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In Babington's Elixir Of Rhubarb, Hthe T...
IN BABINGTON'S ELIXIR OF RHUBARB , HTHE Thousands that suffer from Indigestion and its consequences , viz ., Bilious and . Nervous Headaches , Diarrhoea , Flatulency , Constipation , Gravel , Gout , and Rheumatism , will find a safe and certain Remedy . The Proprietor can refer to the favourable opinions of the most eminent Medical Practitioners ; and quotes the following from recent I estimomals of the Press : — A certain cure for indigestionleasant to takeand efficacious when takenit must
, p , , soon become universally popular , as a family medicine . — Maidstone Gazette . We have tested Babington's Elixir of Rhubarb , and find it an invaluable remedy for indigestion , and , consequently , a preventive of the various diseases arising from that too common complaint . —A'aval and Military Gazette . The most efficacious medicines in this complaint are those which , whilst they assist the process or digestion , re-invigorate , brace and restore its tone to the stomach—at once removing the ill , and preventing its recurrence . Of these , Rhubarb holds a high place in the estimation of the Faculty ; and we have met with no preparation of this invaluable drug so elegant , and at the time effectual BabingtonElixir of Rhubarb
same so , as 's . Our dyspeptic readers will thank us for a hint , by which we ourselves have profited . — John Dull . Having witnessed the beneficial effects of Babington ' s Elixir of Rhubarb , we express our conviction that it will speedily become as popular as it is useful for the prevention and cure of indigestion . It is an invaluable family medicine . —Age . It is palatable to the taste and curative to the stomach ; of extreme service to the nervous dyspeptic , and sedentary ; and by soothing the system and improving digestion , is a gentle and safe restorative to those who have participated too freelin social leasures
y p . —Freemasons ' Quarterly Review . We have much pleasure in testifying to the excellence of Babington's Elixir of Rhubarb as a remedy for indigestion . It is the first successful effort to prepare that invaluable medicine , Rhubarb , m a form equally palatable and efficacious . —Court Journal . We have received a bottle of Babington's Elixir of Rhubarb , and from the test we have put it to in our own family , conceive it fully deserving of the high character it has obtained . Railway Magazine .
We abominate quackery of all kinds ; there is nothing of the sort in this medicine , which is what it assumes to he—Rhubarb purified , and rendered comparatively palatable : and much more effective , safer , and more salutary , than the pills which the patient is tempted to swallow , when headaches , indigestions , or any of the other ills that " flesh is heir to , " try the temper as well as the constitution . This is a good remedy—we speak from experience for , although we are troubled with neither " gravel , gout , nor rheumatism , " which it professes to cure , we have too often the sickness and sadness that arises from " want of exercise , sedentary labour , and lowness of spirits , " and are , of course , bilious in proportion . We thank for the relief he has iven in
Mr . Babington g us ; are duty bound to express our gratitude , and , in charity , to inform others where they may find help in need . —Britannia . In justice both to our readers and to the proprietor , we cannot refrain from calling attention to the very strong testimonials in favour of this simple and most effective medicine for the cure of indigestion , and to add our own express approval . —Bell ' s New Weeldy Messenger . "Who is there that would continue to suffer from the horrors of headache , nausea , or the hundred other concomitants of imperfect digestion , when relief may be immediately obtained from this justly-popular medicine . —Magnet .
We can confidently recommend Babington ' s Elixir of Rhuharb as a most efficacious remedy for indigestion , and the long train of evils arising from that very common complaint . To free livers , it will be peculiarly acceptable , as it is a gentle stimulant , correcting the ill-effects arising from excess of wine , and at the same time restoring a healthy action to the stomach . It is a specific remedy for the headache , and , in this point of view alone , deserves to be considered as one of the most valuable discoveries of the age . We have tried it , and we recommend our readers to do so likewise . —Social Reformer . There cannot be a doubt that more painful suffering is occasioned by indigestion , than by all tbe other primary complaints . It is the prolific source of almost every bodily ailment , and one of the principal causes of mental depression , and was never successfully treated until the introduction of this strictly chemical and safely curative preparation . We , therefore , recommend it to our readers as a family medicine of infinite value . Argus .
Sold in bottles , 4 s . 6 d . and 2 s . 9 d ., by J . King , Proprietor , 72 , Queen Street , Cheapside . ; Barclay , Farringdon Street ; Clarke , Compton Street , Brunswick Square , and all respectable Chemists .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
In Babington's Elixir Of Rhubarb, Hthe T...
