Article FREEMASON'S SAUCE—WILLIAM BACHHOFFNER, f... Page 1 of 1 Article rriO THE NOBILITY, GENTRY, and J- FAMILI... Page 1 of 1 Article CHANTER'S PATENT AUXILIARY BOILER and FU... Page 1 of 1 Article CHANTER'S PATENT AUXILIARY BOILER and FU... Page 1 of 1 Article PLATE GLASS. pARVING and GILDING, CHAIRS... Page 1 of 1 Article rpO PERSONS DESIROUSofSELLING 1 TEA.—PRO... Page 1 of 1
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Freemason's Sauce—William Bachhoffner, F...
FREEMASON'S SAUCE—WILLIAM BACHHOFFNER , for many years the sole accredited Agent of Mr . Cuff , for the sale of his celebrated Sauce , now offers to the Public his improved and delicious Freemason ' s Sauce , which has received the unqualified approbation of the Nobility and
Gentry for its piquancy , and the peculiar delicate flavour it imparts to Gravies , Steaks , Hashes , Poultry , Game , and Cold Meats . It embraces every quality of the original , with a further combination of richness and superiority that cannot be excelled . It will be found to form a superb adjunct to
gastronomic refinement , comprising a gout which can onl y be appreciated by its use . This elegant addition to the table is manufactured and sold , wholesale and retail , by Wm . Bachhoffner , 37 , Museum-street , ( without whose signature none can be genuine ) , and may be had at most of the Italian warehouses in the United Kingdom .
Rrio The Nobility, Gentry, And J- Famili...
rriO THE NOBILITY , GENTRY , and J- FAMILIES FURNISHING . Messrs . MUNNS and Co . ( late Miles ) respectfully invite public attention to the largest Stock in London , of Parlour , Drawing-room , and Bed-chamber Furniture , consisting of every variety in Tables and Chairs ,
which , for elegance , ease , and durability , cannot be exceeded . Looking-glasses in every size , costly in appearance , but economical in price ; Console and Pier Tables of the most fashionable construction ; Wardrobes , replete with every convenience ; Bookcasesen suitefor the most extensive
, , library , or adapted to the retirement of the study ; and , lastly , the Boudoir of the most fashionable Lady can be arranged with the most scrupulous attention to elegance and economy . Their Stock of Carpets , Chintzes , Merinos , Damasks , and Silk Furnitures , comprises every novelty that has been
produced , and will be offered at such prices that cannot fail to astonish purchasers . — Messrs . MUNNS and Co ., having enlarged their premises , are enabled to exhibit a Stock that is unparalleled for extent in London . — 33 , Oxford-street , facing Dean-street .
Chanter's Patent Auxiliary Boiler And Fu...
CHANTER'S PATENT AUXILIARY BOILER and FURNACE , which can be added to any Steam Boiler now in use without unseating it , has received the approbation of the first Engineers in London , by which a considerable increase of power is obtained , and an economy of fuel effected of
15 to 20 per cent . Also , CHANTER ' S IMPROVED TUBE BOILER , which can be easily cleaned , not occupying half the usual space , and , when fixed with
Chanter's Patent Auxiliary Boiler And Fu...
the Auxiliary Boiler and Patent Furnace , effects an economy of fuel of full 35 to 40 per cent , which has been admitted by various persons in London , where they can be seen in operation on application to the Patent Boiler and Furnace Office , Earl-street , Blackfriars . The smoke from these furnaces is wholly converted into
a flame of gas . An improved small Boiler to generate heat rapidly with little fuel , applicable to Hot-Houses , Public Baths , Warehouses , & c , with hot-water pipes , pedestals , & c . Hot-Air Stoves on an improved principle can also be seen at Chanter and Co . ' s Office , Earl-street , Blackfriars , London .
Plate Glass. Parving And Gilding, Chairs...
PLATE GLASS . pARVING and GILDING , CHAIRS ^ and CABINET WORK , CARPETING , UPHOLSTERY , and INTERIOR DECORATIONS in the present improved style , on terms which fear no competition , at HENRY L . COOPER'S Old
Establishments for Superior Furniture . Looking Glasses of a quality that cannot be excelled . For a more detailed enumeration of the articles connected with the Manufactory , and a Tariff' of Plate Glass for Windows , & c , vide Advertisements in the Magazines and Newspapers for 1835 and 1 S 36 .
93 , Bishopsgate Street \ Yithin . Western branch , 57 , Conduit Street , nine doors from Regent Street , left hand side . H . L . C . begs respectfully to solicit particular attention to the address .
Rpo Persons Desirousofselling 1 Tea.—Pro...
rpO PERSONS DESIROUSofSELLING 1 TEA . —PROFITABLE AGENCY .-Agents continne to be appointed in London and country towns ( where there are no grocers dealing with the establishment ) by the East India Tea Company , for the sale of their celebrated Teas ( offices No . 9 , Great St .
Helen ' s , Bishopsgate ) . They are packed in leaden canisters , from an ounce to a pound , and labelled with the price on each package . The lac-simile of the Secretary is attached , to secure the delivery free from adulteration . But little trouble is occasioned by the sale . Any respectable tradesman may engage in it
with advantage ; he promotes , indeed , his own business by this valuable appendage . The license is only 11 . ? . ; the very trade an amusement ; and , from an outlay of 20 / . to to 50 / ., many , during the last ten years , have realized incomes of from 50 / . to 100 / . per annum , without one shilling let or loss .
