Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Library, 314, High Holborn. Brother R. Sponcer's
CATALOGUE OP SCARCE MASONIC BOOKS , Corrected to this time ; only one copy of many of them remain unsold .
The Constitutions of the Freemasons , by J T . Desaguliers , 4 to ., fine engraved frontispiece , scarce and curious , Lis . London , 1723 ( Tlie above is tho first Book of the Constitutions printed , and very rarely to be met with . ) ' . by Anderson , revised and brought down to 1754 by J . Entick , 4 to ., Bs . Od . 1756 — T ~ 7 ZT . —TT , ™ other copy , brought down to IJdfc . with frontispiece , 4 to ., 12 s . 17 ( 17 , another , enlarged by j . Noorthouck down to
, brought 1784 , line copy , with trontispiece , 4 to , 15 s . Y ] Q \ ¦ ' , another , in Masonic halfbinding , 4 to ., IGs . Gd . 1704 Account of the Royal Cumberland Freemasons ' School , Is . 1790 Ashe , ( Rev . J . ) Masonic Manual , 6 s . 1825 Beauties of Freemasonry , by an AncientiBrother , 3 s . 1827 Browne ' s ( J . ) Master Key . 4 s . Gd . 1700 Candid Disquisition of tlie Principles and Practice of Callcott
Freemasonry , by W . , P . M ., Gs . Gd . 17 G 9 ¦ , , large paper , 9 s . Gd . 17 G . 9 Complete Freemason , or Multa Paucis , with Engraved Title . 5 s . Gd . b iycA Cole ' s Illustrations of Masonry , 2 s . Gd . 1801 , another copy , bound , 3 s . Gd . Cole ' s List of all the Regular Lodges , Is . Gd . 1771 Da Costa ' s Narrative of his Persecution in Lisbon by the Inquisition , for tho pretended Crime of Freemawith fine portrait 2 vols 1811
sonry , , . Gs . —— , another copy , neatly halfbound , 7 s . 1811 Dermott's Ahiman Rezon , or a Help to a Brother . & c ., engraved title and frontispiece , fine copy , Gs . Gd ., London , 17 G 4 — ¦—— , revised and corrected by T . Harper , D . G . M ., with frontispiece . Gs . 1807 , Fifth Edition , with additions 4 Gd
, s . . Dublin , 17110 ¦ , abridged by W . Smith , D D ., with engraved frontispiece , 4 s . Philadelphia , 1783 Finch ' s ( VV . ) Elucidation of the Masonic Plates , 3 s . Gd . Freemasons' Calendar for 1775 , the first year of publication , bound in morocco , with nine other Almanacks for the same year , 5 s . Freemasons' Calendar for 1804 , 1810 , Is . Gd . each . Freemasons' Magazine , June 1703 to June 1794 , plates , 2 vols , 12 s . Freemasons' Pocket Companion , 2 s . Gd . 1831
FRENCH WORKS ON FREEMASONRY . Abrege de l'Histoire de la Franc Maconnerie , avec des Chansons , 4 s . Gd . Lausanne , 1779 L'Antiquite de la Franc Maconnerie , par M . A . Lenoir , avec dix Planches , 4 to ., half-bound , ( this vol . contains some fine large folding plates ) , 24 s . T , T „ Piaia , 1814 L Influence attribute aux Frances-Macons , & c ., sur la Revolution de France , par J . L . Mounier , 4 s . 1801 Instructions des Trois Premiers Grades de la
Franc-Maconnerie , Is . Gd . Le Secret des Franc-Magons , avec Chansons , 4 s ., Paris , 1744 Le Lire Maconne , ou Rccueil de Chansons des Franc-Macons , ( a volume of upwards of 500 pages , the first verse of each song , tfcc , set to music ) , 7 s . Gd ., St . La Haye , 1784 Maconnerie Symbolique , Is . Gd . Paris , 1809
Procedures Curieuses de I'lnquisition du Portugal , contre les Franes-Macons , en Trois Parties , 4 s . " Gil . Garland ' s Masonic Effusions , 2 s . 18 ly . with Portrait , 2 s . Gd ., 1810 , bound , : is . Gd . 11119 Harris's ( Rev . T . M . ) Masonic Discourses , with frontispiece , Gs . Gd . Charlcstown , 1801 History of the Knights of Malta , from the earliest period to fho present time , by A . Sutherland , Esq ., 5
