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and was frequently interrupted by the long and loud plaudits of his Brethren . The Brethren broke up at nine o ' clock ; and an evening of more Masonic unity and gratification has seldom been passed . We almost forgot to mention that during the evening several of the Brethren enlivened the scene with some excellent aud very appropriate songs . AVe have every reason to think that the opening of St . John ' s Lodge will be long remembered by the visitors and Brethren with pride and
satisfaction . AVe were much surprised at not seeing a greater attendance of Brethren , but no doubt the distance from Sydney compelled many of the Order to absent themselves . HOBART TOWN . —The Duke of Sussex having appointed Mr . G . R . Nicholls , editor and proprietor of the Australian , Prov . Grand Master of Masons , under the English constitution for these colonies , has given much satisfaction . A similar appointment is expected to be made by the
Duke of Leinster , for Ireland , as a correspondence has been for some time pending with a very old Mason here thereon . The subscribers to the fund for the purpose of erecting a Freemasons ' Hall , in this town , met for the purpose of proceeding to carry their intentions into effect , in the Court of Requests Room , on Monday evening , the 15 th July : report deferred .
TO CORRESPONDENTS . Messrs . Pittar . Lattey and Co ., Calcutta , have an ample number always on h . md of this Review ; complaints therefore of a want of supply must be groundless . MAJOR MACDOXALD . —DR . BURNES . —S . S . —P . M . ( . 1 . ) are respectfully requested to continue their correspondence . BOMBAY . —The Lodge of Perseverance , No . 546 , and the Lodge OrthesNo . 445 held in the 6 th Royal 1 st AVarwickshire Regiment of
, , Foot , are proceeding , as well as circumstances permit , to make a stand to maintain their Masonic reputation , and to preserve general unanimity . Some dissatisfaction is felt that their communications do not meet with prompt attention . It is to be hoped , that , as the official department ( the Secretary ' s office ) , has been materially improved , that correspondence will , at any rate , be immediately acknowledged , and acted upon as soon as due convenience will permit . AVe refrain from further
observation at present . Dr . Burnes appears to have earned , deservedly , a very high Masonic reputation , which his conciliatory manners has confirmed . CALCUTTA . —Dr . Grant , the newly-appointed Provincial Grand Master for Bengal , is already on the alert , and is collecting , with all possible despatch , evidence from the provinces in the distance , the materials which are necessary to aid him in correspondence . Speculation is alive as to
his appointments . Whatever they may be , such is the confidence felt in him , that they must be satisfactory . Rumour assigns the following as the contemplated elevations to the Provincial Purple : —Major R . C . Macdonald , as D . P . G . M . ; Major-Gen . Lindsay , P . S . G . W . ; Robert Neave , Esq ., P . J . G . W . ; A . Grant , Esq ., P . G . Sec .
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and was frequently interrupted by the long and loud plaudits of his Brethren . The Brethren broke up at nine o ' clock ; and an evening of more Masonic unity and gratification has seldom been passed . We almost forgot to mention that during the evening several of the Brethren enlivened the scene with some excellent aud very appropriate songs . AVe have every reason to think that the opening of St . John ' s Lodge will be long remembered by the visitors and Brethren with pride and
satisfaction . AVe were much surprised at not seeing a greater attendance of Brethren , but no doubt the distance from Sydney compelled many of the Order to absent themselves . HOBART TOWN . —The Duke of Sussex having appointed Mr . G . R . Nicholls , editor and proprietor of the Australian , Prov . Grand Master of Masons , under the English constitution for these colonies , has given much satisfaction . A similar appointment is expected to be made by the
Duke of Leinster , for Ireland , as a correspondence has been for some time pending with a very old Mason here thereon . The subscribers to the fund for the purpose of erecting a Freemasons ' Hall , in this town , met for the purpose of proceeding to carry their intentions into effect , in the Court of Requests Room , on Monday evening , the 15 th July : report deferred .
TO CORRESPONDENTS . Messrs . Pittar . Lattey and Co ., Calcutta , have an ample number always on h . md of this Review ; complaints therefore of a want of supply must be groundless . MAJOR MACDOXALD . —DR . BURNES . —S . S . —P . M . ( . 1 . ) are respectfully requested to continue their correspondence . BOMBAY . —The Lodge of Perseverance , No . 546 , and the Lodge OrthesNo . 445 held in the 6 th Royal 1 st AVarwickshire Regiment of
, , Foot , are proceeding , as well as circumstances permit , to make a stand to maintain their Masonic reputation , and to preserve general unanimity . Some dissatisfaction is felt that their communications do not meet with prompt attention . It is to be hoped , that , as the official department ( the Secretary ' s office ) , has been materially improved , that correspondence will , at any rate , be immediately acknowledged , and acted upon as soon as due convenience will permit . AVe refrain from further
observation at present . Dr . Burnes appears to have earned , deservedly , a very high Masonic reputation , which his conciliatory manners has confirmed . CALCUTTA . —Dr . Grant , the newly-appointed Provincial Grand Master for Bengal , is already on the alert , and is collecting , with all possible despatch , evidence from the provinces in the distance , the materials which are necessary to aid him in correspondence . Speculation is alive as to
his appointments . Whatever they may be , such is the confidence felt in him , that they must be satisfactory . Rumour assigns the following as the contemplated elevations to the Provincial Purple : —Major R . C . Macdonald , as D . P . G . M . ; Major-Gen . Lindsay , P . S . G . W . ; Robert Neave , Esq ., P . J . G . W . ; A . Grant , Esq ., P . G . Sec .