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On The Causes Of The Original Dispersion Of Primitive Nations,
should perpetuate "their name" ancl worship in all the earth . We do not read that the whole earth teas one , hut that " the people ( or nation , or colony ) was ONE . " In corroboration of the fact that fierce' ancl bloody wars prevailed on earth during this " Age of Contention , " I will cite the words of Sir W Jones , ivho remarks ( vol . iv . ) " From the laws of Menu , which have lately appeared in our languagewe may perceive that the ancient
, Hindus were fond of reasoning in their way , on the mysteries of animal generation , ancl on the comparative influence of the sexes in the production of perfect offspring ; and we may collect from the authorities adduced in the learned Essay on Egypt ancl the Nile , that their physiological disputes led to violent schisms in religion , ancl even to bloody ¦ wars . "
In Wilforcl ' s Essay on the Nile , vol . iii . p . 360 , he says , " This diversity of opinion seems to have occasioned the general war which is often mentioned in the Purannas , and was celebrated by the poets of the west as the basis of the Grecian mythology . According to both Nonnus ancl the Hindu mycologists , it began in India , whence it spread over the WHOLE GLOBE , and ALL MANKIND appear to have borne a part in it . These physiological contests were disguised under a veil of the wildest allegories ancl emblemsin Egyptand in India" especiall ( and
gene-, , y , rally in every other country . ) This epoch of warfare and bloodshed is alluded to frequently as the " Age of Contention , " or " Confusion , " ancl Wilford is of opinion that the Indian war described in the Dyonysiacs arose out of this religious quarrel . That this essential difference of opinion as to the real ascendency and superiority of male or female , as such , involved also the physical problem of the predominant agency of either sex in the mystery
of generation , ( which it is clear they were pleased erroneously to look upon as synonimous with Creation itself , ) is I think fully evident ; but I am inclined also to believe , that the Pish-de-Danaan sect , those fierce contenders for the supremacy of the female influence , certainly derived no little of the plausibility of their pretensions from a reference to the
prirmeval prophecy , that the " WOMAN ' seed should bruise the serpent ' s head ; " and in that sense at least , it is natural to suppose that they could hardly fail to consider otherwise than as supremely sacred that mystical womb , or consecrated yoni , which was one day to bring forth the Incarnate Conqueror of Death , and the Almighty Deliverer of Men . That many and other motives likewise influenced and decided their physico-theological election is not intended to be denied ; motives
" of which we cannot now speak particularly ; " but , be this as it may , I think , after what has been , ancl all that might be advanced , from sources such as the Purannas , and others of equal weight , concerning the character of those bloody and universal wars , in which all mankind bore a part , and after having clearly stated the nature of the respective national edifices in question , we can scarcely come to any other conclusionthan that they were assuredly erected by the VICTORS in these
, mighty contests , as the appropriate and gigantic trophies of their conquests , and of their national reli gion ; and , subsequently , by their descendants , in commemoration of those great divisions ancl dissentions , at once the cause of the universal warfare , and of their own dispersion in countries which still retain memorials that mark tbe religion to which either party respectively continued to adhere . Having thus briefly touched on the data which have led us on to the
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On The Causes Of The Original Dispersion Of Primitive Nations,
should perpetuate "their name" ancl worship in all the earth . We do not read that the whole earth teas one , hut that " the people ( or nation , or colony ) was ONE . " In corroboration of the fact that fierce' ancl bloody wars prevailed on earth during this " Age of Contention , " I will cite the words of Sir W Jones , ivho remarks ( vol . iv . ) " From the laws of Menu , which have lately appeared in our languagewe may perceive that the ancient
, Hindus were fond of reasoning in their way , on the mysteries of animal generation , ancl on the comparative influence of the sexes in the production of perfect offspring ; and we may collect from the authorities adduced in the learned Essay on Egypt ancl the Nile , that their physiological disputes led to violent schisms in religion , ancl even to bloody ¦ wars . "
In Wilforcl ' s Essay on the Nile , vol . iii . p . 360 , he says , " This diversity of opinion seems to have occasioned the general war which is often mentioned in the Purannas , and was celebrated by the poets of the west as the basis of the Grecian mythology . According to both Nonnus ancl the Hindu mycologists , it began in India , whence it spread over the WHOLE GLOBE , and ALL MANKIND appear to have borne a part in it . These physiological contests were disguised under a veil of the wildest allegories ancl emblemsin Egyptand in India" especiall ( and
gene-, , y , rally in every other country . ) This epoch of warfare and bloodshed is alluded to frequently as the " Age of Contention , " or " Confusion , " ancl Wilford is of opinion that the Indian war described in the Dyonysiacs arose out of this religious quarrel . That this essential difference of opinion as to the real ascendency and superiority of male or female , as such , involved also the physical problem of the predominant agency of either sex in the mystery
of generation , ( which it is clear they were pleased erroneously to look upon as synonimous with Creation itself , ) is I think fully evident ; but I am inclined also to believe , that the Pish-de-Danaan sect , those fierce contenders for the supremacy of the female influence , certainly derived no little of the plausibility of their pretensions from a reference to the
prirmeval prophecy , that the " WOMAN ' seed should bruise the serpent ' s head ; " and in that sense at least , it is natural to suppose that they could hardly fail to consider otherwise than as supremely sacred that mystical womb , or consecrated yoni , which was one day to bring forth the Incarnate Conqueror of Death , and the Almighty Deliverer of Men . That many and other motives likewise influenced and decided their physico-theological election is not intended to be denied ; motives
" of which we cannot now speak particularly ; " but , be this as it may , I think , after what has been , ancl all that might be advanced , from sources such as the Purannas , and others of equal weight , concerning the character of those bloody and universal wars , in which all mankind bore a part , and after having clearly stated the nature of the respective national edifices in question , we can scarcely come to any other conclusionthan that they were assuredly erected by the VICTORS in these
, mighty contests , as the appropriate and gigantic trophies of their conquests , and of their national reli gion ; and , subsequently , by their descendants , in commemoration of those great divisions ancl dissentions , at once the cause of the universal warfare , and of their own dispersion in countries which still retain memorials that mark tbe religion to which either party respectively continued to adhere . Having thus briefly touched on the data which have led us on to the