IN BABINGTON'S ELIXIR OF RHUBARB , HTHE Thousands that suffer from Indigestion and its consequences , viz ., Bilious and . Nervous Headaches , Diarrhoea , Flatulency , Constipation , Gravel , Gout , and Rheumatism , will find a safe and certain Remedy . The Proprietor can refer to the favourable opinions of the most eminent Medical Practitioners ; and quotes the following from recent I estimomals of the Press : — A certain cure for indigestionleasant to takeand efficacious when takenit must
, p , , soon become universally popular , as a family medicine . — Maidstone Gazette . We have tested Babington's Elixir of Rhubarb , and find it an invaluable remedy for indigestion , and , consequently , a preventive of the various diseases arising from that too common complaint . —A'aval and Military Gazette . The most efficacious medicines in this complaint are those which , whilst they assist the process or digestion , re-invigorate , brace and restore its tone to the stomach—at once removing the ill , and preventing its recurrence . Of these , Rhubarb holds a high place in the estimation of the Faculty ; and we have met with no preparation of this invaluable drug so elegant , and at the time effectual BabingtonElixir of Rhubarb
same so , as 's . Our dyspeptic readers will thank us for a hint , by which we ourselves have profited . — John Dull . Having witnessed the beneficial effects of Babington ' s Elixir of Rhubarb , we express our conviction that it will speedily become as popular as it is useful for the prevention and cure of indigestion . It is an invaluable family medicine . —Age . It is palatable to the taste and curative to the stomach ; of extreme service to the nervous dyspeptic , and sedentary ; and by soothing the system and improving digestion , is a gentle and safe restorative to those who have participated too freelin social leasures
y p . —Freemasons ' Quarterly Review . We have much pleasure in testifying to the excellence of Babington's Elixir of Rhubarb as a remedy for indigestion . It is the first successful effort to prepare that invaluable medicine , Rhubarb , m a form equally palatable and efficacious . —Court Journal . We have received a bottle of Babington's Elixir of Rhubarb , and from the test we have put it to in our own family , conceive it fully deserving of the high character it has obtained . Railway Magazine .
We abominate quackery of all kinds ; there is nothing of the sort in this medicine , which is what it assumes to he—Rhubarb purified , and rendered comparatively palatable : and much more effective , safer , and more salutary , than the pills which the patient is tempted to swallow , when headaches , indigestions , or any of the other ills that " flesh is heir to , " try the temper as well as the constitution . This is a good remedy—we speak from experience for , although we are troubled with neither " gravel , gout , nor rheumatism , " which it professes to cure , we have too often the sickness and sadness that arises from " want of exercise , sedentary labour , and lowness of spirits , " and are , of course , bilious in proportion . We thank for the relief he has iven in
Mr . Babington g us ; are duty bound to express our gratitude , and , in charity , to inform others where they may find help in need . —Britannia . In justice both to our readers and to the proprietor , we cannot refrain from calling attention to the very strong testimonials in favour of this simple and most effective medicine for the cure of indigestion , and to add our own express approval . —Bell ' s New Weeldy Messenger . "Who is there that would continue to suffer from the horrors of headache , nausea , or the hundred other concomitants of imperfect digestion , when relief may be immediately obtained from this justly-popular medicine . —Magnet .
We can confidently recommend Babington ' s Elixir of Rhuharb as a most efficacious remedy for indigestion , and the long train of evils arising from that very common complaint . To free livers , it will be peculiarly acceptable , as it is a gentle stimulant , correcting the ill-effects arising from excess of wine , and at the same time restoring a healthy action to the stomach . It is a specific remedy for the headache , and , in this point of view alone , deserves to be considered as one of the most valuable discoveries of the age . We have tried it , and we recommend our readers to do so likewise . —Social Reformer . There cannot be a doubt that more painful suffering is occasioned by indigestion , than by all tbe other primary complaints . It is the prolific source of almost every bodily ailment , and one of the principal causes of mental depression , and was never successfully treated until the introduction of this strictly chemical and safely curative preparation . We , therefore , recommend it to our readers as a family medicine of infinite value . Argus .
Sold in bottles , 4 s . 6 d . and 2 s . 9 d ., by J . King , Proprietor , 72 , Queen Street , Cheapside . ; Barclay , Farringdon Street ; Clarke , Compton Street , Brunswick Square , and all respectable Chemists .