Article CHIT-CHAT. ← Page 3 of 4 →
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MASONRY IN CHANCERY . —The power of the Lord Chancellor over chattels was , some fifty year ssince , questioned in the case of a Masonic Chapter , during , we believe , the time that the late Lord Loughborough held the seals . The case will be found in A ^ esey ' s Reports , by which it appears that the three Principals of a Chapter applied for an injunction to restrain a landlord from possessing himself of the furniture of the Chapter ; the Chancellor decided that he had power over chattels , and granted the injunction .
THE REV . BRO . S . OLIVER ( father of Dr . Oliver ) , who for the last forty years has so ably and efficiently . discharged the duties of curate of AVhaplode , Lincolnshire , has been presented to the living of Lambley , near Nottingham . This venerable member of the established church is now in his 90 th year , and purposes , we understand , entering upon the duties of his new office on the 1 st of January next—value £ 700 .
Bno . AVM . REYNOLDS , OP TERVENSON . —This veteran Mason ( an . 78 ) , who has , for upwards of fifty years been the confidential agent and steward of the family of the late Lord de Dunstanville , is about to receive a very distinguished mark of the respect in which he is held by the parishioners of lllogan and its neig hbourhood , who have united in a general committee , to devise the most suitable testimonial in recording their estimation of his public and private character . The committee enrolled consist of the magistracy , gentry , and yeomanry of the district in which our estimable Brother is so well known and so much respected .
TESTIMONIAL TO BROTHER AVILLIAM SHAW , December 8 . —The agriculturists of the British empire have done themselves high honour in their presentation , to this gentleman , of a handsome service of plate , of the value of £ 100 , which took place on this day , at the London . Coffee House , Ludgate-hill , in the presence of about one hundred landlords , tenants , and friends to agriculture , who dined together , under the very able presidency of Francis Pym , Esq . The chairman ,
during his various addresses , was particularly happy ; but in hone more so than , when descanting on the invaluable services rendered to agriculture by the talented gentleman in honour of whom the company had that day met , he traced these most important services from their early development to their present fruition , and proposed the health of Mr . Shaw , amid the most enthusiastic cheers of the meeting . Mr . Shaw replied in very energetic and feeling terms , accepting the
graceful and generous compliment paid to hina , with a manly confession that he had really used his best exertions to deserve the good opinion of tlie great and influential body engaged in agricultural pursuits , and that it was no slight gratificatk . 'i to him to believe , that he had aided in successfully promoting the bast objects of the landlord , the tenant , and the labourer—whose interests were inseparably connected . Several other gentlemen addressed the companyamong whomMr . J . Dean returned
, , thanks for the committee in a very delightful address ; and Mr . Allan Ransom spoke on the subject of agriculture , manufactures , and commerce , in a strain of natural eloquence seldom equalled . The evening passed to the gratification of all present , every one expressing themselves delighted with the occasion of their meeting .
BIRTHS . —July 6 . —At Port of Spain , Trinidad , the lady of Brother Henry Louis Jobity , Esq ., AV . M . of the Philanthropic Lodge , No . 585 , of a son and heir . VOL , ix . 3 i
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MASONRY IN CHANCERY . —The power of the Lord Chancellor over chattels was , some fifty year ssince , questioned in the case of a Masonic Chapter , during , we believe , the time that the late Lord Loughborough held the seals . The case will be found in A ^ esey ' s Reports , by which it appears that the three Principals of a Chapter applied for an injunction to restrain a landlord from possessing himself of the furniture of the Chapter ; the Chancellor decided that he had power over chattels , and granted the injunction .
THE REV . BRO . S . OLIVER ( father of Dr . Oliver ) , who for the last forty years has so ably and efficiently . discharged the duties of curate of AVhaplode , Lincolnshire , has been presented to the living of Lambley , near Nottingham . This venerable member of the established church is now in his 90 th year , and purposes , we understand , entering upon the duties of his new office on the 1 st of January next—value £ 700 .
Bno . AVM . REYNOLDS , OP TERVENSON . —This veteran Mason ( an . 78 ) , who has , for upwards of fifty years been the confidential agent and steward of the family of the late Lord de Dunstanville , is about to receive a very distinguished mark of the respect in which he is held by the parishioners of lllogan and its neig hbourhood , who have united in a general committee , to devise the most suitable testimonial in recording their estimation of his public and private character . The committee enrolled consist of the magistracy , gentry , and yeomanry of the district in which our estimable Brother is so well known and so much respected .
TESTIMONIAL TO BROTHER AVILLIAM SHAW , December 8 . —The agriculturists of the British empire have done themselves high honour in their presentation , to this gentleman , of a handsome service of plate , of the value of £ 100 , which took place on this day , at the London . Coffee House , Ludgate-hill , in the presence of about one hundred landlords , tenants , and friends to agriculture , who dined together , under the very able presidency of Francis Pym , Esq . The chairman ,
during his various addresses , was particularly happy ; but in hone more so than , when descanting on the invaluable services rendered to agriculture by the talented gentleman in honour of whom the company had that day met , he traced these most important services from their early development to their present fruition , and proposed the health of Mr . Shaw , amid the most enthusiastic cheers of the meeting . Mr . Shaw replied in very energetic and feeling terms , accepting the
graceful and generous compliment paid to hina , with a manly confession that he had really used his best exertions to deserve the good opinion of tlie great and influential body engaged in agricultural pursuits , and that it was no slight gratificatk . 'i to him to believe , that he had aided in successfully promoting the bast objects of the landlord , the tenant , and the labourer—whose interests were inseparably connected . Several other gentlemen addressed the companyamong whomMr . J . Dean returned
, , thanks for the committee in a very delightful address ; and Mr . Allan Ransom spoke on the subject of agriculture , manufactures , and commerce , in a strain of natural eloquence seldom equalled . The evening passed to the gratification of all present , every one expressing themselves delighted with the occasion of their meeting .
BIRTHS . —July 6 . —At Port of Spain , Trinidad , the lady of Brother Henry Louis Jobity , Esq ., AV . M . of the Philanthropic Lodge , No . 585 , of a son and heir . VOL , ix . 3 i