Application to be made to CHARLES HANCOCK , Secretary . P . S . The permit system is abolished altogether .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemason's Sauce—William Bachhoffner, F...
FREEMASON'S SAUCE—WILLIAM BACHHOFFNER , for many years the sole accredited Agent of Mr . Cuff , for the sale of his celebrated Sauce , now offers to the Public his improved and delicious Freemason ' s Sauce , which has received the unqualified approbation of the Nobility and
Gentry for its piquancy , and the peculiar delicate flavour it imparts to Gravies , Steaks , Hashes , Poultry , Game , and Cold Meats . It embraces every quality of the original , with a further combination of richness and superiority that cannot be excelled . It will be found to form a superb adjunct to
gastronomic refinement , comprising a gout which can onl y be appreciated by its use . This elegant addition to the table is manufactured and sold , wholesale and retail , by Wm . Bachhoffner , 37 , Museum-street , ( without whose signature none can be genuine ) , and may be had at most of the Italian warehouses in the United Kingdom .
Rrio The Nobility, Gentry, And J- Famili...
rriO THE NOBILITY , GENTRY , and J- FAMILIES FURNISHING . Messrs . MUNNS and Co . ( late Miles ) respectfully invite public attention to the largest Stock in London , of Parlour , Drawing-room , and Bed-chamber Furniture , consisting of every variety in Tables and Chairs ,
which , for elegance , ease , and durability , cannot be exceeded . Looking-glasses in every size , costly in appearance , but economical in price ; Console and Pier Tables of the most fashionable construction ; Wardrobes , replete with every convenience ; Bookcasesen suitefor the most extensive
, , library , or adapted to the retirement of the study ; and , lastly , the Boudoir of the most fashionable Lady can be arranged with the most scrupulous attention to elegance and economy . Their Stock of Carpets , Chintzes , Merinos , Damasks , and Silk Furnitures , comprises every novelty that has been
produced , and will be offered at such prices that cannot fail to astonish purchasers . — Messrs . MUNNS and Co ., having enlarged their premises , are enabled to exhibit a Stock that is unparalleled for extent in London . — 33 , Oxford-street , facing Dean-street .
Chanter's Patent Auxiliary Boiler And Fu...
CHANTER'S PATENT AUXILIARY BOILER and FURNACE , which can be added to any Steam Boiler now in use without unseating it , has received the approbation of the first Engineers in London , by which a considerable increase of power is obtained , and an economy of fuel effected of
15 to 20 per cent . Also , CHANTER ' S IMPROVED TUBE BOILER , which can be easily cleaned , not occupying half the usual space , and , when fixed with
Chanter's Patent Auxiliary Boiler And Fu...
the Auxiliary Boiler and Patent Furnace , effects an economy of fuel of full 35 to 40 per cent , which has been admitted by various persons in London , where they can be seen in operation on application to the Patent Boiler and Furnace Office , Earl-street , Blackfriars . The smoke from these furnaces is wholly converted into
a flame of gas . An improved small Boiler to generate heat rapidly with little fuel , applicable to Hot-Houses , Public Baths , Warehouses , & c , with hot-water pipes , pedestals , & c . Hot-Air Stoves on an improved principle can also be seen at Chanter and Co . ' s Office , Earl-street , Blackfriars , London .
Plate Glass. Parving And Gilding, Chairs...
PLATE GLASS . pARVING and GILDING , CHAIRS ^ and CABINET WORK , CARPETING , UPHOLSTERY , and INTERIOR DECORATIONS in the present improved style , on terms which fear no competition , at HENRY L . COOPER'S Old
Establishments for Superior Furniture . Looking Glasses of a quality that cannot be excelled . For a more detailed enumeration of the articles connected with the Manufactory , and a Tariff' of Plate Glass for Windows , & c , vide Advertisements in the Magazines and Newspapers for 1835 and 1 S 36 .
93 , Bishopsgate Street \ Yithin . Western branch , 57 , Conduit Street , nine doors from Regent Street , left hand side . H . L . C . begs respectfully to solicit particular attention to the address .
Rpo Persons Desirousofselling 1 Tea.—Pro...
rpO PERSONS DESIROUSofSELLING 1 TEA . —PROFITABLE AGENCY .-Agents continne to be appointed in London and country towns ( where there are no grocers dealing with the establishment ) by the East India Tea Company , for the sale of their celebrated Teas ( offices No . 9 , Great St .
Helen ' s , Bishopsgate ) . They are packed in leaden canisters , from an ounce to a pound , and labelled with the price on each package . The lac-simile of the Secretary is attached , to secure the delivery free from adulteration . But little trouble is occasioned by the sale . Any respectable tradesman may engage in it
with advantage ; he promotes , indeed , his own business by this valuable appendage . The license is only 11 . ? . ; the very trade an amusement ; and , from an outlay of 20 / . to to 50 / ., many , during the last ten years , have realized incomes of from 50 / . to 100 / . per annum , without one shilling let or loss .
Application to be made to CHARLES HANCOCK , Secretary . P . S . The permit system is abolished altogether .