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executed the testimonial , " which was followed by— " Colonel Markham , and many thanks for the services of the band , " proposed by C . Lee , Esq ., D . P . G . M . ; to these succeeded others of equal importance , after which the Brethren separated at an early hour , perfectly delighted aud gratified , at the festive scene . The noble earl added greatly to the joy of the occasion , by volunteering , during the evening , a few of his favorite songs ; that of the " Farm-yard" sung in his lordshi ' s own happy and
, p effective style , will not soon or easily be forgotten by the Brethren present . The speeches delivered on the occasion were of a superior order , especially those of our reverend Brethren . Peace , order , and harmony prevailed throughout—charity , benevolence , and love reigned supreme . The Craft has risen rapidly in the estimation of the lovelier part of the creation ; and we are assured that the proceedings will long be remembered with feelings of transport and delight . May the members of our
Order so hold the faith , ancl walk in love , purity , and charity , ancl may they let their light so shine before men , that the world may see our good works , and glorify our Heavenly Father , by becoming , in heart and soul , consistent members of that sacred Order , whose ways are ways of pleasantness , and all whose paths are peace .
SUNDERLAND , Nov . 5—A Provincial Grand Lodge was held at the Phoenix Lodge Room , Sunderland , on Monday , November 5 , for the purpose of installing Sir Hedworth AVilliamson , bart ., Prov . G . M . for ' the county of Durham . The Earl of Zetland , Pro-G . M . of England , was attended by-Sir Hedworth AVilliamson , Sir Cuthbert Sharp , Capt . Brandling , Capt . Croudace , C . J . Brandling , AV- Loraine , J . Cookson , John Jobling , Richard Spoor , J . P . Kidson , ancl A . Surtees , Esqrs . & c .
Altogether , not less than three hundred members of the Order were present . The'installation of the late lamented Earl of Durham having taken place about fifteen years ago , many of the Brethren in attendance at Sunderland , on this day , had never witnessed anything of the kind , while those who had been present at the induction of the deceased lord to his office , retained a vivid remembrance of the scene . There was , therefore , an eager anxiety , in all the Brethren , to behold the installation of his lordship ' s successor , Sir Hedworth AVilliamson ; and no one could possibly go away disappointed ; for never , perhaps , was the
ceremony more ably or impressively conducted than by the Earl of Zetland . His lordship went through his task in a most admirable style , performing it with the strictest care , ancl evincing ' a perfect knowledge of his duties . His graceful manner , and his thorough mastery of the details of the ceremony , excited the highest admiration in the breast of every Brother . The installation being concluded , Sir Hedworth afterwards appointed his Provincial Grand Officers for the ensuing year , viz .: Sir Cuthbert Sharp , D . P . G . M . ; Matthew ThompsonS . G . W . ; Thomas
, Cummins , J . G . W . ; Rev . Bolton Simpson , G . C ; George Bolton ; G . T . ; William Croudace , G . S . ; Robert Robson , G . R . ; Thomas Hardy , G . D . C . ; John Crossby , G . S . D . ; Richard Ridley , G . J . D . ; James Spark , G . O . ; George Davison , G . P . ; George Dykes , G . T . Sir Cuthbert Sharp next read the balance-sheet of the " Fund of Benevolence" of the province , showing a balance of upwards of £ 200 in the hands of the Treasurer . The Brethren afterwards dined together at the Bridge Hotel
, Sir H . AVilliamson in the chair , supported on his right by the Earl of Zetland , Sir C . Sharp , Richard Spoor , & c . ; and on his left by AV . Loraine , Esq ., Capt . Brandling , C . J . Brandling , Esq ., J . Cookson , Esq ., John Jobling , Esq ., & c . —The S . G . AV ., Matthew Thompson , and the VOL . IX . 3 L
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executed the testimonial , " which was followed by— " Colonel Markham , and many thanks for the services of the band , " proposed by C . Lee , Esq ., D . P . G . M . ; to these succeeded others of equal importance , after which the Brethren separated at an early hour , perfectly delighted aud gratified , at the festive scene . The noble earl added greatly to the joy of the occasion , by volunteering , during the evening , a few of his favorite songs ; that of the " Farm-yard" sung in his lordshi ' s own happy and
, p effective style , will not soon or easily be forgotten by the Brethren present . The speeches delivered on the occasion were of a superior order , especially those of our reverend Brethren . Peace , order , and harmony prevailed throughout—charity , benevolence , and love reigned supreme . The Craft has risen rapidly in the estimation of the lovelier part of the creation ; and we are assured that the proceedings will long be remembered with feelings of transport and delight . May the members of our
Order so hold the faith , ancl walk in love , purity , and charity , ancl may they let their light so shine before men , that the world may see our good works , and glorify our Heavenly Father , by becoming , in heart and soul , consistent members of that sacred Order , whose ways are ways of pleasantness , and all whose paths are peace .
SUNDERLAND , Nov . 5—A Provincial Grand Lodge was held at the Phoenix Lodge Room , Sunderland , on Monday , November 5 , for the purpose of installing Sir Hedworth AVilliamson , bart ., Prov . G . M . for ' the county of Durham . The Earl of Zetland , Pro-G . M . of England , was attended by-Sir Hedworth AVilliamson , Sir Cuthbert Sharp , Capt . Brandling , Capt . Croudace , C . J . Brandling , AV- Loraine , J . Cookson , John Jobling , Richard Spoor , J . P . Kidson , ancl A . Surtees , Esqrs . & c .
Altogether , not less than three hundred members of the Order were present . The'installation of the late lamented Earl of Durham having taken place about fifteen years ago , many of the Brethren in attendance at Sunderland , on this day , had never witnessed anything of the kind , while those who had been present at the induction of the deceased lord to his office , retained a vivid remembrance of the scene . There was , therefore , an eager anxiety , in all the Brethren , to behold the installation of his lordship ' s successor , Sir Hedworth AVilliamson ; and no one could possibly go away disappointed ; for never , perhaps , was the
ceremony more ably or impressively conducted than by the Earl of Zetland . His lordship went through his task in a most admirable style , performing it with the strictest care , ancl evincing ' a perfect knowledge of his duties . His graceful manner , and his thorough mastery of the details of the ceremony , excited the highest admiration in the breast of every Brother . The installation being concluded , Sir Hedworth afterwards appointed his Provincial Grand Officers for the ensuing year , viz .: Sir Cuthbert Sharp , D . P . G . M . ; Matthew ThompsonS . G . W . ; Thomas
, Cummins , J . G . W . ; Rev . Bolton Simpson , G . C ; George Bolton ; G . T . ; William Croudace , G . S . ; Robert Robson , G . R . ; Thomas Hardy , G . D . C . ; John Crossby , G . S . D . ; Richard Ridley , G . J . D . ; James Spark , G . O . ; George Davison , G . P . ; George Dykes , G . T . Sir Cuthbert Sharp next read the balance-sheet of the " Fund of Benevolence" of the province , showing a balance of upwards of £ 200 in the hands of the Treasurer . The Brethren afterwards dined together at the Bridge Hotel
, Sir H . AVilliamson in the chair , supported on his right by the Earl of Zetland , Sir C . Sharp , Richard Spoor , & c . ; and on his left by AV . Loraine , Esq ., Capt . Brandling , C . J . Brandling , Esq ., J . Cookson , Esq ., John Jobling , Esq ., & c . —The S . G . AV ., Matthew Thompson , and the VOL . IX . 3 L