Article THE CHARITIES. ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE REPORTER. Page 1 of 2 →
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The Charities.
next , and thc list of candidates increased to twenty-one , so that a smart contest may be expected . Thc application of the Editor to a proposed monthly publication , to have the transactions of the charity communicated to him , was unanimously refused . A report of the Sub-Committee , appointed to revise the rules and regulations of lhe institution was presentedbutas the routine business
, , of the day bad occupied the General Committee from seven until close upon ten o ' clock , an adjournment to the following Monday , at seven in the evening , was duly moved and carried ; and , with thanks voted to the Chairman , the Committee so adjourned . Dec . 14 . —Brother Crueefix in the Chair . The Committee entere t upon the examination of the revised laws and regulations , and sat unt 1 ten o ' clockwhen they adjourned until Saturday the 19 th .
, Several adjourned Committees have been since held . The anniversary festival , in aid of the excellent Institution , will be held at Freemason ' s Hall , on the 10 th March , 3841 , when we hope that a numerous attendance , a libera ! subscription , and the most perfect re-union may add to the prosperity and ensure the stability of the charity .
The Reporter.
LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Oct . 2 . —The Masonic session maybe said tocommenceon the first Friday in October , which is the anniversary of "the EmulationLodge of Improvement for Master Masons , " ivhich , as it is well known , was founded by the late Brothers Peter Gilkes , John Smith , E . Wittington , and others ; and some of their pupils , who , still glorying in perpetuating
the valuable services which the departed worthies rendered to the Craft , are impressed with a filial respect for their memory , and are imbued wilh spirit and zeal to hand down the information to future generations . Brothers S . B . Wilson , Key , Pike , and other excellent brethren , and again their pupils , at the head of whom may be reckoned Brother Savage , merit the admiration of the Craft , for their unremitting labours ; it is to us a most gratifying duty to be able to write thus of those past and
present , to whom , as Masons , we are so much indebted . On this evening , the presiding Master , Brother Z . Watkins alluded to the valuable services of the Treasurer , Brother S . B . Wilson , who was unanimously re-elected , but we regret to record his absence from severe indisposition . The Master presented to Brother Savage a very handsome jewel , that had been subscribed for by the brethren , to mark their sense of his kind and efficient services for several years as
Secretary . After supper , the memory of the late Brother Peter Gilkes was drunk in solemn silence—the Queen and Prince Albert—the Grand Master , the Duke of Sussex—may he nobly exercise his high prerogative of justice with charity , by promoting the union of peace and harmony—the Grand Officers , with some Masonic allusions to the recent appointment of the Marquis of Salisbury . These loyal and Masonic toasts were all well received .
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The Charities.
next , and thc list of candidates increased to twenty-one , so that a smart contest may be expected . Thc application of the Editor to a proposed monthly publication , to have the transactions of the charity communicated to him , was unanimously refused . A report of the Sub-Committee , appointed to revise the rules and regulations of lhe institution was presentedbutas the routine business
, , of the day bad occupied the General Committee from seven until close upon ten o ' clock , an adjournment to the following Monday , at seven in the evening , was duly moved and carried ; and , with thanks voted to the Chairman , the Committee so adjourned . Dec . 14 . —Brother Crueefix in the Chair . The Committee entere t upon the examination of the revised laws and regulations , and sat unt 1 ten o ' clockwhen they adjourned until Saturday the 19 th .
, Several adjourned Committees have been since held . The anniversary festival , in aid of the excellent Institution , will be held at Freemason ' s Hall , on the 10 th March , 3841 , when we hope that a numerous attendance , a libera ! subscription , and the most perfect re-union may add to the prosperity and ensure the stability of the charity .
The Reporter.
LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Oct . 2 . —The Masonic session maybe said tocommenceon the first Friday in October , which is the anniversary of "the EmulationLodge of Improvement for Master Masons , " ivhich , as it is well known , was founded by the late Brothers Peter Gilkes , John Smith , E . Wittington , and others ; and some of their pupils , who , still glorying in perpetuating
the valuable services which the departed worthies rendered to the Craft , are impressed with a filial respect for their memory , and are imbued wilh spirit and zeal to hand down the information to future generations . Brothers S . B . Wilson , Key , Pike , and other excellent brethren , and again their pupils , at the head of whom may be reckoned Brother Savage , merit the admiration of the Craft , for their unremitting labours ; it is to us a most gratifying duty to be able to write thus of those past and
present , to whom , as Masons , we are so much indebted . On this evening , the presiding Master , Brother Z . Watkins alluded to the valuable services of the Treasurer , Brother S . B . Wilson , who was unanimously re-elected , but we regret to record his absence from severe indisposition . The Master presented to Brother Savage a very handsome jewel , that had been subscribed for by the brethren , to mark their sense of his kind and efficient services for several years as
Secretary . After supper , the memory of the late Brother Peter Gilkes was drunk in solemn silence—the Queen and Prince Albert—the Grand Master , the Duke of Sussex—may he nobly exercise his high prerogative of justice with charity , by promoting the union of peace and harmony—the Grand Officers , with some Masonic allusions to the recent appointment of the Marquis of Salisbury . These loyal and Masonic toasts were all well received .