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Oct . 28 . —The lady of Brother the Rev . Dr . Senior , head-master of Badey Free Grammar School , curate of Crofton , and Provincial Junior Grand AVarden of AA ' est Yorkshire , of a daughter . AA'e understand that the water with which our young sister was baptized into Christ ' s holy catholic church , was brought specially from the well of Moses , near to Suez , in Egypt ; a distant part of the world , rendered dear to every Craftsman by its peculiarly interesting and Masonic associations . Oct . 28 . —At Richmond Terrace , Whitehall , the lady of Brother Edward Driver , Grand Master ' s Lodge , of a son . Dec . 11 . —At Gosport , the wife of Henry Chambers , ( 387 , ) of a son ,
Obituary .
Sept . 26 . —RICHARD , MARQUESS OF WELLESLEY , ret . 82 . —This venerable statesman and Mason is no more ; he died at Kingston House , Brompton , and was buried at Eton College Chapel , on the Sth of October . ( Fide page 399 ) . Oct . 2 . —EARL FERRERS , ret . 82 , at the patrimonial seat , Chartley Castle , Staffordshire . ( Vide page 397 ) . Oct . 1 . —At Portsmouth , on her natal day ! ret . 49 , MARIA , wife of
Bro . Major Travers , Phoenix Lodge , No , 319 . Oct . 14 . —At Portsmouth , ret . 63 , Bro . WM . JEFFERSON , formerly of No . 312 . Oct . 19 . —At Portsmouth , ret . 26 , the wife of Bro . J . H . Smithers , Royal Sussex Lodge , No . 428 . Nov . 4 . —On board H . M . brig Dolphin , on his passage from the Island of Ascension , Bro . D . A . DORATT , of the royal marines , and a member of the Phcenix Lodge , 319 , Portsmouth , eldest son of Bro . Sir John Doratt , M . D ., Junior Grand Deacon , physician to the late ever to be lamented Earl of Durham .
Nov . 28 . —FUNERAL OF THE LATE BROTHER MUSSON , GOVERNOR OF LEICESTER COUNTY GAOL . —Masonic Brethren followed his remains to the grave , in procession , and in Masonic costume ; and though the state of the weather was exceedingly unfavourable , the attendance of the Brethren was both numerous and highly respectable—the Right Worshipful Sir F . G . Fowke , Bart ., D . P . G . M ., also being present , and thus bearing testimony to the respect he entertained for the deceased . One part of Mr . Musson ' s wishhowevercould not be carried into
effect—, , viz ., his interment at Evington , owing to the refusal of the Rev . T . B . Paget , the vicar , to allow the ceremony to take place there ; the corpse was therefore interred in Knighton churchyard , the Rev . Andrew Irvine , with great liberality , allowing the Masonic service to be performed over the grave , for which the Brethren ofthe St . John ' s Lodge , we hear , feel very grateful to the reverend gentleman . The Lodge was opened at the Bell Hotel , about ten o ' clock , being
attended by visiting Brethren from Coventry , Northampton , Loughborough , Hinckley , and other Lodges . The Brethren then walked in procession up the Humberstone Gate , through the market-place , along Market-street , and down the AVclford-road , to the county gaol .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Oct . 28 . —The lady of Brother the Rev . Dr . Senior , head-master of Badey Free Grammar School , curate of Crofton , and Provincial Junior Grand AVarden of AA ' est Yorkshire , of a daughter . AA'e understand that the water with which our young sister was baptized into Christ ' s holy catholic church , was brought specially from the well of Moses , near to Suez , in Egypt ; a distant part of the world , rendered dear to every Craftsman by its peculiarly interesting and Masonic associations . Oct . 28 . —At Richmond Terrace , Whitehall , the lady of Brother Edward Driver , Grand Master ' s Lodge , of a son . Dec . 11 . —At Gosport , the wife of Henry Chambers , ( 387 , ) of a son ,
Obituary .
Sept . 26 . —RICHARD , MARQUESS OF WELLESLEY , ret . 82 . —This venerable statesman and Mason is no more ; he died at Kingston House , Brompton , and was buried at Eton College Chapel , on the Sth of October . ( Fide page 399 ) . Oct . 2 . —EARL FERRERS , ret . 82 , at the patrimonial seat , Chartley Castle , Staffordshire . ( Vide page 397 ) . Oct . 1 . —At Portsmouth , on her natal day ! ret . 49 , MARIA , wife of
Bro . Major Travers , Phoenix Lodge , No , 319 . Oct . 14 . —At Portsmouth , ret . 63 , Bro . WM . JEFFERSON , formerly of No . 312 . Oct . 19 . —At Portsmouth , ret . 26 , the wife of Bro . J . H . Smithers , Royal Sussex Lodge , No . 428 . Nov . 4 . —On board H . M . brig Dolphin , on his passage from the Island of Ascension , Bro . D . A . DORATT , of the royal marines , and a member of the Phcenix Lodge , 319 , Portsmouth , eldest son of Bro . Sir John Doratt , M . D ., Junior Grand Deacon , physician to the late ever to be lamented Earl of Durham .
Nov . 28 . —FUNERAL OF THE LATE BROTHER MUSSON , GOVERNOR OF LEICESTER COUNTY GAOL . —Masonic Brethren followed his remains to the grave , in procession , and in Masonic costume ; and though the state of the weather was exceedingly unfavourable , the attendance of the Brethren was both numerous and highly respectable—the Right Worshipful Sir F . G . Fowke , Bart ., D . P . G . M ., also being present , and thus bearing testimony to the respect he entertained for the deceased . One part of Mr . Musson ' s wishhowevercould not be carried into
effect—, , viz ., his interment at Evington , owing to the refusal of the Rev . T . B . Paget , the vicar , to allow the ceremony to take place there ; the corpse was therefore interred in Knighton churchyard , the Rev . Andrew Irvine , with great liberality , allowing the Masonic service to be performed over the grave , for which the Brethren ofthe St . John ' s Lodge , we hear , feel very grateful to the reverend gentleman . The Lodge was opened at the Bell Hotel , about ten o ' clock , being
attended by visiting Brethren from Coventry , Northampton , Loughborough , Hinckley , and other Lodges . The Brethren then walked in procession up the Humberstone Gate , through the market-place , along Market-street , and down the AVclford-road , to the county gaol .