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Books Jpttsziished Biz * Sherwood, Gilbe...
FREEMASONRY . . Just published , SIGHTS A 3 S * D SYIHBOSS , Illustrated and Explained , in a Course of TWELVE LECTURES on FREEMASONRY . 1 volume , fivo . Second Edition . By the Rev . G . Ouvua , D . J ) , Vicar of Scopwick , Past Deputy Prov . G . M . for Lincolnshire . New Edition , considerably enlarged , with many additional Notes , octavo , price 9 s ., cloth . " What is Masonry ? A beautiful system of morality , veiled in allegory and illustrated by Symbols . "
CHESS , DRAUGHTS , AND CRIBBAGE . Just published , Third Edition , much enlarged . Price Ss . cloth . A OT 33 * W TSBATI 3 B O 2-J CHESS . B \* GEORGE WALKER . Th ' isnew edition has undergone complete revision , and is now the only really seientijie compendium of the game published at a moderate price . ' 2 . CHESS MADE EASY , a new Introduction , exclusively for beginners . By G .
WALKER . Price 3 s . Gd ., gilt edges . . 3 . SELECT GAMES at CHESS , as actually played by Phillidor and his cotemporaries . By G . WALKER . Price os . cloth . 4 . STURGES'S GUIDE to the GAME of DRAUGHTS , with many hundred games played out . Revised by G . Walker . Price 5 s . cloth . 5 . The CRIBBAGE-PLAYER'S TEXT-BOOK , a complete and easy guide . By G . WALKER . Price 3 s . 6 d . bound and gilt . " Mr . Walker has done moie for these games than any other man living . "—Metropolitan Magazine .
DR . PARIS ON DIET AND REGIMEN . New and Improved Edition , nearly re-written , price 12 s . cloth . A TREATISE O 30 * 2 > I E 2 ; With a view to establish , on practical grounds , a System of Rules for the prevention and Cure ofthe Diseases incident to a disordered state ofthe Digestive Functions ; including—Physiological History of Digestion Importance of Ventilated Apartments Disorders of Old Age Sleeping after Dinner
Intermixture of Animal and Vegetable Food Of the circumstances which influence the Digesti-Luncheons objectionable biiiiy of different species of Food and of Drinks Quality of tbe different Meals , and Periods best A Tabular Scheme tor investigating the Causes , adapted for Breakfast , Dinner , Tea , and Supper ' Nature , anil Seat oC Indigestion Quantity of Food and Liquids that should be taken , Of Headache arising from Indigestion , audits Cure at Meals : It des for Dyspeptic Patients Necessity of Exercise Acidity of Stomach , Flatulence , & c . Danger of Gas-light ' By J . A . PAIUS , M . D ., F . R . S ., Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians , & c . & c . *• Dr . Paris's work has become one of authority in the profession . _ This edition contains much new matter , and the reader will lind many suggestions with regard to tlie regulations of Diet and Regimen , —departments of medicine which havo been too long occupied by draughts and pills . " —Britisli Annals of Medicine .
JOHNSON ' S SPORTSMAN ' S DICTIONARY . Just published , in One large Volume , octavo , illustrated with numerous highly finished and emblematical Engravings , price 1 / . lis . Gd ., bound in cloth . A NEW AND ORIGINAL WORK , entitled THE SP OET 5 WI AWS CTCIOPEDIAi Comprehending the Scientific Operations ofthe CHASE , the COURSE , and of all those Diversions and Amusements which have uniformly marked the British Character , and
which are so extensively pursued by the present generation ; . including the Natural History of all those Animals which are the objects of pursuit , with illustrative Anecdotes . By T . B . JOHNSON , Author ofthe " Shooter's Companion , " & c . & c . The Alphabetical Arrangement of this Work will afford every facility to the Header , aud its leading features will be found to contain the Whole Art of HORSEMANSHIP , or the SCIENCE OK HIDING . ThcDOG . in all his Varieties , with his Diseases , Manner of Cure , and the Mode of Breeding and Training him for the different Pursuits ; Directions for cmei ' mg Domv ' . s , and HUNTING the Fox . Hare , Stag , iVc . THE SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF SHOOTING FLYING , as well as every Information relative to the Use of the Fowlingpieeo . COURSING , witll Notices of celebrated Greyhounds . THE RACE-COURSE , with its Operations , in all thfir Varieties ; of Breeding and Training the Uaecr , with particular Notices of the most distinguished Running Horses . Tlie COCK-PIT , and Management of Game Cocks . THE WHOLE AHT OF ANGLING AND FISHING , in all their different Forms , & c .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Books Jpttsziished Biz * Sherwood, Gilbe...
