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The Masonic And Universal Life Assurance...
AeaQxsiu ^ aa & ifo Capital £ 2 , 5 © , ®©@ j in S , S © 00 Shares of £ l 0 each ; deposit £ l per Share .
¦ $ vob is tonal ffloimnittce nf ifflaitajentent , Bro . JOHN BIGG , 5 !) , Old Broad Street . Bro . JOHN Powis , Walworth , and Crooked Lane „ EDW . BREWSTER , Hand Court , Dowgate Hill , Chambers . and Brudenel Place . „ "WILLIAM THODEY SMITH , Grove House . ,, R . T . CRUCEFIX , M . D . Lancaster Place . Kentish Town . „ JOHN RIGBY FISHER , 5 , Maze Pond , Southwark . ,, CHARLES TANCRED , Arden Hall , Yorkshire , ,, Jans KING , Muswell Hill , and College Hill . and Furmval's Inn . ,, HENRY BEAUMONT LEESON , A . M . Greenwich . ,, JOHN VINE , Ewell , and Circus , Minories . HENRY PHILLIPSParagonKent Roadand ZACHARIAII WATKINS 10 SRegent Street
„ , , , „ , , . Ironmonger Lane . „ RICHARD LEA WILSON , Streatham , and Milk Street . WITH LIBERTY- TO ADD TO THEIR NUMBER . lifinKers . PRESCOTT , GROTE , AMES , CAVE and GROTE , COCKS , BIDDULPH and BIDDULPH , Xhreadneedle Street , City . Charing Cross . $ 5 gsician . Bro . ROBERT GEORGE HOLLAND , M . D ., P . L . S ., P . R . C . P . ED ., SEC . Hatton Garden .
Surgton . Bro . "WILLIAM ECCLES , Union Court , Broad Street , City . StaiHrtntj fflounsrl . Bro . HENRY UDALL , BRO . ALBERT "WILLIAM BEETHAM , F . R . S . 1 , Essex Court , Temple . 5 , King ' s Bench Walk , Temple . Solicitors . Bro . G . P . P . GREGORY- , BRO . J . H . WHITEWAY , 28 , Poultry . 16 , George Street , Mansion House . zsetrttavg . Bro . J . LEE STEVENS .
THE Masonic ami Universal Life Assurance and Savings' Bank Association will supply the deficiencies that have hitherto existed , with respect to Life Assurance conducted in connexion with a Saving's' Bank , and will embrace the requirements of every class of Masons and Others . As a return for the patronage conferred upon it by Members of the Order , every actual Master of a Masonic Lodge , and every Secretary to a Provincial Grand Lodge , will be held to be corresponding agents ex officio , and be allowed the full commission on all payments of Premiums on the Policies effected through their recommendation with the Office , upon condition that such commissions be applied to
Benevolent purposes by those Lodges respectively ; thus affording an immediate and tangible benefit in exact proportion with the support extended . Each Member of the Provisional Committee , is qualified for the Direction by holding the requisite number of Shares ; which Committee will conduct the business of the Association until the First General Meeting of Proprietors , to be held in the month of March , 1840 ; when the election of Trustees , Directors and Auditors will take place . Every engagement of the Provisional Committee , in the interim , to be confirmed by the Board of Directors then appointed .
Proprietors of Shares will he equally interested in the Transactions of tbe Life Assurance and Savings' Bank Departments ; and previous to any Division of Profits , interest will be paid to them at the rate of jt' 4 per cent , per annum on the amount of their respective investments . The remaining Profits m the Life Department will be allotted every three years in the following proportions : Five Eighths to the Assm-ed at tbe Participation Rates—One Eighth as an immediate Bonus to the Proprietors of Shares—One Eighth to be added to the Capital—and the remaining one Eihth to be disposed of as the majority of
Prog prietors of shares present may determine at Meetings when such Dividends of Profits are declared . The Profits in the Savings' Bank Department will be reserved to form a separate Fund for that Department , or added to the common Capital , or paid as a Bonus to the Proprietors , as shall be annually determined .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic And Universal Life Assurance...
