Article j ' SARSAPARILLA. —MR. WRAY, of Holborn-... Page 1 of 1 Article PROTECTED 1SY FfVE PATENTS. PERRYIAN PEN... Page 1 of 1 Article MINTER'S PATENT, SELF-ACTING, RECLINING,... Page 1 of 1 Article TpiGHT DAY CLOCKS,—to strike the L< hour... Page 1 of 1 Article TO PREVENT FRAUD. HP HORN'S POTTED YARMO... Page 1 of 1
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J ' Sarsaparilla. —Mr. Wray, Of Holborn-...
SARSAPARILLA . —MR . WRAY , of Holborn-hill , the Propietor of the ALTERATIVE-TONIC POWDERS , having observed constant disappointment attending the exhibition of the pharmaceutical and other preparations of Sarsaparilla , induced him to set on foot , with the assistance of the ablest experimental chemists , an analysis of its properties ; the result of which proves that true Sarsaparilla , carefully selected and separated from all impurities , is in substance most effectual , and that the various preparations under the denominations of decoctions , extracts , essences , syrups , & c , hitherto used ,
can never be depended upon for producing any real or permanent benefit . But , though Sarsaparilla in substance onl y is to be preferred , yet the action may be materially assisted when combined with auxiliaries . By a trial of many years' continuance he has found that the Alterative-Tonic Powders he now offers to the publichave justified his
, most sanguine expectations , and therefore feels himself bound , by motives of humanity , to confine it no longer to private practice , but to allow the public the full advantage of so valuable a medicine . Persons in the habit of taking quinine , will find his powders by far the most efficacious tonic . —Morning Advertiser .
Protected 1sy Ffve Patents. Perryian Pen...
PROTECTED 1 SY FfVE PATENTS . PERRYIAN PENS . NINE PATENT PERRYIAN Under Spring Pens , with Holder 2 0 Nine Double Patent I'erryian Pens , with Holder - - - - 2 0 Nine Patent Perryian Flat Spring Pens
, with Holder - - - 2 0 Nine do . Side Spring Pens , with do . 2 0 Nine do . India-RubberSpri ! igPens , do . 2 C Nine do . Regulating Spring Pens , ditto 2 C Any of the above Pens may be had with Medium , Fine , Extra Fine , or Hroad Points . Nine Patent Three Pointed Pens - 2 3
Nine Patent Perryian Office Pens , with Holder - - - - 1 0 The Patent Perryian Elastic Holder may be had with most of the above Pens , at an advance of Three-pence per Card . FERRYIAN LIMPID BLUE AND BLACK INK . Writing performed with the Blue Ink is
first of a clear blue colour , but in a short period becomes a permanent Black . These Inks are peculiarly adapted for Me- tallic Pens , and will not corrode them . Sold in bottles at Gd ., Is ., and 2 s . each , by all sta- tioners and dealers in Metallic Pens , and at the Manufactory , No . 37 , Red Lion Square , London ; each Card and Bottle is Signed— JAMES TERRY & Co .
Minter's Patent, Self-Acting, Reclining,...
MINTER'S PATENT , SELF-ACTING , RECLINING , and ELEVATING CHAIRS , for the sick chamber or the indulgent , in great variety , at all prices . | MERLIN CHAIRS to recline on his patent princi ple , with foot-board and legrest .
MERLIN CHAIRS made light , caned , and portable . MERLIN CHAIRS for in-door or outdoor use , very complete , on springs , disjpensing with the necessity of having two j chairs . Persons having the use of their ' arms can propel themselves without assistj ; J j i
ance , or be guided by a boy pushing behind 'the chair BATH and BRIGHTON CHAIRS in great variety , made to recline so as to lie at full length ; also made very PORTABLE and COMPACT FOR TRAVELLING . SPINAL CARRIAGES , PORTABLE CARRIAGE CHAIRS , and every article for the invalid . 33 , GERUARD-STREET , SOHO .
Tpight Day Clocks,—To Strike The L< Hour...
TpiGHT DAY CLOCKS , —to strike the L < hours and half-hours , five guineas each . They are in elegant cases , about 7- | inches high , suitable either to stand on a bracket or mantle-piece . 'Warranted at T . Cox SAVORY ' , Working Goldsmith , & c . & c , 47 , Cornhill , London .
To Prevent Fraud. Hp Horn's Potted Yarmo...
TO PREVENT FRAUD . HP HORN'S POTTED YARMOUTH i- BLOATERS , for Toast , Biscuits , Sandwiches , and Wine , in Pots , Is . and 2 s . each . The high repute and immense sale of this delicate preparation has induced several would-be tradesmen ( who , not having an
idea of their own ) to attempt an imposition , by labelling a pot exactl y like his , thereby to deceive the public and injure him ( having actually applied to his printer for that purpose ) , well knowing they cannot prepare the Fish , the receipt being an old famil y one , and the secret in the curing of the Herring
, by which its rancid qualities are destroyed , and it becomes so dehcious a relish . It is easily detected by observing his signature , ALEX . THORN , on the side , and on the top , proprietor of the celebrated TALLY-HO ! SAUCE , for Fish , Game , Steaks , Wild Fowl , and all Made Dishes , imparting a zest i ! i
not otherwise acquired—the most economical now in use ; in Bottles , 2 s . and 4 s . each , wan-anted in all climates . Wholesale at the Manufactory , Thorn ' s Oil , Italian , and Foreign Warehouse , 223 , High Holborn : also of all wholesale oilmen and druggists ; and retail b y all respectable oilmen , druggists , and grocers in the Kingdom . i ^ j ; ; *
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
J ' Sarsaparilla. —Mr. Wray, Of Holborn-...
