Article ON FREEMASONRY. ← Page 5 of 10 →
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On Freemasonry.
the architect and antiquary of modern times . This was effected by the discipline of the Lodges , or schools of art , to which none were admitted but youth of acknowledged talent and moral worth , who promised to advance science by their skill , and adorn it by their virtues . To these the secrets of the profession were communicated freeland
y without reserve ; and hence it was , that by the progressive improvements suggested and developed by the matured judgement of succeeding generations of expert operative Masons , the arts attained that high degree of perfection , which has immortalised the memory of our ancient Brethren .
When the Grecian Masonry attained its highest perfection , under the superintendence ofthe Dionysian architects , who practised the spurious Freemasonry , and settled themselves down in Ionia , the productions of every other people
were visibly eclipsed in elegance of design and delicacy of execution , although it fell short in massiveness of character , and failed to attain that description of grandeur which accompanies gigantic proportions , solidity , and vastness . * Emulation was excited , and rising talent fostered by the public estimation which was uniformly awarded to superior
excellence . And hence the scientific lessons which were communicated to the aspirant in secret were carefully studied ; and intense application , united with sedulous practice , could scarcely fail to produce abundant fruits . The honours so profusely showered on the expert artist , were a key to the hihest distinctions of the commonwealth . He was
g thus rendered competent to legislate for his country , or to command its armies ; and enjoyed the anticipation of seeing his statue placed beside those which he himself , perhaps , had sculptured for the saviours and benefactors of their country . The Grecian Brethren reduced architecture into a more
methodical form , by the introduction of regular Orders , a rapid sketch of which may not be uninteresting in this place , as they were invented by the Society of Freemasons . The Five Orders were denominated the Tuscan , the Doric , the Ionic , the Corinthian , and the Composite . The most orig inal and useful of these are the Doric , the Ionic , and
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On Freemasonry.
the architect and antiquary of modern times . This was effected by the discipline of the Lodges , or schools of art , to which none were admitted but youth of acknowledged talent and moral worth , who promised to advance science by their skill , and adorn it by their virtues . To these the secrets of the profession were communicated freeland
y without reserve ; and hence it was , that by the progressive improvements suggested and developed by the matured judgement of succeeding generations of expert operative Masons , the arts attained that high degree of perfection , which has immortalised the memory of our ancient Brethren .
When the Grecian Masonry attained its highest perfection , under the superintendence ofthe Dionysian architects , who practised the spurious Freemasonry , and settled themselves down in Ionia , the productions of every other people
were visibly eclipsed in elegance of design and delicacy of execution , although it fell short in massiveness of character , and failed to attain that description of grandeur which accompanies gigantic proportions , solidity , and vastness . * Emulation was excited , and rising talent fostered by the public estimation which was uniformly awarded to superior
excellence . And hence the scientific lessons which were communicated to the aspirant in secret were carefully studied ; and intense application , united with sedulous practice , could scarcely fail to produce abundant fruits . The honours so profusely showered on the expert artist , were a key to the hihest distinctions of the commonwealth . He was
g thus rendered competent to legislate for his country , or to command its armies ; and enjoyed the anticipation of seeing his statue placed beside those which he himself , perhaps , had sculptured for the saviours and benefactors of their country . The Grecian Brethren reduced architecture into a more
methodical form , by the introduction of regular Orders , a rapid sketch of which may not be uninteresting in this place , as they were invented by the Society of Freemasons . The Five Orders were denominated the Tuscan , the Doric , the Ionic , the Corinthian , and the Composite . The most orig inal and useful of these are the Doric , the Ionic , and