Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 12 of 17 →
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The Rev . Dr . SKNIOH , upon rising to propose the next toast , was received with cheers . After having expressed the delight and gratification which he felt at being present upon an occasion so deeply interesting to every Craftsman , and the pleasure which it gave him to see such an unprecedented number of visiting Brethren around the festive board , who had come from distant parts of the country to testify , by their presencetheir sincere respect for the Right Hon . the Earl of
, Mexborough , —he said it would indeed be unworthy of them as men and Masons—it would be but little in accordance with the tenets of the Craft , or befitting the high moral and Masonic character of the Brethren of AVest Yorkshire , were they , when thus honoured by such an array of Provincial Grand Officers and visiting Brethren of distinction , and
graced by a galaxy of beauty in the orchestra and gallery , not to return their deepest acknowledgments and most grateful thanks for the flattering compliment they had received . He therefore had much pleasure in proposing a toast which , referring as it did to an eminent and distinguished Brother—to one who like their own " dear honoured Chief " was a " burning and a shining light , " would , he felt assured , be received with the greatest enthusiasm . He would not further trespass upon their timebut fervently praying that the blessing of the Most Hih would
, g rest upon all his undertakings , that all his days might be days of pleasantness , and all his paths be peace—he would give ' them , " The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of the AVestern Division of Lancashire , Le Gendre Nicholas Starkie , Esq . " ( Loud and continued cheers ) , followed by a favorite song from his lordship , given in most excellent style .
L . G . N . STARKIE , Esq ., visibly affected by the strong demonstration of the Brethren , returned thanks in a most effective address . He alluded forcibly to the unity and brotherly kindness that bound and cemented his whole province together . He was anxiously devoted to Masonry—grateful for the compliment paid him by the Brethren of AVest Yorkshire—and truly delighted with the proceedings of the day . He wished them every blessing and happiness they could desire . —
( A'ehement cheering ) . The Rev . Dr . NAYLOR , in proposing the next toast said , that it was the health of a Brother on whom he was aware the highest encomiums had been passed . He had done them the honour to attend their meeting that day , and he . had the honour of proposing " The health of the R . AV . D . P . G . M . of East Lancashire—Thomas Preston , Esq . "—( Loud
cneers ) . " The Tramp Chorus . " T . PRESTON , Esq . returned thanks . Bro . ROWDOTHAM , P . M . of the Lodge of Harmony , Huddersfield , said that he had the honour to propose the health of Charles Lee , Esq ., D . P . G . M . —( cheers ) . He had endeared himself to them as Masons by every tie , and had laid them under obligations which they never could repay . ( The toast was drunk with enthusiasm ) .
Song , " Friendshi p , Love , and Truth , " by Mr . Peace . ( This song was loudly cheered . It is the composition of the late P . G . O ., Brother AValton , and is inscribed to Charles Lee , Esq ., R . AV . D . P . G . M . ) C . LEE , Esq ., D . P . G . M ., replied in a most eloquent and heartstirring address , which spoke volumes to every one present , and was most enthusiastically cheered . AA e deeply regret our inability to give a full report of this most masterly and impressive speech . He displayed
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The Rev . Dr . SKNIOH , upon rising to propose the next toast , was received with cheers . After having expressed the delight and gratification which he felt at being present upon an occasion so deeply interesting to every Craftsman , and the pleasure which it gave him to see such an unprecedented number of visiting Brethren around the festive board , who had come from distant parts of the country to testify , by their presencetheir sincere respect for the Right Hon . the Earl of
, Mexborough , —he said it would indeed be unworthy of them as men and Masons—it would be but little in accordance with the tenets of the Craft , or befitting the high moral and Masonic character of the Brethren of AVest Yorkshire , were they , when thus honoured by such an array of Provincial Grand Officers and visiting Brethren of distinction , and
graced by a galaxy of beauty in the orchestra and gallery , not to return their deepest acknowledgments and most grateful thanks for the flattering compliment they had received . He therefore had much pleasure in proposing a toast which , referring as it did to an eminent and distinguished Brother—to one who like their own " dear honoured Chief " was a " burning and a shining light , " would , he felt assured , be received with the greatest enthusiasm . He would not further trespass upon their timebut fervently praying that the blessing of the Most Hih would
, g rest upon all his undertakings , that all his days might be days of pleasantness , and all his paths be peace—he would give ' them , " The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of the AVestern Division of Lancashire , Le Gendre Nicholas Starkie , Esq . " ( Loud and continued cheers ) , followed by a favorite song from his lordship , given in most excellent style .
L . G . N . STARKIE , Esq ., visibly affected by the strong demonstration of the Brethren , returned thanks in a most effective address . He alluded forcibly to the unity and brotherly kindness that bound and cemented his whole province together . He was anxiously devoted to Masonry—grateful for the compliment paid him by the Brethren of AVest Yorkshire—and truly delighted with the proceedings of the day . He wished them every blessing and happiness they could desire . —
( A'ehement cheering ) . The Rev . Dr . NAYLOR , in proposing the next toast said , that it was the health of a Brother on whom he was aware the highest encomiums had been passed . He had done them the honour to attend their meeting that day , and he . had the honour of proposing " The health of the R . AV . D . P . G . M . of East Lancashire—Thomas Preston , Esq . "—( Loud
cneers ) . " The Tramp Chorus . " T . PRESTON , Esq . returned thanks . Bro . ROWDOTHAM , P . M . of the Lodge of Harmony , Huddersfield , said that he had the honour to propose the health of Charles Lee , Esq ., D . P . G . M . —( cheers ) . He had endeared himself to them as Masons by every tie , and had laid them under obligations which they never could repay . ( The toast was drunk with enthusiasm ) .
Song , " Friendshi p , Love , and Truth , " by Mr . Peace . ( This song was loudly cheered . It is the composition of the late P . G . O ., Brother AValton , and is inscribed to Charles Lee , Esq ., R . AV . D . P . G . M . ) C . LEE , Esq ., D . P . G . M ., replied in a most eloquent and heartstirring address , which spoke volumes to every one present , and was most enthusiastically cheered . AA e deeply regret our inability to give a full report of this most masterly and impressive speech . He displayed