Article FREEMASONRY. MASONIC SONG. THE GREY HEAD... Page 1 of 1 Article THE SHIPPING GAZETTE; LONDON EVENING JOU... Page 1 of 1 Article THE SHIPPING GAZETTE; LONDON EVENING JOU... Page 1 of 1 Article DR. JOHNSON'S NEW WORK. Just published, ... Page 1 of 1
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Freemasonry. Masonic Song. The Grey Head...
FREEMASONRY . MASONIC SONG . THE GREY HEAD , written by Brother D . JEHROLD , set to Music by Mr . Reeve , and sung by Brother Collyer at the Inaugural Festival in aid of the Asylum for Aged and Decayed Freemasons . Just published , price 2 s . To be had of Dale , Cockerell , and Co ., Poultry ; and Duff ' and Co ., 65 , Oxford-street , London .
The Shipping Gazette; London Evening Jou...
THE SHIPPING GAZETTE ; LONDON EVENING JOURNAL of MARITIME , COMMERCIAL , and POLITICAL NEWS . [ Established in January 1836 . ] Combining all the essentials of a Daily Newspaper with the prominent features of complete and exclusive intelligence on every
subject connected with the Shipping and Trade of the United Kingdom , the SHIPPING GAZETTE has obtained a character for correctness and extensive usefulness unprecedented in the annals of Newspapers . It now commands a leading circulation throughout the United Kingdom , the
Colonies , on the Continent of Europe , in the United States of America , and other foreign countries , and is therefore a most eligible medium for Commercial and Miscellaneous Advertisements , particularly those that relate to the sale , charter , freightage , equipment , and sailing of vessels , the sale of merchant goods ,
and that have for their object the particular attention of Merchants , Ship-owners , and Mariners , and those having dealings with them .
The establishment of the SHIPPING GAZETTE forms a new era in the history of Shipping intelligence ; comprising , as it does , daily and complete announcements of arrivals and sailings of all vessels in the COASTING and FOREIGN TRADES , together with an accurate account of vessels
spoken at sea ; state of winds and weather ; accidents ; losses ; rates of foreign and coasting freights ; wholesale prices of goods ; stock exchange news ; COAL , CORN , and other markets ; which information is regularly furnished by correspondents specially appointed IN EVERY PORT IN THE UNITED
KINGDOM , and in the principal ports of all foreign countries trading with Great Britain . The SHIPPING GAZETTE further embraces a comprehensive detail of domestic and miscellaneous intelligence ; records of all important events ; reports of parliamentary proceedings , public meetings ,
decisions of law and police courts , & c , and altogether contains a larger mass of information than is afforded by any other Evening Newspaper .
The Shipping Gazette; London Evening Jou...
During the last Session of Parliament the SHIPPING GAZETTE was frequently referred to by witnesses examined before S pecial Committees of the House of Commons , as furnishing the most authentic evidence in maritime affairs . And , having superseded Lloyd ' s and the Shipping Lists in general
estimation and utility , it has become the recognised organ of the Shipping Interest . The SHIPPING GAZETTE is supplied to subscribers , paying in advance , 21 . 13 s . half-yearly , or 1 / . 7 s . 6 d . per quarter , being at the rate of fourpence each paper ; and to purchasers who do not pay in advance , fivepence per paper .
Orders , communications , and advertisements for the SHIPPING GAZETTE , are received by its Agents at the respective outports ; or at the Publication Office , 162 , Fleet Street , London . It may also be ordered through any News Agent in town or country . When payments are made in
advance , Agents are allowed 1 * . Gd . on each order for one quarter , and 2 s . 6 d . on each order for half-a-year ; and the same on renewed orders ; the supply commencing with the day on which the money is paid at the publication Office . A few reserved shares of 10 / . each (
payment in full , with no further calls ) , will be issued on the 2 nd of January , to those who are disposed to participate in and increase the value of the property . Communications , post free , may be addressed , "To the EDITOR of the SHIPPING GAZETTE , 1 G 2 , Fleet Street , London .
Dr. Johnson's New Work. Just Published, ...
DR . JOHNSON'S NEW WORK . Just published , price 7 s . boards . THE ECONOMY of HEALTH , or the STREAM of HUMAN LIFE , from the Cradle to the Grave ; with Reflections , Moral , Physical , and Philosophical , on the Septennial Phases of Human Existence . By
JAMES JOHNSON , M . D ., Physician Ext . to the KING . By the same Author , 2 . The INFLUENCE of TROPICAL CLIMATES on EUROPEAN CONSTITUTIONS . Fifth Edition , price 18 s . boards .
