Article REVIEW OF LITERATURE, &c. ← Page 4 of 8 →
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Review Of Literature, &C.
for , in many respects , he has not done them justice , as any one who has held intercourse with many estimable men , travelling on business or pleasure in this country must know ; perhaps they may have been of the first sample , —if so , they were but a sample of a community of which we have seen but little in the Notes . AVe agree with the author in his denunciation of the filthy custom of incessantly squirting the saliva , impregnated with tobaccoon the carpets ; and the advice to wipe even your purse
, , should it fall , is a home-thrust . Ridicule may effect a change , when abuse might fail . Other authors have created a propensity to visit the United-States ; we suspect Dickens will remove this , and are impressed with the notion that Boz has crossed the Atlantic for the first and last time . The little novelty he has given us , might have been clone without the trouble of being sea-sick . AVe look in vain for that powerful examination into the polity and character of a mighty nation which we
expected from Dickens , who appears to have been feted into a palling sickness , ancl hence his morbid sensibility about the " iron muzzle , " which renders his concluding sentence not even intelligible . Boz is all-powerful with the fourth estate of the realm , and we shall be voted out of fashion ; but even a prime minister may now and then he at fault , and he should be made sensible of it . It does not follow that the mere vibration of the Zenith is a threatening of the Nadir .
The Miser ' s Daughter . In three volumes ; by AV . Harrison Ainsworth . Cunningham . These pleasing volumes are a re-publication from the papers , under the same title as they have appeared in ' Ainswoi-tlt ' s Magazine . . The story is admirably told , and the scenes abound in interest . It is an . unexceptionable moral , and Ainsworth has dedicated it , in a few happy words , to his daughters , who , in the affectionate , dutiful , ancl lovely Hilda Scarve , will appreciate the generous and manly compliment their father has paid to the sex .
Surgical , Operative , and Mechanical Dentistry . By L . Charles de Laude . AVhittaker . This excellent digest of a branch of medical science that interests the popular world , is the substance of a series of lectures delivered by Mr . de Laude , ancl is briefly addressed to his pupils , in compliment to their zeal in pursuit of dental science . AA'e believe the author to be by birth a Hollander ; he is a member of many learned societiesand is evidently
, well versed in the theory ancl practice of his art . The work , although written with all the care and attention to professional etiquette that renders it a useful manual for the student and practitioner , is equally adapted for the perusal of the mother who may be desirous of tracing , from earliest dentition , those symptoms and circumstances that appeal forcibly to her notice , and enable her to comprehend how easily she . may prevent serious and distressing consequences to her child . Mr . de
Laude gives many invaluable recipes for disorders in the teeth and gums , and illustrates every section of his treatise with practical illustrations , which increase its value ; and he especially differs with many who have preceded him , in one respect—that his information is very frankly imparted . Several plates are introduced , and the highly respectable list
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Review Of Literature, &C.
for , in many respects , he has not done them justice , as any one who has held intercourse with many estimable men , travelling on business or pleasure in this country must know ; perhaps they may have been of the first sample , —if so , they were but a sample of a community of which we have seen but little in the Notes . AVe agree with the author in his denunciation of the filthy custom of incessantly squirting the saliva , impregnated with tobaccoon the carpets ; and the advice to wipe even your purse
, , should it fall , is a home-thrust . Ridicule may effect a change , when abuse might fail . Other authors have created a propensity to visit the United-States ; we suspect Dickens will remove this , and are impressed with the notion that Boz has crossed the Atlantic for the first and last time . The little novelty he has given us , might have been clone without the trouble of being sea-sick . AVe look in vain for that powerful examination into the polity and character of a mighty nation which we
expected from Dickens , who appears to have been feted into a palling sickness , ancl hence his morbid sensibility about the " iron muzzle , " which renders his concluding sentence not even intelligible . Boz is all-powerful with the fourth estate of the realm , and we shall be voted out of fashion ; but even a prime minister may now and then he at fault , and he should be made sensible of it . It does not follow that the mere vibration of the Zenith is a threatening of the Nadir .
The Miser ' s Daughter . In three volumes ; by AV . Harrison Ainsworth . Cunningham . These pleasing volumes are a re-publication from the papers , under the same title as they have appeared in ' Ainswoi-tlt ' s Magazine . . The story is admirably told , and the scenes abound in interest . It is an . unexceptionable moral , and Ainsworth has dedicated it , in a few happy words , to his daughters , who , in the affectionate , dutiful , ancl lovely Hilda Scarve , will appreciate the generous and manly compliment their father has paid to the sex .
Surgical , Operative , and Mechanical Dentistry . By L . Charles de Laude . AVhittaker . This excellent digest of a branch of medical science that interests the popular world , is the substance of a series of lectures delivered by Mr . de Laude , ancl is briefly addressed to his pupils , in compliment to their zeal in pursuit of dental science . AA'e believe the author to be by birth a Hollander ; he is a member of many learned societiesand is evidently
, well versed in the theory ancl practice of his art . The work , although written with all the care and attention to professional etiquette that renders it a useful manual for the student and practitioner , is equally adapted for the perusal of the mother who may be desirous of tracing , from earliest dentition , those symptoms and circumstances that appeal forcibly to her notice , and enable her to comprehend how easily she . may prevent serious and distressing consequences to her child . Mr . de
Laude gives many invaluable recipes for disorders in the teeth and gums , and illustrates every section of his treatise with practical illustrations , which increase its value ; and he especially differs with many who have preceded him , in one respect—that his information is very frankly imparted . Several plates are introduced , and the highly respectable list