Article FREEMASONRY. BROTHER J. P. ACKLAM, MASON... Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY. TQROTHERS BROADHURST, & Co.... Page 1 of 1 Article UOYAI. ARCH MASONRY. COMPANION J. HARRIS... Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY. THE EMULATION LODGE OF IMPR... Page 1 of 1 Article ACCOMMODATION FOR MASONIC MEETINGS. T BL... Page 1 of 1 Article BALL SUPPERS FURNISHED BY BR. EDWARD HEW... Page 1 of 1 Article TO BE SOLD. AT a Reasonable Rate, the FU... Page 1 of 1
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Freemasonry. Brother J. P. Acklam, Mason...
FREEMASONRY . BROTHER J . P . ACKLAM , MASONIC JEWEL , FURNITURE , AND CLOTHING MANUFACTURER , ~ D ESPECTFULLY solicits the Orders and Patronage of the Craft . He has always - " - ready on sale a Collection of Jewels and Clothing , for Craft , Royal Arch Masonry , Knight Templars , & c . As he is the real maker , and every article is manufactured on his
premises , and under his personal inspection , the Fraternity may rely on being furnished in precise conformity with the authorised Constitutions of the different Orders . 138 , Strand , opposite Catherine Street .
Freemasonry. Tqrothers Broadhurst, & Co....
FREEMASONRY . TQROTHERS BROADHURST , & Co ., ( late TATE ) , Silversmiths , Jewellers , - * - and Masonic Clothing Manufacturers , 204 , Regent-street , opposite Conduit-street , beg most respectfully to inform the members of the Craft , that they have always a stock ¦ of Jewels , Collars , Aprons , & c , by them , at moderate prices , and they hope by strict attention , punctuality , and dispatch , to merit their patronage and support .
Uoyai. Arch Masonry. Companion J. Harris...
UOYAI . ARCH MASONRY . COMPANION J . HARRIS , Artist , Teacher of Drawing in Perspective , 40 , Sidmouth Street , Regent Square , Gray ' s-Inn-Road , begs leave to state , that his New Designs , illustrative of the Royal Arch , on two boards , for instruction in that Degree , corresponding in size with his Tracing Boards , is now published , and ready for delivery , price 7 s ., best coloured ; or with a set of Tracing Boards , together 18 s . ; bound up in Cases , from 21 s . to 25 s . The Portrait of H . R . H . the Duke of Sussex , £ 1 . Is . and 15 s ., or coloured and illuminated with gold , price two guineas . Also Tracing Boards for the Three Degrees , price 12 s . to 18 s . on Sale as usual .
Freemasonry. The Emulation Lodge Of Impr...
FREEMASONRY . THE EMULATION LODGE OF IMPROVEMENT , T > EMOVED from the Grand Hotel , Covent Garden , to the Freemasons' Tavern , Great - * - * ' Queen Street , will be opened every Friday evening at seven o ' clock precisely , and a Ceremony with a portion of the Lectures worked during the evening .
Accommodation For Masonic Meetings. T Bl...
ACCOMMODATION FOR MASONIC MEETINGS . T BLAKE begs leave to announce his desire to accommodate PRIVATE LODGES , or ** PUBLIC MASONIC MEETINGS , at his convenient and commodious Rooms , No . 24 , King Street , West Strand , commonly known as the Lowther Rooms ; and he respectfully invites an inspection of the premises , which will be found to be replete with every comfort . Lowther Tavern , 24 , King Street , West Strand .
Ball Suppers Furnished By Br. Edward Hew...
BALL SUPPERS FURNISHED BY BR . EDWARD HEWETT , 188 , REGENT STREET . A N ELEGANT SUPPER , with the use of PLATE , GLASS , CHINA , CUTLERY , ¦ £ 3 L TABLES , SEATS , & c , sent within Three Miles at Five Shillings each Person . The remainder of the Supper to be left . PublicBalls and Charitable Assemblies by Contract . Ices at Five Shillings per Quart .
