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the Masonic philosopher—grasped his hand—and felt the certainty that he lived . AVhat the Craft at large owes to him , they may , as a body , be hardly sensible of . Masses of men are acted upon more frequently by great public acts of display , and public trophies are their reward ; while the secluded philosopher , who not only is daily in the habit of advancing knowledge , and thereby instructing a world by instilling into it principles of boundless good—remains unremembered but by the few ,
to whom his value is of priceless estimation , but who may not have the means to carry out their conviction of his high claims to the gratitude of the world he has adorned . We hope and trust , that Lincolnshire will set an example , and record to future ages some act whereby the honored name , the deathless reputation of Dr . Oliver , may be perpetuated as a mark of their love , and of his devotion to a system of morals , unapproachable , it is true , to the sordid , the slanderous , and the faithless ; but a system abounding in all comfort to the generous , the liberal , and the believer in God !
BATLEY , November 18 . —The Brethren of the Nelson of the Nile Lodge , "No . 330 , elected their "Worshi pful Master for the ensuing year , when Bro . the Rev . Dr . Senior , head master of Batley Free Grammar School , P . G . Sup . of Works of W . Yorkshire , and W . M . and C . of Lodges 251 and 330 , was unanimously re-appointed to the Chair , and also , at the same time , elected Treasurer ; the Brother most kindly consented to continue his valuable services as Secretary . Uniting , therefore , in his own person the responsible offices of W . Master ,
Treasurer , and Secretary , we hope our worthy and reverend Brother will have the pleasure of seeing his labours of love crowned with success ; and that , under his guidance , this Lodge , which has been for some time in a languishing state , ivill again resume its ancient celebrity in the Craft .
DEWSBURY , November 21 . —Lodge ofthe Three Grand Princi ples , 251 . The Brethren of this ancient Lodge , which , amid " the changes and chances of this chequered scene , " has now been held in divers places and under various appellations for upwards of three quarters of a century , met for ceremonies and other interesting matters . The attention of the Brethren was then called to the more prominent and important duty of electing a fit and proper person as W . M . for the ensuing year . Being
anxiously desirous of making such an appointment as would most effectually contribute to the improvement and prosperity of their now flourishing Lodge , and fully aware how much depended upon the character , experience , and devotedness of the Brother " honoured with supreme command , " they unanimously re-elected to that office the Rev . Dr . Senior , the Brother whose name is most honourably associated with the Craft . This being , however , " the third successive election" of Bro .
Senior as W . M ., a dispensation became necessary to render the present appointment strictl y conformable to the Book of Constitutions ; a memorial , therefore , couched in the most respectful and affectionate terms , and addressed to that highly distinguished man and Mason—Charles J . ee , Esq ., the R . W . D . P . G . Master of West Yorkshire , was immediatel y drawn up , signed by the P . M . Wardens , Officers , and all the Brethren present ; and from the well-known zeal , courtesy , and benevolence of that " Master-mind" which now rules this vast and flourishing province , we feel assured that the unanimous appeal and petition of the Brethren of the Three Grand Principles , in reference to these most interesting
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the Masonic philosopher—grasped his hand—and felt the certainty that he lived . AVhat the Craft at large owes to him , they may , as a body , be hardly sensible of . Masses of men are acted upon more frequently by great public acts of display , and public trophies are their reward ; while the secluded philosopher , who not only is daily in the habit of advancing knowledge , and thereby instructing a world by instilling into it principles of boundless good—remains unremembered but by the few ,
to whom his value is of priceless estimation , but who may not have the means to carry out their conviction of his high claims to the gratitude of the world he has adorned . We hope and trust , that Lincolnshire will set an example , and record to future ages some act whereby the honored name , the deathless reputation of Dr . Oliver , may be perpetuated as a mark of their love , and of his devotion to a system of morals , unapproachable , it is true , to the sordid , the slanderous , and the faithless ; but a system abounding in all comfort to the generous , the liberal , and the believer in God !
BATLEY , November 18 . —The Brethren of the Nelson of the Nile Lodge , "No . 330 , elected their "Worshi pful Master for the ensuing year , when Bro . the Rev . Dr . Senior , head master of Batley Free Grammar School , P . G . Sup . of Works of W . Yorkshire , and W . M . and C . of Lodges 251 and 330 , was unanimously re-appointed to the Chair , and also , at the same time , elected Treasurer ; the Brother most kindly consented to continue his valuable services as Secretary . Uniting , therefore , in his own person the responsible offices of W . Master ,
Treasurer , and Secretary , we hope our worthy and reverend Brother will have the pleasure of seeing his labours of love crowned with success ; and that , under his guidance , this Lodge , which has been for some time in a languishing state , ivill again resume its ancient celebrity in the Craft .
DEWSBURY , November 21 . —Lodge ofthe Three Grand Princi ples , 251 . The Brethren of this ancient Lodge , which , amid " the changes and chances of this chequered scene , " has now been held in divers places and under various appellations for upwards of three quarters of a century , met for ceremonies and other interesting matters . The attention of the Brethren was then called to the more prominent and important duty of electing a fit and proper person as W . M . for the ensuing year . Being
anxiously desirous of making such an appointment as would most effectually contribute to the improvement and prosperity of their now flourishing Lodge , and fully aware how much depended upon the character , experience , and devotedness of the Brother " honoured with supreme command , " they unanimously re-elected to that office the Rev . Dr . Senior , the Brother whose name is most honourably associated with the Craft . This being , however , " the third successive election" of Bro .
Senior as W . M ., a dispensation became necessary to render the present appointment strictl y conformable to the Book of Constitutions ; a memorial , therefore , couched in the most respectful and affectionate terms , and addressed to that highly distinguished man and Mason—Charles J . ee , Esq ., the R . W . D . P . G . Master of West Yorkshire , was immediatel y drawn up , signed by the P . M . Wardens , Officers , and all the Brethren present ; and from the well-known zeal , courtesy , and benevolence of that " Master-mind" which now rules this vast and flourishing province , we feel assured that the unanimous appeal and petition of the Brethren of the Three Grand Principles , in reference to these most interesting