Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 13 of 17 →
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the beauty and excellency of the Order in glowing terms , and enforced upon the Brethren present the necessity of strictly attending to their responsible duties as Masons , and gladly bore testimony to the unity , good order , and true Masonic spirit which new existed , and which would , he trusted , ever bind , adorn , and distinguish the Brethren of AA ^ est Yorkshire . His allusions to our peculiar rites , with his lucid
explanations of our mystic signs , were beautiful and expressive . In short , his whole oration was of a superior order , and was deservedly received with long and loud acclamations . L . G . N . STARKIE , Esq ., R . AV . P . G . M . of AV . Lancashire , rose amid the cheers of the Brethren , and in a very feeling and appropriate speech , begged most respectfully , and most earnestly , to propose , " The Countess of Mexborough . " Immense applause , with a favourite song from Mrs . Sunderland .
The Right Hon . the EARL OF MEXBOROUGH responded to the toast in his own rich and effective style : he tendered his grateful thanks to his worth y friend and Brother , for the manner in which he had proposed the last toast ; and he could assure the Brethren that , highly as he had spoken of the Countess of Mexborough , he had not over-stated her worth , excellency , and goodness of heart—a better woman did not exist . He was proud of the honor paid her on this occasion , and right sincerel y
would she rejoice in this expression of their good wishes . His lordship concluded a most felicitous and impressive address amid the rapturous applause of the whole assemblage . The Hon . and Rev . P . Y . SAVILE , P . G . C ., in a most eloquent ancl chaste address , proposed " The health and happiness of the Provincial Grand Wardens , Charles Harropp , Esq ., and the Rev . Dr . Senior , " whose conduct he warmly eulogisedand alluded in glowing terms to
, the courtesy and kindness which he had himself experienced from Dr . Senior on his recent appointment to the office of Grand Chaplain . Immense applause , followed by " AVhen AVinds breathe soft . " The Rev . Dr . SENIOR , P . J . G . W ., on behalf of himself and the Senior Grand AVarden , begged to tender his grateful thanks , and to assure them that this truly flattering expression of their fraternal regard would awaken in their breasts a still greater solicitude to maintainupholdand
, , extend the principles and prosperity of the Craft . On the attainments and zeal of his worth y colleague he need not dilate : his heart was in the cause—liis valuable services would always be at their command—his fervent prayers would ever ascend to the Most High for his blessing upon our sacred Order—( cheers ) . As for himself , he ( Dr . S . ) , was ardently and passionately attached to Masonry , as a man—a Christianand an ambassador of Christ . He conceived it no less his interest than
duty to contribute all in his power to the prosperity of a society , which was not only the most ancient , but the most moral of all human institutions—GOD was its gracious author , and its glorious object was man ' s present peace and eternal salvation . The Rev . Doctor dwelt at considerable length on the antiquity , beauty , moral tendency , obligation and responsibility of Masonry . Its Catholic spiritand boundless charity were displayetl in glowing
termsaccom-, , panied with a strong and fervid appeal to the ladies , who seemed to take a most intense interest in the proceedings of the whole day . He was trul y delighted to sec so splendid an array of Provincial Grand Officers , and behold so vast an assemblage of Brethren of distinction united in one mind and spirit to witness the gratitude of West Yorkshire in testi-
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the beauty and excellency of the Order in glowing terms , and enforced upon the Brethren present the necessity of strictly attending to their responsible duties as Masons , and gladly bore testimony to the unity , good order , and true Masonic spirit which new existed , and which would , he trusted , ever bind , adorn , and distinguish the Brethren of AA ^ est Yorkshire . His allusions to our peculiar rites , with his lucid
explanations of our mystic signs , were beautiful and expressive . In short , his whole oration was of a superior order , and was deservedly received with long and loud acclamations . L . G . N . STARKIE , Esq ., R . AV . P . G . M . of AV . Lancashire , rose amid the cheers of the Brethren , and in a very feeling and appropriate speech , begged most respectfully , and most earnestly , to propose , " The Countess of Mexborough . " Immense applause , with a favourite song from Mrs . Sunderland .
The Right Hon . the EARL OF MEXBOROUGH responded to the toast in his own rich and effective style : he tendered his grateful thanks to his worth y friend and Brother , for the manner in which he had proposed the last toast ; and he could assure the Brethren that , highly as he had spoken of the Countess of Mexborough , he had not over-stated her worth , excellency , and goodness of heart—a better woman did not exist . He was proud of the honor paid her on this occasion , and right sincerel y
would she rejoice in this expression of their good wishes . His lordship concluded a most felicitous and impressive address amid the rapturous applause of the whole assemblage . The Hon . and Rev . P . Y . SAVILE , P . G . C ., in a most eloquent ancl chaste address , proposed " The health and happiness of the Provincial Grand Wardens , Charles Harropp , Esq ., and the Rev . Dr . Senior , " whose conduct he warmly eulogisedand alluded in glowing terms to
, the courtesy and kindness which he had himself experienced from Dr . Senior on his recent appointment to the office of Grand Chaplain . Immense applause , followed by " AVhen AVinds breathe soft . " The Rev . Dr . SENIOR , P . J . G . W ., on behalf of himself and the Senior Grand AVarden , begged to tender his grateful thanks , and to assure them that this truly flattering expression of their fraternal regard would awaken in their breasts a still greater solicitude to maintainupholdand
, , extend the principles and prosperity of the Craft . On the attainments and zeal of his worth y colleague he need not dilate : his heart was in the cause—liis valuable services would always be at their command—his fervent prayers would ever ascend to the Most High for his blessing upon our sacred Order—( cheers ) . As for himself , he ( Dr . S . ) , was ardently and passionately attached to Masonry , as a man—a Christianand an ambassador of Christ . He conceived it no less his interest than
duty to contribute all in his power to the prosperity of a society , which was not only the most ancient , but the most moral of all human institutions—GOD was its gracious author , and its glorious object was man ' s present peace and eternal salvation . The Rev . Doctor dwelt at considerable length on the antiquity , beauty , moral tendency , obligation and responsibility of Masonry . Its Catholic spiritand boundless charity were displayetl in glowing
termsaccom-, , panied with a strong and fervid appeal to the ladies , who seemed to take a most intense interest in the proceedings of the whole day . He was trul y delighted to sec so splendid an array of Provincial Grand Officers , and behold so vast an assemblage of Brethren of distinction united in one mind and spirit to witness the gratitude of West Yorkshire in testi-