To Be Sold. At A Reasonable Rate, The Fu...
TO BE SOLD . AT a Reasonable Rate , the FURNITURE , IMPLEMENTS , and JEWELS , Required at the Establishing a Freemasons' Lodge . Apply to Mr . BLAKBLOCK Louth , Lincolnshire . Letters to be Post Paid .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemasonry. Brother J. P. Acklam, Mason...
FREEMASONRY . BROTHER J . P . ACKLAM , MASONIC JEWEL , FURNITURE , AND CLOTHING MANUFACTURER , ~ D ESPECTFULLY solicits the Orders and Patronage of the Craft . He has always - " - ready on sale a Collection of Jewels and Clothing , for Craft , Royal Arch Masonry , Knight Templars , & c . As he is the real maker , and every article is manufactured on his
premises , and under his personal inspection , the Fraternity may rely on being furnished in precise conformity with the authorised Constitutions of the different Orders . 138 , Strand , opposite Catherine Street .
Freemasonry. Tqrothers Broadhurst, & Co....
FREEMASONRY . TQROTHERS BROADHURST , & Co ., ( late TATE ) , Silversmiths , Jewellers , - * - and Masonic Clothing Manufacturers , 204 , Regent-street , opposite Conduit-street , beg most respectfully to inform the members of the Craft , that they have always a stock ¦ of Jewels , Collars , Aprons , & c , by them , at moderate prices , and they hope by strict attention , punctuality , and dispatch , to merit their patronage and support .
Uoyai. Arch Masonry. Companion J. Harris...
UOYAI . ARCH MASONRY . COMPANION J . HARRIS , Artist , Teacher of Drawing in Perspective , 40 , Sidmouth Street , Regent Square , Gray ' s-Inn-Road , begs leave to state , that his New Designs , illustrative of the Royal Arch , on two boards , for instruction in that Degree , corresponding in size with his Tracing Boards , is now published , and ready for delivery , price 7 s ., best coloured ; or with a set of Tracing Boards , together 18 s . ; bound up in Cases , from 21 s . to 25 s . The Portrait of H . R . H . the Duke of Sussex , £ 1 . Is . and 15 s ., or coloured and illuminated with gold , price two guineas . Also Tracing Boards for the Three Degrees , price 12 s . to 18 s . on Sale as usual .
Freemasonry. The Emulation Lodge Of Impr...
FREEMASONRY . THE EMULATION LODGE OF IMPROVEMENT , T > EMOVED from the Grand Hotel , Covent Garden , to the Freemasons' Tavern , Great - * - * ' Queen Street , will be opened every Friday evening at seven o ' clock precisely , and a Ceremony with a portion of the Lectures worked during the evening .
Accommodation For Masonic Meetings. T Bl...
ACCOMMODATION FOR MASONIC MEETINGS . T BLAKE begs leave to announce his desire to accommodate PRIVATE LODGES , or ** PUBLIC MASONIC MEETINGS , at his convenient and commodious Rooms , No . 24 , King Street , West Strand , commonly known as the Lowther Rooms ; and he respectfully invites an inspection of the premises , which will be found to be replete with every comfort . Lowther Tavern , 24 , King Street , West Strand .
Ball Suppers Furnished By Br. Edward Hew...
BALL SUPPERS FURNISHED BY BR . EDWARD HEWETT , 188 , REGENT STREET . A N ELEGANT SUPPER , with the use of PLATE , GLASS , CHINA , CUTLERY , ¦ £ 3 L TABLES , SEATS , & c , sent within Three Miles at Five Shillings each Person . The remainder of the Supper to be left . PublicBalls and Charitable Assemblies by Contract . Ices at Five Shillings per Quart .
To Be Sold. At A Reasonable Rate, The Fu...
TO BE SOLD . AT a Reasonable Rate , the FURNITURE , IMPLEMENTS , and JEWELS , Required at the Establishing a Freemasons' Lodge . Apply to Mr . BLAKBLOCK Louth , Lincolnshire . Letters to be Post Paid .