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Among numerous letters read , was one from the Right Hon . the Earl Howe , Past Master of the Lodge , expressing his regret that it was impossible for him to attend , on account of urgent business . The procession having reached and entered the county gaol , the body of the deceased was placed on a platform in the centre of the temporary Lodge , and the Master ( Sir F . G . Fowke ) having taken his place at tho head of the corpsethe Masonic service commenced .
, The solemn rites at the grave having ended , the Brethren returned to the Bell Hotel , where the Lodge was closed with the due formalities , and with a blessing . Not the least pleasing feature of the whole assemblage was , the friendly manner in which , acting up to their profession , Brethren of various political opinions united in paying this last tribute of respect to the memory of their deceased Brother .
Bro . Musson , we have been informed , was the senior member of the Leicester Lodge ( the St . John ' s ) , having been initiated in 1816 . He was appointed Junior AVarden in 1818 ; Senior Warden , 1819 ; and performed the duties of his office with credit to himself and with benefit to the Lodge . He had held some of the highest offices in the Prov . Grand Lodge , and at the time of his decease was Provincial Grand Treasurer . He was also Past Z . in the Royal Arch Chapter of Fortitude , attached
to the St . John ' s Lodge . That he practised the precepts of Masonry , is evident from the general esteem in which he was held , and from the manifestation of that esteem , of which we have here given an account . This was the first Masonic funeral that had taken place in Leicester for forty-five years past . Nov . 28 . —At his residence , Bank-street , Norwich , ret . 38 years , Bro . ROBERT DRAKE plumber and glaziera member of the Masonic Ordera
, , , man much respected and deeply regretted , leaving a widow and six small children to lament the loss of a good husband and a tender father . SIR JAMES SPITTA L , knt ., late lord-provost of Edinburgh . This worthy citizen and Brother was , for fifty years , a member of the Craft , during which he several times held some of the highest offices . He was initiated , we believe , in the Thistle Lodge , now defunct .
LUTON . —The Brethren of the Luton Lodge of St . John the Baptist , held their first annual meeting for the dispatch of business , and the requisite appointments , at the George Hotel , Luton , on Friday , June 24 th . AV . Philips , AV . M . ; R . Vyse , P . M . ; Dorrington , T . ; E . C . AVilliamson , S . W . ; T . J . Law , J . AV . ; Oakley , S . D . ; T . Waller , J . D . ; G . Puddephatt , S . ; AA . Hunt , D . C . ; F . Field , J . G . It is to be greatly regretted that the St . John the Baptist is the onl y Lodge in the county .
Are the = at Bedford paralyzed ? CAMBRIDGE , Oct . 14 . —The regular monthly meeting of the Scientific Lodge of this town was held on Monday last , and we are highly gratified to learn that it is in a very flourishing condition , and the number of its members increasing . Nearly forty of the Brethren were present during the evening , and in addition to several superior degrees being conferred , five gentlemen were initiated .
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Among numerous letters read , was one from the Right Hon . the Earl Howe , Past Master of the Lodge , expressing his regret that it was impossible for him to attend , on account of urgent business . The procession having reached and entered the county gaol , the body of the deceased was placed on a platform in the centre of the temporary Lodge , and the Master ( Sir F . G . Fowke ) having taken his place at tho head of the corpsethe Masonic service commenced .
, The solemn rites at the grave having ended , the Brethren returned to the Bell Hotel , where the Lodge was closed with the due formalities , and with a blessing . Not the least pleasing feature of the whole assemblage was , the friendly manner in which , acting up to their profession , Brethren of various political opinions united in paying this last tribute of respect to the memory of their deceased Brother .
Bro . Musson , we have been informed , was the senior member of the Leicester Lodge ( the St . John ' s ) , having been initiated in 1816 . He was appointed Junior AVarden in 1818 ; Senior Warden , 1819 ; and performed the duties of his office with credit to himself and with benefit to the Lodge . He had held some of the highest offices in the Prov . Grand Lodge , and at the time of his decease was Provincial Grand Treasurer . He was also Past Z . in the Royal Arch Chapter of Fortitude , attached
to the St . John ' s Lodge . That he practised the precepts of Masonry , is evident from the general esteem in which he was held , and from the manifestation of that esteem , of which we have here given an account . This was the first Masonic funeral that had taken place in Leicester for forty-five years past . Nov . 28 . —At his residence , Bank-street , Norwich , ret . 38 years , Bro . ROBERT DRAKE plumber and glaziera member of the Masonic Ordera
, , , man much respected and deeply regretted , leaving a widow and six small children to lament the loss of a good husband and a tender father . SIR JAMES SPITTA L , knt ., late lord-provost of Edinburgh . This worthy citizen and Brother was , for fifty years , a member of the Craft , during which he several times held some of the highest offices . He was initiated , we believe , in the Thistle Lodge , now defunct .
LUTON . —The Brethren of the Luton Lodge of St . John the Baptist , held their first annual meeting for the dispatch of business , and the requisite appointments , at the George Hotel , Luton , on Friday , June 24 th . AV . Philips , AV . M . ; R . Vyse , P . M . ; Dorrington , T . ; E . C . AVilliamson , S . W . ; T . J . Law , J . AV . ; Oakley , S . D . ; T . Waller , J . D . ; G . Puddephatt , S . ; AA . Hunt , D . C . ; F . Field , J . G . It is to be greatly regretted that the St . John the Baptist is the onl y Lodge in the county .
Are the = at Bedford paralyzed ? CAMBRIDGE , Oct . 14 . —The regular monthly meeting of the Scientific Lodge of this town was held on Monday last , and we are highly gratified to learn that it is in a very flourishing condition , and the number of its members increasing . Nearly forty of the Brethren were present during the evening , and in addition to several superior degrees being conferred , five gentlemen were initiated .