3 . An ESSAY on INDIGESTION , or MORBID SENSIBILITY of the STOMACH and BOWELS , as the Source of various Diseases , mental and corporeal . Ninth Edition , price 6 s . 6 d . 4 . CHANGE of AIR ; or PURSUIT of HEALTH , through France , Switzerland , and Italy . New Edition , greatly enlarged , price 8 s . Gd . Highley , 32 , Fleet Street .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemasonry. Masonic Song. The Grey Head...
FREEMASONRY . MASONIC SONG . THE GREY HEAD , written by Brother D . JEHROLD , set to Music by Mr . Reeve , and sung by Brother Collyer at the Inaugural Festival in aid of the Asylum for Aged and Decayed Freemasons . Just published , price 2 s . To be had of Dale , Cockerell , and Co ., Poultry ; and Duff ' and Co ., 65 , Oxford-street , London .
The Shipping Gazette; London Evening Jou...
THE SHIPPING GAZETTE ; LONDON EVENING JOURNAL of MARITIME , COMMERCIAL , and POLITICAL NEWS . [ Established in January 1836 . ] Combining all the essentials of a Daily Newspaper with the prominent features of complete and exclusive intelligence on every
subject connected with the Shipping and Trade of the United Kingdom , the SHIPPING GAZETTE has obtained a character for correctness and extensive usefulness unprecedented in the annals of Newspapers . It now commands a leading circulation throughout the United Kingdom , the
Colonies , on the Continent of Europe , in the United States of America , and other foreign countries , and is therefore a most eligible medium for Commercial and Miscellaneous Advertisements , particularly those that relate to the sale , charter , freightage , equipment , and sailing of vessels , the sale of merchant goods ,
and that have for their object the particular attention of Merchants , Ship-owners , and Mariners , and those having dealings with them .
The establishment of the SHIPPING GAZETTE forms a new era in the history of Shipping intelligence ; comprising , as it does , daily and complete announcements of arrivals and sailings of all vessels in the COASTING and FOREIGN TRADES , together with an accurate account of vessels
spoken at sea ; state of winds and weather ; accidents ; losses ; rates of foreign and coasting freights ; wholesale prices of goods ; stock exchange news ; COAL , CORN , and other markets ; which information is regularly furnished by correspondents specially appointed IN EVERY PORT IN THE UNITED
KINGDOM , and in the principal ports of all foreign countries trading with Great Britain . The SHIPPING GAZETTE further embraces a comprehensive detail of domestic and miscellaneous intelligence ; records of all important events ; reports of parliamentary proceedings , public meetings ,
decisions of law and police courts , & c , and altogether contains a larger mass of information than is afforded by any other Evening Newspaper .
The Shipping Gazette; London Evening Jou...
During the last Session of Parliament the SHIPPING GAZETTE was frequently referred to by witnesses examined before S pecial Committees of the House of Commons , as furnishing the most authentic evidence in maritime affairs . And , having superseded Lloyd ' s and the Shipping Lists in general
estimation and utility , it has become the recognised organ of the Shipping Interest . The SHIPPING GAZETTE is supplied to subscribers , paying in advance , 21 . 13 s . half-yearly , or 1 / . 7 s . 6 d . per quarter , being at the rate of fourpence each paper ; and to purchasers who do not pay in advance , fivepence per paper .
Orders , communications , and advertisements for the SHIPPING GAZETTE , are received by its Agents at the respective outports ; or at the Publication Office , 162 , Fleet Street , London . It may also be ordered through any News Agent in town or country . When payments are made in
advance , Agents are allowed 1 * . Gd . on each order for one quarter , and 2 s . 6 d . on each order for half-a-year ; and the same on renewed orders ; the supply commencing with the day on which the money is paid at the publication Office . A few reserved shares of 10 / . each (
payment in full , with no further calls ) , will be issued on the 2 nd of January , to those who are disposed to participate in and increase the value of the property . Communications , post free , may be addressed , "To the EDITOR of the SHIPPING GAZETTE , 1 G 2 , Fleet Street , London .
Dr. Johnson's New Work. Just Published, ...
DR . JOHNSON'S NEW WORK . Just published , price 7 s . boards . THE ECONOMY of HEALTH , or the STREAM of HUMAN LIFE , from the Cradle to the Grave ; with Reflections , Moral , Physical , and Philosophical , on the Septennial Phases of Human Existence . By
JAMES JOHNSON , M . D ., Physician Ext . to the KING . By the same Author , 2 . The INFLUENCE of TROPICAL CLIMATES on EUROPEAN CONSTITUTIONS . Fifth Edition , price 18 s . boards .
3 . An ESSAY on INDIGESTION , or MORBID SENSIBILITY of the STOMACH and BOWELS , as the Source of various Diseases , mental and corporeal . Ninth Edition , price 6 s . 6 d . 4 . CHANGE of AIR ; or PURSUIT of HEALTH , through France , Switzerland , and Italy . New Edition , greatly enlarged , price 8 s . Gd . Highley , 32 , Fleet Street .