plates , s . Edinburgh , IBM — ¦ , another copy , neally bound , Gs . Hutchinson's Spirit of Masonry , 5 s . Gd . 1775 Jones ' s Masonic Miscellanies , 3 s . Gd . 171 f / Masonic Sermon , hy Rev . W . Fenn , Is . 1819 Discourse , by C F . Wittwer , Is . 1811 Eulogy on Gen . Washington ; Masonic Sermon by Rev . P . Mathews , and other Eulogies , & e , in 1 vol ., 5 s . fid . Charlcstown , 1801 Minstrel ; a Collection of upwards of Two Hundred
Songs , & c ., 3 s . Gd . 182 H Choirester ; collected by W . Sheppard , 2 s . 1784 — Songs ; a choice Collection , & c , 2 s . Gd ., Dumfries , 1784 —Museum ; a Select Collection of Songs , with Portrait of George IV ., 2 s . 1799 Union ; an Address to his Grace the Duke of Athol , on the Union , 2 s . Gd . 1804 Another Copy , bound in calf , 4 s . Gd . 1804 Masonic Plates , ( Eight ) by Cipriani , Brown & e „ 4 to ., 5 s . 17 ( 15 Masonic
Mudge , ( R . C . ) Poem and Songs , 2 s . Gd . 11119 Oliver ' s , ( Rev . Geo . ) Signs and Symbols , fls . 1837 — ' — ' Antiquities of Freemasonry , lis . 1823 Edition of Preston ' s Illus ' trations of Masonry , 8 s . bds ., 10 s . Gd . half , or 12 .-. whole bound with Masonic tooling 1829 Philosophy of Masons . In several Epistles from Egypt , to a Nobleman , 3 s . 1790 Preston ' s Illustrations of Masonry , ninth edition , 3 s . 6 d . —— —¦ . another
thircopy , teenth edition , with additions , hy Stephen Jones , 5 s . Gd . ij ) 2 i Robison ' s Proofs of a Conspiracy against all the Governments of Europe , carried on in the Secret Meetings of theFreeinasons , Illuminati , & c , Gs . 1798 Another copy , half bound . Masonic tooling . & . 1798 Sandy ' s History of Freemasonry , 3 s . 1829 Sandoval ; or . The Freemason , a Spanish tale , 3 vols ., 12 s . 1826 Scott ' s ( J . ) Freemasons' Pocket Companion , to which is added
an Apology for their Persecution in the Pone ' s Dominions , & e ., & c , 4 s . 1764 Smith ' s Use and Abuse of Freemasonry ; a work of the greatest utility to the Brethren of the Society , Sic , 7 s . Gd . 1783 Another copy , hound calf , 8 s . Gd . 1783 —¦ ( W . ) Pocket Companion for Freemasons ' engraved Frontispiece , 5 s . 6 d . London , 1735 Another copy , with additions , 5 s . Gd ., Edinburgh 1752 Sufferings of John Coustos for Freemasonry , and for refusing to turn Roman Catholic , in the Inquisition at Lisbon , with Portrait and Plates , 7 s . Ed , London , 1746 Another copy , printed at Birmingham , with additional plates , & c , Gs . 1790
M . B . —10 prevent disappointment , all orders sent direct to Bro R . Spencer , ( accompanied with a remittance , or a referencefor payment in London ) , will be faithfully attended to . Also on Sale , all the Numbers of the Freemasons' Quarterly Review , from its commencement in 1834 .
Bro . R . S . has a set of this Review , viz . for 1834 , S , 6 , 7 , 8 , handsomely half-bound in blue calf , with Masonic Embellishments ; , price SI . 3 s . ; or any year separate , at 15 s . Gd . R . S . has on Sale all the Annuals for 1840 ; also a great variety of Almanacks , Diaries , Housekeeping and Pocket Books . get A large Assortment of'Children ' s Books , and handsomely-bound Books for presents . Orders thankfully received for Books , -lationcry , and Bokbinding , & c . R . S . has lately published a Supplementary Catalogue to his extensive Circulating Libraryand to refer the readers of
, begs respectfully the Masonic Review to the terms of subscription , & c , in No . XXIFL , for September , 1839 . January , 1840 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Library, 314, High Holborn. Brother R. Sponcer's
CATALOGUE OP SCARCE MASONIC BOOKS , Corrected to this time ; only one copy of many of them remain unsold .
