Article PATENT LEVER WATCHES, With Silver double... Page 1 of 1 Article NEARLY FORTY YEARS ESTABLISHED.-No. 4, B... Page 1 of 1 Article TO THE NOBILITY, GENTRY, AND FAMILIES FU... Page 1 of 1 Article ASSAM TEA. CAPT. PIDDING purchased the w... Page 1 of 1
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Patent Lever Watches, With Silver Double...
PATENT LEVER WATCHES , With Silver double-bottom Cases , 6 l . Gs . ; with Silver Hunting Cases , 16 s . Gd . extra . nPHIS celebrated construction ( the most accurate on which a Watch can be made ) is - " - now offered with the latest improvements , i . e . the detached escapement , jewelled in four holes , capped , hand to mark the seconds , hard enamel dial , and maintaining power to continue going while winding up . at the above price . Vertical Silver 'Watchestwo
, guineas each . A variety of upwards of a hundred Second-hand Watches , some of them jewelled , all with movements that can be warranted , to be sold for two guineas each . T . COX SAVORY , Working Goldsmith , Silversmith , and Watchmaker , 47 , Cornhill , London . —N . B . Second-hand Watches purchased in exchange .
Nearly Forty Years Established.-No. 4, B...
NEARLY FORTY YEARS ESTABLISHED .-No . 4 , BLOOMSBURY-SQUARE ( Holborn side ) . Observe—Parlour Windows—No Shop Front . —IRISH SHIRTING CLOTH , made , without any admixture , from pure Flax . Sold in any quantity , Whole pieces at the Factor ' s prices , cheaper than any other house , being manufactured from the best material . The purchase-money will be returned should any fault appear . IRISH , ENGLISH , SCOTCH , and RUSSIA SHEETING , of all widths and prices . Household and Table Linen . Families furnishing will find it much to their interest to
apply to this establishment . Bank of Ireland Notes taken in payment , or discounted . Country and Town Orders punctually attended to by JOHN DONOVAN , No . 4 , Bloomsbury-square . N . B . —No connexion with any other house .
To The Nobility, Gentry, And Families Fu...
TO THE NOBILITY , GENTRY , AND FAMILIES FURNISHING . MESSRS . MUNNS and CO . ( late Miles ) respectfully invite public attention to the largest Stock in London , of Parlour , Drawing-room , aud Bed-chamber Furniture , consisting of variety in Tables and Chairswhichfor eleganceeaseand durability
every , , , , , cannot be exceeded . Looking-glasses in every size , costly in appearance , but economical in price ; Console and Pier Tables of the most fashionable construction ; Wardrobes , replete with every convenience ; Bookcases en suite , for the most extensive library , or adapted to the retirement of the study ; and , lastly , the Boudoir of the most fashionable Lady can be arranged with the most scrupulous attention to elegance and economy . Their Stock of Carpets , Chintzes , Merinos , Damasks , and Silk Furnitures , comprises every novelty that has been producedand will be offered at such prices that cannot fail
, to astonish purchasers . MESSRS . MUNNS and Co . having enlarged their premises , are enabled to exhibit a Stock that is unparalleled for extent in London . 33 , Oxford Street , facing Dean Street .
Assam Tea. Capt. Pidding Purchased The W...
ASSAM TEA . CAPT . PIDDING purchased the whole of the Honourable Company ' s importation of this curious and valuable TEA—curious as being the first Tea discovered in British India , " Assam , " and the only Tea ever prepared from the wild plant ; valuable from its peculiar yet fine flavour . The Queen has tasted and is much pleased with this Tea . The whole produce was under 400 lbs . It cost 20 s . to 34 s . the lb . Sample parcels , 2 s . 6 d . Sold only by VERREY , 218 , Regent Street , and LITTLE JOHN , 77 , King William Street , City , sole Agents for Captain Bidding ' s " Howqua ' s Mixture" Tea .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Patent Lever Watches, With Silver Double...
PATENT LEVER WATCHES , With Silver double-bottom Cases , 6 l . Gs . ; with Silver Hunting Cases , 16 s . Gd . extra . nPHIS celebrated construction ( the most accurate on which a Watch can be made ) is - " - now offered with the latest improvements , i . e . the detached escapement , jewelled in four holes , capped , hand to mark the seconds , hard enamel dial , and maintaining power to continue going while winding up . at the above price . Vertical Silver 'Watchestwo
, guineas each . A variety of upwards of a hundred Second-hand Watches , some of them jewelled , all with movements that can be warranted , to be sold for two guineas each . T . COX SAVORY , Working Goldsmith , Silversmith , and Watchmaker , 47 , Cornhill , London . —N . B . Second-hand Watches purchased in exchange .
Nearly Forty Years Established.-No. 4, B...
NEARLY FORTY YEARS ESTABLISHED .-No . 4 , BLOOMSBURY-SQUARE ( Holborn side ) . Observe—Parlour Windows—No Shop Front . —IRISH SHIRTING CLOTH , made , without any admixture , from pure Flax . Sold in any quantity , Whole pieces at the Factor ' s prices , cheaper than any other house , being manufactured from the best material . The purchase-money will be returned should any fault appear . IRISH , ENGLISH , SCOTCH , and RUSSIA SHEETING , of all widths and prices . Household and Table Linen . Families furnishing will find it much to their interest to
apply to this establishment . Bank of Ireland Notes taken in payment , or discounted . Country and Town Orders punctually attended to by JOHN DONOVAN , No . 4 , Bloomsbury-square . N . B . —No connexion with any other house .
To The Nobility, Gentry, And Families Fu...
TO THE NOBILITY , GENTRY , AND FAMILIES FURNISHING . MESSRS . MUNNS and CO . ( late Miles ) respectfully invite public attention to the largest Stock in London , of Parlour , Drawing-room , aud Bed-chamber Furniture , consisting of variety in Tables and Chairswhichfor eleganceeaseand durability
every , , , , , cannot be exceeded . Looking-glasses in every size , costly in appearance , but economical in price ; Console and Pier Tables of the most fashionable construction ; Wardrobes , replete with every convenience ; Bookcases en suite , for the most extensive library , or adapted to the retirement of the study ; and , lastly , the Boudoir of the most fashionable Lady can be arranged with the most scrupulous attention to elegance and economy . Their Stock of Carpets , Chintzes , Merinos , Damasks , and Silk Furnitures , comprises every novelty that has been producedand will be offered at such prices that cannot fail
, to astonish purchasers . MESSRS . MUNNS and Co . having enlarged their premises , are enabled to exhibit a Stock that is unparalleled for extent in London . 33 , Oxford Street , facing Dean Street .
Assam Tea. Capt. Pidding Purchased The W...
ASSAM TEA . CAPT . PIDDING purchased the whole of the Honourable Company ' s importation of this curious and valuable TEA—curious as being the first Tea discovered in British India , " Assam , " and the only Tea ever prepared from the wild plant ; valuable from its peculiar yet fine flavour . The Queen has tasted and is much pleased with this Tea . The whole produce was under 400 lbs . It cost 20 s . to 34 s . the lb . Sample parcels , 2 s . 6 d . Sold only by VERREY , 218 , Regent Street , and LITTLE JOHN , 77 , King William Street , City , sole Agents for Captain Bidding ' s " Howqua ' s Mixture" Tea .