AeaQxsiu ^ aa & ifo Capital £ 2 , 5 © , ®©@ j in S , S © 00 Shares of £ l 0 each ; deposit £ l per Share .
¦ $ vob is tonal ffloimnittce nf ifflaitajentent , Bro . JOHN BIGG , 5 !) , Old Broad Street . Bro . JOHN Powis , Walworth , and Crooked Lane „ EDW . BREWSTER , Hand Court , Dowgate Hill , Chambers . and Brudenel Place . „ "WILLIAM THODEY SMITH , Grove House . ,, R . T . CRUCEFIX , M . D . Lancaster Place . Kentish Town . „ JOHN RIGBY FISHER , 5 , Maze Pond , Southwark . ,, CHARLES TANCRED , Arden Hall , Yorkshire , ,, Jans KING , Muswell Hill , and College Hill . and Furmval's Inn . ,, HENRY BEAUMONT LEESON , A . M . Greenwich . ,, JOHN VINE , Ewell , and Circus , Minories . HENRY PHILLIPSParagonKent Roadand ZACHARIAII WATKINS 10 SRegent Street
„ , , , „ , , . Ironmonger Lane . „ RICHARD LEA WILSON , Streatham , and Milk Street . WITH LIBERTY- TO ADD TO THEIR NUMBER . lifinKers . PRESCOTT , GROTE , AMES , CAVE and GROTE , COCKS , BIDDULPH and BIDDULPH , Xhreadneedle Street , City . Charing Cross . $ 5 gsician . Bro . ROBERT GEORGE HOLLAND , M . D ., P . L . S ., P . R . C . P . ED ., SEC . Hatton Garden .
Surgton . Bro . "WILLIAM ECCLES , Union Court , Broad Street , City . StaiHrtntj fflounsrl . Bro . HENRY UDALL , BRO . ALBERT "WILLIAM BEETHAM , F . R . S . 1 , Essex Court , Temple . 5 , King ' s Bench Walk , Temple . Solicitors . Bro . G . P . P . GREGORY- , BRO . J . H . WHITEWAY , 28 , Poultry . 16 , George Street , Mansion House . zsetrttavg . Bro . J . LEE STEVENS .
THE Masonic ami Universal Life Assurance and Savings' Bank Association will supply the deficiencies that have hitherto existed , with respect to Life Assurance conducted in connexion with a Saving's' Bank , and will embrace the requirements of every class of Masons and Others . As a return for the patronage conferred upon it by Members of the Order , every actual Master of a Masonic Lodge , and every Secretary to a Provincial Grand Lodge , will be held to be corresponding agents ex officio , and be allowed the full commission on all payments of Premiums on the Policies effected through their recommendation with the Office , upon condition that such commissions be applied to
Benevolent purposes by those Lodges respectively ; thus affording an immediate and tangible benefit in exact proportion with the support extended . Each Member of the Provisional Committee , is qualified for the Direction by holding the requisite number of Shares ; which Committee will conduct the business of the Association until the First General Meeting of Proprietors , to be held in the month of March , 1840 ; when the election of Trustees , Directors and Auditors will take place . Every engagement of the Provisional Committee , in the interim , to be confirmed by the Board of Directors then appointed .
Proprietors of Shares will he equally interested in the Transactions of tbe Life Assurance and Savings' Bank Departments ; and previous to any Division of Profits , interest will be paid to them at the rate of jt' 4 per cent , per annum on the amount of their respective investments . The remaining Profits m the Life Department will be allotted every three years in the following proportions : Five Eighths to the Assm-ed at tbe Participation Rates—One Eighth as an immediate Bonus to the Proprietors of Shares—One Eighth to be added to the Capital—and the remaining one Eihth to be disposed of as the majority of
Prog prietors of shares present may determine at Meetings when such Dividends of Profits are declared . The Profits in the Savings' Bank Department will be reserved to form a separate Fund for that Department , or added to the common Capital , or paid as a Bonus to the Proprietors , as shall be annually determined .