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Masonry Restored To Its Genuine Principles.
laws and religions by which people are governed , and by which such troubles and deplorable wars are so often brought about . The Master must exhort the candidate , should he discover the causes of these evils , to seek for their remedy . He should order him to examine himself ; that is , to recall his past life , bis former thoughts and deeds , and endeavour to be able to render a due account of them to himself .
He should further inform all candidates that they are liable to be examined on all these topics , and that as few persons ever have given . . thought , they might be taken by surprise , if not forewarned . 1 he W . M . then must order the candidate , if for the first degree , to support one poor person for a day ; if for the second , two ; and if for the third , three . The candidate must converse with these poor , and endeavour to ascertain the cause of their
poverty-All candidates must be ordered to take a bath the day before their initiation , if their health permits , to wear none but white linen the day of their initiation , of which no portion has been worn before , and in other respects to be clothed as on a hol yday . It will be perceived that all this is necessary , without alleging any reasons .
On The Mystic Numbers, 9 And 15.
( F / -om p . 3 J 0 . ) TO THE EHITOH . . DEAR SIB AND BROTHER . —Having studied the Hebrew language for many years past , I read with much jileasure the article " On the Mystic Numbers , 9 and 15 , " by Brother G . Aarons , in the September Number of your excellent Periodical , ancl I have no doubt but Brother
Aarons will be glad that an error in his examples , which has evidently slipped his observation , should not be permitted to pass uncorrected :. The error I allude to is contained in the following paragraph , " Again in the 90 th Psalm , ' To teach us to number our days , that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom , or knowledge ; ' the word QQV day , is 96 = 15 . " It is to this example I object , and for this reason , the word is not in the verse of the Psalm alluded tonor is it at all in the Psalm
, ; the word it is taken for is , \^ Oi = ll 6 = 8 , ( our days . ) Again , in the column of the words with their numerical power we find Day , DDV- This I contend is not a correct translation of the word , it is a particle having an adverbial sense , viz ., Daily , in the daytime , & c . It is entirely from the pleasure T experienced in perusing the contribution of Brother Aarons that I address these observations on the
subject to you , being anxious that the correctness of the series of illustrations should not be marred by the introduction of one , whose composition is evidentl y faulty . I remain , dear Sir and Brother , Your ' s Fraternally , J . S . KEDDBLL , Surgeon , & c . S . W . Lodge , 184 . Sheerness , Nov . 5 . 1837 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonry Restored To Its Genuine Principles.
laws and religions by which people are governed , and by which such troubles and deplorable wars are so often brought about . The Master must exhort the candidate , should he discover the causes of these evils , to seek for their remedy . He should order him to examine himself ; that is , to recall his past life , bis former thoughts and deeds , and endeavour to be able to render a due account of them to himself .
He should further inform all candidates that they are liable to be examined on all these topics , and that as few persons ever have given . . thought , they might be taken by surprise , if not forewarned . 1 he W . M . then must order the candidate , if for the first degree , to support one poor person for a day ; if for the second , two ; and if for the third , three . The candidate must converse with these poor , and endeavour to ascertain the cause of their
poverty-All candidates must be ordered to take a bath the day before their initiation , if their health permits , to wear none but white linen the day of their initiation , of which no portion has been worn before , and in other respects to be clothed as on a hol yday . It will be perceived that all this is necessary , without alleging any reasons .
On The Mystic Numbers, 9 And 15.
( F / -om p . 3 J 0 . ) TO THE EHITOH . . DEAR SIB AND BROTHER . —Having studied the Hebrew language for many years past , I read with much jileasure the article " On the Mystic Numbers , 9 and 15 , " by Brother G . Aarons , in the September Number of your excellent Periodical , ancl I have no doubt but Brother
Aarons will be glad that an error in his examples , which has evidently slipped his observation , should not be permitted to pass uncorrected :. The error I allude to is contained in the following paragraph , " Again in the 90 th Psalm , ' To teach us to number our days , that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom , or knowledge ; ' the word QQV day , is 96 = 15 . " It is to this example I object , and for this reason , the word is not in the verse of the Psalm alluded tonor is it at all in the Psalm
, ; the word it is taken for is , \^ Oi = ll 6 = 8 , ( our days . ) Again , in the column of the words with their numerical power we find Day , DDV- This I contend is not a correct translation of the word , it is a particle having an adverbial sense , viz ., Daily , in the daytime , & c . It is entirely from the pleasure T experienced in perusing the contribution of Brother Aarons that I address these observations on the
subject to you , being anxious that the correctness of the series of illustrations should not be marred by the introduction of one , whose composition is evidentl y faulty . I remain , dear Sir and Brother , Your ' s Fraternally , J . S . KEDDBLL , Surgeon , & c . S . W . Lodge , 184 . Sheerness , Nov . 5 . 1837 .