SARSAPARILLA . —MR . WRAY , of Holborn-hill , the Propietor of the ALTERATIVE-TONIC POWDERS , having observed constant disappointment attending the exhibition of the pharmaceutical and other preparations of Sarsaparilla , induced him to set on foot , with the assistance of the ablest experimental chemists , an analysis of its properties ; the result of which proves that true Sarsaparilla , carefully selected and separated from all impurities , is in substance most effectual , and that the various preparations under the denominations of decoctions , extracts , essences , syrups , & c , hitherto used ,
can never be depended upon for producing any real or permanent benefit . But , though Sarsaparilla in substance onl y is to be preferred , yet the action may be materially assisted when combined with auxiliaries . By a trial of many years' continuance he has found that the Alterative-Tonic Powders he now offers to the publichave justified his
, most sanguine expectations , and therefore feels himself bound , by motives of humanity , to confine it no longer to private practice , but to allow the public the full advantage of so valuable a medicine . Persons in the habit of taking quinine , will find his powders by far the most efficacious tonic . —Morning Advertiser .
Protected 1sy Ffve Patents. Perryian Pen...
PROTECTED 1 SY FfVE PATENTS . PERRYIAN PENS . NINE PATENT PERRYIAN Under Spring Pens , with Holder 2 0 Nine Double Patent I'erryian Pens , with Holder - - - - 2 0 Nine Patent Perryian Flat Spring Pens
, with Holder - - - 2 0 Nine do . Side Spring Pens , with do . 2 0 Nine do . India-RubberSpri ! igPens , do . 2 C Nine do . Regulating Spring Pens , ditto 2 C Any of the above Pens may be had with Medium , Fine , Extra Fine , or Hroad Points . Nine Patent Three Pointed Pens - 2 3
Nine Patent Perryian Office Pens , with Holder - - - - 1 0 The Patent Perryian Elastic Holder may be had with most of the above Pens , at an advance of Three-pence per Card . FERRYIAN LIMPID BLUE AND BLACK INK . Writing performed with the Blue Ink is
first of a clear blue colour , but in a short period becomes a permanent Black . These Inks are peculiarly adapted for Me- tallic Pens , and will not corrode them . Sold in bottles at Gd ., Is ., and 2 s . each , by all sta- tioners and dealers in Metallic Pens , and at the Manufactory , No . 37 , Red Lion Square , London ; each Card and Bottle is Signed— JAMES TERRY & Co .
Minter's Patent, Self-Acting, Reclining,...
MINTER'S PATENT , SELF-ACTING , RECLINING , and ELEVATING CHAIRS , for the sick chamber or the indulgent , in great variety , at all prices . | MERLIN CHAIRS to recline on his patent princi ple , with foot-board and legrest .
MERLIN CHAIRS made light , caned , and portable . MERLIN CHAIRS for in-door or outdoor use , very complete , on springs , disjpensing with the necessity of having two j chairs . Persons having the use of their ' arms can propel themselves without assistj ; J j i
ance , or be guided by a boy pushing behind 'the chair BATH and BRIGHTON CHAIRS in great variety , made to recline so as to lie at full length ; also made very PORTABLE and COMPACT FOR TRAVELLING . SPINAL CARRIAGES , PORTABLE CARRIAGE CHAIRS , and every article for the invalid . 33 , GERUARD-STREET , SOHO .
Tpight Day Clocks,—To Strike The L< Hour...
TpiGHT DAY CLOCKS , —to strike the L < hours and half-hours , five guineas each . They are in elegant cases , about 7- | inches high , suitable either to stand on a bracket or mantle-piece . 'Warranted at T . Cox SAVORY ' , Working Goldsmith , & c . & c , 47 , Cornhill , London .
To Prevent Fraud. Hp Horn's Potted Yarmo...
TO PREVENT FRAUD . HP HORN'S POTTED YARMOUTH i- BLOATERS , for Toast , Biscuits , Sandwiches , and Wine , in Pots , Is . and 2 s . each . The high repute and immense sale of this delicate preparation has induced several would-be tradesmen ( who , not having an
idea of their own ) to attempt an imposition , by labelling a pot exactl y like his , thereby to deceive the public and injure him ( having actually applied to his printer for that purpose ) , well knowing they cannot prepare the Fish , the receipt being an old famil y one , and the secret in the curing of the Herring
, by which its rancid qualities are destroyed , and it becomes so dehcious a relish . It is easily detected by observing his signature , ALEX . THORN , on the side , and on the top , proprietor of the celebrated TALLY-HO ! SAUCE , for Fish , Game , Steaks , Wild Fowl , and all Made Dishes , imparting a zest i ! i
not otherwise acquired—the most economical now in use ; in Bottles , 2 s . and 4 s . each , wan-anted in all climates . Wholesale at the Manufactory , Thorn ' s Oil , Italian , and Foreign Warehouse , 223 , High Holborn : also of all wholesale oilmen and druggists ; and retail b y all respectable oilmen , druggists , and grocers in the Kingdom . i ^ j ; ; *