The Constitutions of the Freemasons , by J T . Desaguliers , 4 to ., fine engraved frontispiece , scarce and curious , Lis . London , 1723 ( Tlie above is tho first Book of the Constitutions printed , and very rarely to be met with . ) ' . by Anderson , revised and brought down to 1754 by J . Entick , 4 to ., Bs . Od . 1756 — T ~ 7 ZT . —TT , ™ other copy , brought down to IJdfc . with frontispiece , 4 to ., 12 s . 17 ( 17 , another , enlarged by j . Noorthouck down to
, brought 1784 , line copy , with trontispiece , 4 to , 15 s . Y ] Q \ ¦ ' , another , in Masonic halfbinding , 4 to ., IGs . Gd . 1704 Account of the Royal Cumberland Freemasons ' School , Is . 1790 Ashe , ( Rev . J . ) Masonic Manual , 6 s . 1825 Beauties of Freemasonry , by an AncientiBrother , 3 s . 1827 Browne ' s ( J . ) Master Key . 4 s . Gd . 1700 Candid Disquisition of tlie Principles and Practice of Callcott
Freemasonry , by W . , P . M ., Gs . Gd . 17 G 9 ¦ , , large paper , 9 s . Gd . 17 G . 9 Complete Freemason , or Multa Paucis , with Engraved Title . 5 s . Gd . b iycA Cole ' s Illustrations of Masonry , 2 s . Gd . 1801 , another copy , bound , 3 s . Gd . Cole ' s List of all the Regular Lodges , Is . Gd . 1771 Da Costa ' s Narrative of his Persecution in Lisbon by the Inquisition , for tho pretended Crime of Freemawith fine portrait 2 vols 1811
sonry , , . Gs . —— , another copy , neatly halfbound , 7 s . 1811 Dermott's Ahiman Rezon , or a Help to a Brother . & c ., engraved title and frontispiece , fine copy , Gs . Gd ., London , 17 G 4 — ¦—— , revised and corrected by T . Harper , D . G . M ., with frontispiece . Gs . 1807 , Fifth Edition , with additions 4 Gd
, s . . Dublin , 17110 ¦ , abridged by W . Smith , D D ., with engraved frontispiece , 4 s . Philadelphia , 1783 Finch ' s ( VV . ) Elucidation of the Masonic Plates , 3 s . Gd . Freemasons' Calendar for 1775 , the first year of publication , bound in morocco , with nine other Almanacks for the same year , 5 s . Freemasons' Calendar for 1804 , 1810 , Is . Gd . each . Freemasons' Magazine , June 1703 to June 1794 , plates , 2 vols , 12 s . Freemasons' Pocket Companion , 2 s . Gd . 1831
FRENCH WORKS ON FREEMASONRY . Abrege de l'Histoire de la Franc Maconnerie , avec des Chansons , 4 s . Gd . Lausanne , 1779 L'Antiquite de la Franc Maconnerie , par M . A . Lenoir , avec dix Planches , 4 to ., half-bound , ( this vol . contains some fine large folding plates ) , 24 s . T , T „ Piaia , 1814 L Influence attribute aux Frances-Macons , & c ., sur la Revolution de France , par J . L . Mounier , 4 s . 1801 Instructions des Trois Premiers Grades de la
Franc-Maconnerie , Is . Gd . Le Secret des Franc-Magons , avec Chansons , 4 s ., Paris , 1744 Le Lire Maconne , ou Rccueil de Chansons des Franc-Macons , ( a volume of upwards of 500 pages , the first verse of each song , tfcc , set to music ) , 7 s . Gd ., St . La Haye , 1784 Maconnerie Symbolique , Is . Gd . Paris , 1809
Procedures Curieuses de I'lnquisition du Portugal , contre les Franes-Macons , en Trois Parties , 4 s . " Gil . Garland ' s Masonic Effusions , 2 s . 18 ly . with Portrait , 2 s . Gd ., 1810 , bound , : is . Gd . 11119 Harris's ( Rev . T . M . ) Masonic Discourses , with frontispiece , Gs . Gd . Charlcstown , 1801 History of the Knights of Malta , from the earliest period to fho present time , by A . Sutherland , Esq ., 5
