Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 14 of 17 →
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fying its unbounded veneration for its honored chief . Again tendering his grateful thanks for the great honor conferred upon himself and his worthy colleague , and assuring the Brethren it would ever give him heartfelt pleasure to contribute all in his power to the welfare of the Craft , the Rev . Doctor concluded by charging them all to walk as children of the Light , worthy of their high and heavenly vocations , as candidates for eternity .
S . AVILSON , Esq ., Leeds , in a neat and impressive speech , proposed " The Very AAr orshipful the Prov . Grand Chaplains , the Rev . Dr . Naylor , arid the Hon . and Rey . Philip Yorke Savile "—( rapturous applause ) , with , "Awake JEolian Lyre . " " Dr . NAYLOR returned thanks in a most powerful address . He was now nearly eighty years old , and had been a Mason almost half-a-century , but never had he regretted , for one moment , having entered our
sacred order —( loud cheers ) . JOHN CLAY , Esq ., P . P . G . R ., introduced the next toast , in a manner which was loudly applauded by the assembled Brethren ; the toast was , " The Very AVorshipful the Prov . Grand Treasurer and Prov . Grand Officers ; " with , " Life ' s a Bumper . " The toast was duly acknowledged by one of the Grand Officers . Dr . NAYLOR , as one of the oldest members present , in a brief yet pithy speech , proposed , " The Past Prov . Grand Officers ; " followed by the favorite air , " Should Auld Acquaintance" by the band . Responded to by a Past Prov . Grand Officer .
The Rev . A . CASSELS dwelt at great length , and with much force , on the power and influence of Masonry , binding and cementing together , in one common bond of fellowship , men of all ranks , climes , tongues , dispositions , and habits ; a . id concluded an elegant address by proposing ¦ — " Lord Pollington and our Brethren of the noble house of Savile "—( immense cheering , with a song by Mr . Peace ) . The Hon . A . SAVILE was truly happy ancl felicitous in his reply , and
exhibited the strongest marks of affectionate regard for his beloved Brothers , all of whom are members of the mystic tie . His lordship , the Earl of Mexborough , can boast of what few , if any other person , can lay claim to—he has six sons , all Masons , * so that , around the family hearth he can hold his Lodge , —just , perfect , and regular . The address of the Hon . A . Savile , who is his lordship ' s youngest son and Brother , was enthusiastically received .
The Rev . J . COATES , in a very appropriate and highly impressive speech , proposed— " Lad y Sarah Savile , the Hon . Mrs . P . Y . Savile , and the Ladies "—( thunders of applause)— " Here ' s a Health . " The EARL OF MEXBOROUGH responded in an address pregnant with the true spirit of Masonic gallantry ; and by his happy allusions , and eloquent appeal to the feelings of his delighted audience , made the festive room resound with the cheers and applause of gratitude and affection .
This was the signal for the departure of the ladies , who on retiring , were greeted with many a round of the most rapturous applause . The EARL OF MEXBOROUGH then gave— " The health of the Visiting Brethren "
The Rev . G . N . WRIGHT , P . G . C ., Derbyshire , replied to the toast in a truly Masonic oration , illustrative of the excellency of our sacred Order , and expressive of the deep responsibility attached to every Craftsman—to walk worthy of his vocation . The noble CHAIRMAN then gave— " Bro . Broadhurst , the artist who
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fying its unbounded veneration for its honored chief . Again tendering his grateful thanks for the great honor conferred upon himself and his worthy colleague , and assuring the Brethren it would ever give him heartfelt pleasure to contribute all in his power to the welfare of the Craft , the Rev . Doctor concluded by charging them all to walk as children of the Light , worthy of their high and heavenly vocations , as candidates for eternity .
S . AVILSON , Esq ., Leeds , in a neat and impressive speech , proposed " The Very AAr orshipful the Prov . Grand Chaplains , the Rev . Dr . Naylor , arid the Hon . and Rey . Philip Yorke Savile "—( rapturous applause ) , with , "Awake JEolian Lyre . " " Dr . NAYLOR returned thanks in a most powerful address . He was now nearly eighty years old , and had been a Mason almost half-a-century , but never had he regretted , for one moment , having entered our
sacred order —( loud cheers ) . JOHN CLAY , Esq ., P . P . G . R ., introduced the next toast , in a manner which was loudly applauded by the assembled Brethren ; the toast was , " The Very AVorshipful the Prov . Grand Treasurer and Prov . Grand Officers ; " with , " Life ' s a Bumper . " The toast was duly acknowledged by one of the Grand Officers . Dr . NAYLOR , as one of the oldest members present , in a brief yet pithy speech , proposed , " The Past Prov . Grand Officers ; " followed by the favorite air , " Should Auld Acquaintance" by the band . Responded to by a Past Prov . Grand Officer .
The Rev . A . CASSELS dwelt at great length , and with much force , on the power and influence of Masonry , binding and cementing together , in one common bond of fellowship , men of all ranks , climes , tongues , dispositions , and habits ; a . id concluded an elegant address by proposing ¦ — " Lord Pollington and our Brethren of the noble house of Savile "—( immense cheering , with a song by Mr . Peace ) . The Hon . A . SAVILE was truly happy ancl felicitous in his reply , and
exhibited the strongest marks of affectionate regard for his beloved Brothers , all of whom are members of the mystic tie . His lordship , the Earl of Mexborough , can boast of what few , if any other person , can lay claim to—he has six sons , all Masons , * so that , around the family hearth he can hold his Lodge , —just , perfect , and regular . The address of the Hon . A . Savile , who is his lordship ' s youngest son and Brother , was enthusiastically received .
The Rev . J . COATES , in a very appropriate and highly impressive speech , proposed— " Lad y Sarah Savile , the Hon . Mrs . P . Y . Savile , and the Ladies "—( thunders of applause)— " Here ' s a Health . " The EARL OF MEXBOROUGH responded in an address pregnant with the true spirit of Masonic gallantry ; and by his happy allusions , and eloquent appeal to the feelings of his delighted audience , made the festive room resound with the cheers and applause of gratitude and affection .
This was the signal for the departure of the ladies , who on retiring , were greeted with many a round of the most rapturous applause . The EARL OF MEXBOROUGH then gave— " The health of the Visiting Brethren "
The Rev . G . N . WRIGHT , P . G . C ., Derbyshire , replied to the toast in a truly Masonic oration , illustrative of the excellency of our sacred Order , and expressive of the deep responsibility attached to every Craftsman—to walk worthy of his vocation . The noble CHAIRMAN then gave— " Bro . Broadhurst , the artist who