Article Preparing for the Press. THEN YEARS' EXP... Page 1 of 1 Article TO ENGINEERS AND RAILWAY CONTRACTORS. A ... Page 1 of 1 Article SHEATH'S GRAPHIC AID. THE GRAPHIC AID wi... Page 1 of 1 Article BROTHER JOHN BEST, REED AND HARNESS MANU... Page 1 of 1
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Preparing For The Press. Then Years' Exp...
Preparing for the Press . THEN YEARS' EXPERIENCE IN FREEMASONRY , from 1829 to 1839 , embracing - *• its Moral and Social Influence , General and Private Economy , Legislative and Financial Arrangements , the Connexion with every known part of the habitable Globe , and its present State as the best UNIVERSAL System ; with retrospective historical Remarks , and a Philosophical Inquiry into its probable effect upon the future . By a PAST-GRAND OFFICER .
Subscribers' names will be received ( under cover ) if addressed , post paid , to the Editor of the Freemasons' Quarterly Review .
To Engineers And Railway Contractors. A ...
TO ENGINEERS AND RAILWAY CONTRACTORS . A NEW AND SPLENDID LOCOMOTIVE ENGINE FOR SALE , made in ¦ ^* - Liverpool , with Messrs . Chanter and Co . ' s PATENT CONSUMING FURNACE . Cylinders , 13-inch diameter , and 18-inch stroke ; six wheels ; driving wheels , 6 feet diameter ; copper fire-box , and brass tubes . This powerful engine is fitted up in the most complete and substantial manner .
Twelve engines of 12-inch and 13-inch cylinder , 18-inch stroke , are now in a forward state . They are all to be fitted up from the plans of those made by Messrs . Mather , Dixon , and Co ., and lately delivered to , and in use by the Grand Junction Railway Company , except the fire boxes , which are made on Chanter and Co . ' s patent plan , to use three-fourths coals , and one-fourth coke , WITHOUT SMOKE . Two of the twelve lastnamed engines will be ready for delivery in June , three in July , three in August , and the remainder in September and October .
* * * A full description , and statement of the advantages of Messrs . Chanter and Co . ' s Patent Fire-box , and Reports of Engineers of its working , appeared in the Mechanic ' s Magazine , No . 822 , of May llth . Application for further particulars and terms , may be made to the Railway Times Office , 122 , Fleet Street , and Mechanic ' s Magazine Office , Peterborough Court , Fleet Street .
Sheath's Graphic Aid. The Graphic Aid Wi...
SHEATH'S GRAPHIC AID . THE GRAPHIC AID will be found an invaluable auxiliary on the writing tables of the LEGAL PROFESSION , NOBLEMEN , MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT . MERCHANTS , BANKERS , EDITORS , REPORTERS , WRITERS , and others ; superseding the necessity of a Portfolio , and possessing all the advantages of a fite , the papers being firmly secured and detached from it with the greatest facility .
May be had of the Inventor , 28 , Wilmington-square . Sold by W . E . Painter , 342 , Strand ; Messrs . Letts , 8 , Cornhill ; Mr . Stocken , 53 , Quadrant , Regent-street ; W . H . Smith , 192 , Strand ; J . Limbird , Mirror Office , 143 , Strand ; Mr . Mudie , 15 , Coventrystreet ; Laking , 48 , Curzon-street , May-fair ; and by all Booksellers , Stationers . & c . Price , in handsomely embossed cloth , 3 s . and 5 s . each .
Brother John Best, Reed And Harness Manu...
BROTHER JOHN BEST , REED AND HARNESS MANUFACTURER , NO . 3 , WATERLOO STREET , KIDDERMINSTER . J BEST will feel pleasure in appointing Agents for the sale of the above-named * Articles in all Manufacturing Towns . Persons desirous of becoming Agents , will please to apply to him by letter , post-paid .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Preparing For The Press. Then Years' Exp...
Preparing for the Press . THEN YEARS' EXPERIENCE IN FREEMASONRY , from 1829 to 1839 , embracing - *• its Moral and Social Influence , General and Private Economy , Legislative and Financial Arrangements , the Connexion with every known part of the habitable Globe , and its present State as the best UNIVERSAL System ; with retrospective historical Remarks , and a Philosophical Inquiry into its probable effect upon the future . By a PAST-GRAND OFFICER .
Subscribers' names will be received ( under cover ) if addressed , post paid , to the Editor of the Freemasons' Quarterly Review .
To Engineers And Railway Contractors. A ...
TO ENGINEERS AND RAILWAY CONTRACTORS . A NEW AND SPLENDID LOCOMOTIVE ENGINE FOR SALE , made in ¦ ^* - Liverpool , with Messrs . Chanter and Co . ' s PATENT CONSUMING FURNACE . Cylinders , 13-inch diameter , and 18-inch stroke ; six wheels ; driving wheels , 6 feet diameter ; copper fire-box , and brass tubes . This powerful engine is fitted up in the most complete and substantial manner .
Twelve engines of 12-inch and 13-inch cylinder , 18-inch stroke , are now in a forward state . They are all to be fitted up from the plans of those made by Messrs . Mather , Dixon , and Co ., and lately delivered to , and in use by the Grand Junction Railway Company , except the fire boxes , which are made on Chanter and Co . ' s patent plan , to use three-fourths coals , and one-fourth coke , WITHOUT SMOKE . Two of the twelve lastnamed engines will be ready for delivery in June , three in July , three in August , and the remainder in September and October .
* * * A full description , and statement of the advantages of Messrs . Chanter and Co . ' s Patent Fire-box , and Reports of Engineers of its working , appeared in the Mechanic ' s Magazine , No . 822 , of May llth . Application for further particulars and terms , may be made to the Railway Times Office , 122 , Fleet Street , and Mechanic ' s Magazine Office , Peterborough Court , Fleet Street .
Sheath's Graphic Aid. The Graphic Aid Wi...
SHEATH'S GRAPHIC AID . THE GRAPHIC AID will be found an invaluable auxiliary on the writing tables of the LEGAL PROFESSION , NOBLEMEN , MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT . MERCHANTS , BANKERS , EDITORS , REPORTERS , WRITERS , and others ; superseding the necessity of a Portfolio , and possessing all the advantages of a fite , the papers being firmly secured and detached from it with the greatest facility .
May be had of the Inventor , 28 , Wilmington-square . Sold by W . E . Painter , 342 , Strand ; Messrs . Letts , 8 , Cornhill ; Mr . Stocken , 53 , Quadrant , Regent-street ; W . H . Smith , 192 , Strand ; J . Limbird , Mirror Office , 143 , Strand ; Mr . Mudie , 15 , Coventrystreet ; Laking , 48 , Curzon-street , May-fair ; and by all Booksellers , Stationers . & c . Price , in handsomely embossed cloth , 3 s . and 5 s . each .
Brother John Best, Reed And Harness Manu...
BROTHER JOHN BEST , REED AND HARNESS MANUFACTURER , NO . 3 , WATERLOO STREET , KIDDERMINSTER . J BEST will feel pleasure in appointing Agents for the sale of the above-named * Articles in all Manufacturing Towns . Persons desirous of becoming Agents , will please to apply to him by letter , post-paid .