plates , s . Edinburgh , IBM — ¦ , another copy , neally bound , Gs . Hutchinson's Spirit of Masonry , 5 s . Gd . 1775 Jones ' s Masonic Miscellanies , 3 s . Gd . 171 f / Masonic Sermon , hy Rev . W . Fenn , Is . 1819 Discourse , by C F . Wittwer , Is . 1811 Eulogy on Gen . Washington ; Masonic Sermon by Rev . P . Mathews , and other Eulogies , & e , in 1 vol ., 5 s . fid . Charlcstown , 1801 Minstrel ; a Collection of upwards of Two Hundred
Songs , & c ., 3 s . Gd . 182 H Choirester ; collected by W . Sheppard , 2 s . 1784 — Songs ; a choice Collection , & c , 2 s . Gd ., Dumfries , 1784 —Museum ; a Select Collection of Songs , with Portrait of George IV ., 2 s . 1799 Union ; an Address to his Grace the Duke of Athol , on the Union , 2 s . Gd . 1804 Another Copy , bound in calf , 4 s . Gd . 1804 Masonic Plates , ( Eight ) by Cipriani , Brown & e „ 4 to ., 5 s . 17 ( 15 Masonic
Mudge , ( R . C . ) Poem and Songs , 2 s . Gd . 11119 Oliver ' s , ( Rev . Geo . ) Signs and Symbols , fls . 1837 — ' — ' Antiquities of Freemasonry , lis . 1823 Edition of Preston ' s Illus ' trations of Masonry , 8 s . bds ., 10 s . Gd . half , or 12 .-. whole bound with Masonic tooling 1829 Philosophy of Masons . In several Epistles from Egypt , to a Nobleman , 3 s . 1790 Preston ' s Illustrations of Masonry , ninth edition , 3 s . 6 d . —— —¦ . another
thircopy , teenth edition , with additions , hy Stephen Jones , 5 s . Gd . ij ) 2 i Robison ' s Proofs of a Conspiracy against all the Governments of Europe , carried on in the Secret Meetings of theFreeinasons , Illuminati , & c , Gs . 1798 Another copy , half bound . Masonic tooling . & . 1798 Sandy ' s History of Freemasonry , 3 s . 1829 Sandoval ; or . The Freemason , a Spanish tale , 3 vols ., 12 s . 1826 Scott ' s ( J . ) Freemasons' Pocket Companion , to which is added
an Apology for their Persecution in the Pone ' s Dominions , & e ., & c , 4 s . 1764 Smith ' s Use and Abuse of Freemasonry ; a work of the greatest utility to the Brethren of the Society , Sic , 7 s . Gd . 1783 Another copy , hound calf , 8 s . Gd . 1783 —¦ ( W . ) Pocket Companion for Freemasons ' engraved Frontispiece , 5 s . 6 d . London , 1735 Another copy , with additions , 5 s . Gd ., Edinburgh 1752 Sufferings of John Coustos for Freemasonry , and for refusing to turn Roman Catholic , in the Inquisition at Lisbon , with Portrait and Plates , 7 s . Ed , London , 1746 Another copy , printed at Birmingham , with additional plates , & c , Gs . 1790
M . B . —10 prevent disappointment , all orders sent direct to Bro R . Spencer , ( accompanied with a remittance , or a referencefor payment in London ) , will be faithfully attended to . Also on Sale , all the Numbers of the Freemasons' Quarterly Review , from its commencement in 1834 .
Bro . R . S . has a set of this Review , viz . for 1834 , S , 6 , 7 , 8 , handsomely half-bound in blue calf , with Masonic Embellishments ; , price SI . 3 s . ; or any year separate , at 15 s . Gd . R . S . has on Sale all the Annuals for 1840 ; also a great variety of Almanacks , Diaries , Housekeeping and Pocket Books . get A large Assortment of'Children ' s Books , and handsomely-bound Books for presents . Orders thankfully received for Books , -lationcry , and Bokbinding , & c . R . S . has lately published a Supplementary Catalogue to his extensive Circulating Libraryand to refer the readers of
, begs respectfully the Masonic Review to the terms of subscription , & c , in No . XXIFL , for September , 1839 . January , 1840 .