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The Freemasons' Quarterly Review.
worth , although in social rank he mig ht not vie with other Brethren . These , among a few suggestions that occur on the instant , because they grow out of immediate occasion . MOST IMPORTANT TO THE PROVINCES . —In our present number , under the head of " The Charities , " will be found is
a notice of a motion , in which every Provincial Lodge deeply interested . It is to the following effect : — " To alter the existing mode of distributing the ' Fund of Masonic Benevolence , ' and to propose , instead thereof , a resolution affirming'THAT IT IS JUST AND EXPEDIENT THAT THREE-FOURTHS OF THE AVAILABLE FUNDS OF THE GRAND LODGE BE DISTRIBUTED ON THE ANNUITY PRINCIPLE TO POOR AND DESERVING MASONS , AND THEIR WIDOWS ; AND THE REMAINDER APPLIED TO SUCH INDIVIDUAL OASES OF EMERGENCY AS MAY REQUIRE PARTICULAR RELIEF . '
" If the Grand Lodge should affirm the foregoing resolution , the M . W . G . Master will be respectfully solicited to point out the best mode of carrying into effect the practical operation of the principle adopted . " It was intended to have argued this motion at the last Grand Lodge , —but time did not permit , It will most prointo
bably come on in March . We shall not now enter our reasons for protesting against the diversion of a sacred fund from certain and approved principles , to the object stated , however good ; because it will be for the provinces to declare their opinion whether the monthly benevolence is to be cut down to one-fourth , when at the present moment lum
the cases require all the means . It is true the Asy has operated in a small degree on the pressure ; but only in a small degree , from the opposition it has encountered .
THE MASONIC AND UNIVERSAL LIFE ASSURANCE , AND SAVINGS BANK ASSOCIATION . — The Provisional Committee of Management have been actively engaged , during the dull season , in so improving and methodising the very extensive and novel plan , of which the foundation had been previously laid , as to guard against the possibility of little remains to be done
after-disappointment ; and beyond the reception of shareholders , in the order of subscrip tion , within and beyond the first 4 , 000 shares , which have a peculiar , but by no means an unequitable privilege . A short extract from the prospectus will , perhaps , place this in a clearer point of view to our readers : — " In order that there shall be a bond fide and growing business secured from the outset , Proprietors ADMITTED
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Freemasons' Quarterly Review.
worth , although in social rank he mig ht not vie with other Brethren . These , among a few suggestions that occur on the instant , because they grow out of immediate occasion . MOST IMPORTANT TO THE PROVINCES . —In our present number , under the head of " The Charities , " will be found is
a notice of a motion , in which every Provincial Lodge deeply interested . It is to the following effect : — " To alter the existing mode of distributing the ' Fund of Masonic Benevolence , ' and to propose , instead thereof , a resolution affirming'THAT IT IS JUST AND EXPEDIENT THAT THREE-FOURTHS OF THE AVAILABLE FUNDS OF THE GRAND LODGE BE DISTRIBUTED ON THE ANNUITY PRINCIPLE TO POOR AND DESERVING MASONS , AND THEIR WIDOWS ; AND THE REMAINDER APPLIED TO SUCH INDIVIDUAL OASES OF EMERGENCY AS MAY REQUIRE PARTICULAR RELIEF . '
" If the Grand Lodge should affirm the foregoing resolution , the M . W . G . Master will be respectfully solicited to point out the best mode of carrying into effect the practical operation of the principle adopted . " It was intended to have argued this motion at the last Grand Lodge , —but time did not permit , It will most prointo
bably come on in March . We shall not now enter our reasons for protesting against the diversion of a sacred fund from certain and approved principles , to the object stated , however good ; because it will be for the provinces to declare their opinion whether the monthly benevolence is to be cut down to one-fourth , when at the present moment lum
the cases require all the means . It is true the Asy has operated in a small degree on the pressure ; but only in a small degree , from the opposition it has encountered .
THE MASONIC AND UNIVERSAL LIFE ASSURANCE , AND SAVINGS BANK ASSOCIATION . — The Provisional Committee of Management have been actively engaged , during the dull season , in so improving and methodising the very extensive and novel plan , of which the foundation had been previously laid , as to guard against the possibility of little remains to be done
after-disappointment ; and beyond the reception of shareholders , in the order of subscrip tion , within and beyond the first 4 , 000 shares , which have a peculiar , but by no means an unequitable privilege . A short extract from the prospectus will , perhaps , place this in a clearer point of view to our readers : — " In order that there shall be a bond fide and growing business secured from the outset , Proprietors ADMITTED