FREEMASONRY . . Just published , SIGHTS A 3 S * D SYIHBOSS , Illustrated and Explained , in a Course of TWELVE LECTURES on FREEMASONRY . 1 volume , fivo . Second Edition . By the Rev . G . Ouvua , D . J ) , Vicar of Scopwick , Past Deputy Prov . G . M . for Lincolnshire . New Edition , considerably enlarged , with many additional Notes , octavo , price 9 s ., cloth . " What is Masonry ? A beautiful system of morality , veiled in allegory and illustrated by Symbols . "
CHESS , DRAUGHTS , AND CRIBBAGE . Just published , Third Edition , much enlarged . Price Ss . cloth . A OT 33 * W TSBATI 3 B O 2-J CHESS . B \* GEORGE WALKER . Th ' isnew edition has undergone complete revision , and is now the only really seientijie compendium of the game published at a moderate price . ' 2 . CHESS MADE EASY , a new Introduction , exclusively for beginners . By G .
WALKER . Price 3 s . Gd ., gilt edges . . 3 . SELECT GAMES at CHESS , as actually played by Phillidor and his cotemporaries . By G . WALKER . Price os . cloth . 4 . STURGES'S GUIDE to the GAME of DRAUGHTS , with many hundred games played out . Revised by G . Walker . Price 5 s . cloth . 5 . The CRIBBAGE-PLAYER'S TEXT-BOOK , a complete and easy guide . By G . WALKER . Price 3 s . 6 d . bound and gilt . " Mr . Walker has done moie for these games than any other man living . "—Metropolitan Magazine .
DR . PARIS ON DIET AND REGIMEN . New and Improved Edition , nearly re-written , price 12 s . cloth . A TREATISE O 30 * 2 > I E 2 ; With a view to establish , on practical grounds , a System of Rules for the prevention and Cure ofthe Diseases incident to a disordered state ofthe Digestive Functions ; including—Physiological History of Digestion Importance of Ventilated Apartments Disorders of Old Age Sleeping after Dinner
Intermixture of Animal and Vegetable Food Of the circumstances which influence the Digesti-Luncheons objectionable biiiiy of different species of Food and of Drinks Quality of tbe different Meals , and Periods best A Tabular Scheme tor investigating the Causes , adapted for Breakfast , Dinner , Tea , and Supper ' Nature , anil Seat oC Indigestion Quantity of Food and Liquids that should be taken , Of Headache arising from Indigestion , audits Cure at Meals : It des for Dyspeptic Patients Necessity of Exercise Acidity of Stomach , Flatulence , & c . Danger of Gas-light ' By J . A . PAIUS , M . D ., F . R . S ., Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians , & c . & c . *• Dr . Paris's work has become one of authority in the profession . _ This edition contains much new matter , and the reader will lind many suggestions with regard to tlie regulations of Diet and Regimen , —departments of medicine which havo been too long occupied by draughts and pills . " —Britisli Annals of Medicine .
JOHNSON ' S SPORTSMAN ' S DICTIONARY . Just published , in One large Volume , octavo , illustrated with numerous highly finished and emblematical Engravings , price 1 / . lis . Gd ., bound in cloth . A NEW AND ORIGINAL WORK , entitled THE SP OET 5 WI AWS CTCIOPEDIAi Comprehending the Scientific Operations ofthe CHASE , the COURSE , and of all those Diversions and Amusements which have uniformly marked the British Character , and
which are so extensively pursued by the present generation ; . including the Natural History of all those Animals which are the objects of pursuit , with illustrative Anecdotes . By T . B . JOHNSON , Author ofthe " Shooter's Companion , " & c . & c . The Alphabetical Arrangement of this Work will afford every facility to the Header , aud its leading features will be found to contain the Whole Art of HORSEMANSHIP , or the SCIENCE OK HIDING . ThcDOG . in all his Varieties , with his Diseases , Manner of Cure , and the Mode of Breeding and Training him for the different Pursuits ; Directions for cmei ' mg Domv ' . s , and HUNTING the Fox . Hare , Stag , iVc . THE SCIENCE AND PRACTICE OF SHOOTING FLYING , as well as every Information relative to the Use of the Fowlingpieeo . COURSING , witll Notices of celebrated Greyhounds . THE RACE-COURSE , with its Operations , in all thfir Varieties ; of Breeding and Training the Uaecr , with particular Notices of the most distinguished Running Horses . Tlie COCK-PIT , and Management of Game Cocks . THE WHOLE AHT OF ANGLING AND FISHING , in all their different Forms , & c .