudly cheered . Bros . Colville , M . P ., Brutton , Rev . R . Buckeridge , Colonel Hogg , Boulton , Lloyd , and Lambert , severally returned thanks for the toasts dedicated to themselves and friends . Rev . Bro . SLADE proposed the health of the Historian of the Craft , Dr . Oliver , and absent friends , in a most eloquent address , in which the transcendent merits of that distinguished Mason were adverted to in glowing language . The toast was most warmly welcomed .