Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 26 of 38 →
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structure which will be as honourable to the founder as creditable to the Craft . Brother Eales White and the Cricket Club . —The Cricket Club " ran out" their season on Tuesday , Oct . 4 , with a friendly match between the " cits" and " pastorals" of the club , and then consummated the " doings " of the day by a dinner at Sweet ' s Hotel ; the president (
presenting a " g lorious haunch " for the occasion ) fully bore out the qualities , social , manly , and generous , which have gained Mm such general esteem ; he was most ably assisted by the vice-president . We observed , that the general concern at the fatal accident which happened the day preceding in the family of one of their much esteemed members , Capt . Maher * , was sincerely evidenced by every one present by deep and heartfelt sympathin bis affliction and bereavement . We hailed with
y much satisfaction the appearance of many clergymen among the members ; thus commingling in societies established for the purpose of indulging in joyous and inoffensive recreations , calculated to " make glad the heart of man , " and render his frame " strong and lusty as an
eagle , " they g ive a tone and character to such associations which they most cominendably encourage . The usual loyal toasts were "right loyally" given , and homage to the visitors , " President and Vice , the " Rev . Mr . Newbolt and neig hbouring Clubs , " & c . duly accepted and eloquently acknowledged , when " The speedy restoration of our respected Secretary , Mr . Eales White t , " was given and responded to with acclamations . It was remarked , that Fate had renewed" bowling at smashed of them
the poor fellow ' s " stumps , " and had again " " one , thus accounting for his being " out" at the dinner , and his "leg in wicket . " Mr . Bluett obliged the company with his famous song of " Honest John Bull , " and Mr . Kingsbury and others contributed to the general " harmony . " The party expressed their unqualified satisfaction at the excellence of the dinner and wines , and separated at an early hour ; each person eagerly anticipating the month of April next , to recommence the " mimic strife , " for which purpose we trust the " ground committee" will promptly execute the important duties
entrusted to them . Brother Capt . Maher and the West Somerset Regiment of 1 eomanry Cavalry . —It will be gratify ing to all who have the advantage of knowing Captain Maher , to hear that , at the recent sumptuous military banquet which was given by Colonel Tynte , at Halswell House , to the officers of his regiment , a splendid proof of regard for the gallant Captains social qualities as a man , and his zealous exertions as an admirable him in the shape oi
officer and distinguished soldier , was presented to a magnificent piece of plate in exquisite design , of two hundred pounds value , and executed in the very best style of art , by Payne and Son , of Bath . It consists of a superb centre-piece and candelabnum , the branches formed of acanthus , supported by dancing nymphs advancing with chaplets , & c , lightly resting on a massive circular pedestal , on one side of which is richly embossed the arms of the gallant Captain , with military emblems , & c ; the other bears the following appropriate m-^ V . Presented to Captain Charles Martin Maher , Adjutant of the West
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structure which will be as honourable to the founder as creditable to the Craft . Brother Eales White and the Cricket Club . —The Cricket Club " ran out" their season on Tuesday , Oct . 4 , with a friendly match between the " cits" and " pastorals" of the club , and then consummated the " doings " of the day by a dinner at Sweet ' s Hotel ; the president (
presenting a " g lorious haunch " for the occasion ) fully bore out the qualities , social , manly , and generous , which have gained Mm such general esteem ; he was most ably assisted by the vice-president . We observed , that the general concern at the fatal accident which happened the day preceding in the family of one of their much esteemed members , Capt . Maher * , was sincerely evidenced by every one present by deep and heartfelt sympathin bis affliction and bereavement . We hailed with
y much satisfaction the appearance of many clergymen among the members ; thus commingling in societies established for the purpose of indulging in joyous and inoffensive recreations , calculated to " make glad the heart of man , " and render his frame " strong and lusty as an
eagle , " they g ive a tone and character to such associations which they most cominendably encourage . The usual loyal toasts were "right loyally" given , and homage to the visitors , " President and Vice , the " Rev . Mr . Newbolt and neig hbouring Clubs , " & c . duly accepted and eloquently acknowledged , when " The speedy restoration of our respected Secretary , Mr . Eales White t , " was given and responded to with acclamations . It was remarked , that Fate had renewed" bowling at smashed of them
the poor fellow ' s " stumps , " and had again " " one , thus accounting for his being " out" at the dinner , and his "leg in wicket . " Mr . Bluett obliged the company with his famous song of " Honest John Bull , " and Mr . Kingsbury and others contributed to the general " harmony . " The party expressed their unqualified satisfaction at the excellence of the dinner and wines , and separated at an early hour ; each person eagerly anticipating the month of April next , to recommence the " mimic strife , " for which purpose we trust the " ground committee" will promptly execute the important duties
entrusted to them . Brother Capt . Maher and the West Somerset Regiment of 1 eomanry Cavalry . —It will be gratify ing to all who have the advantage of knowing Captain Maher , to hear that , at the recent sumptuous military banquet which was given by Colonel Tynte , at Halswell House , to the officers of his regiment , a splendid proof of regard for the gallant Captains social qualities as a man , and his zealous exertions as an admirable him in the shape oi
officer and distinguished soldier , was presented to a magnificent piece of plate in exquisite design , of two hundred pounds value , and executed in the very best style of art , by Payne and Son , of Bath . It consists of a superb centre-piece and candelabnum , the branches formed of acanthus , supported by dancing nymphs advancing with chaplets , & c , lightly resting on a massive circular pedestal , on one side of which is richly embossed the arms of the gallant Captain , with military emblems , & c ; the other bears the following appropriate m-^ V . Presented to Captain Charles Martin Maher , Adjutant of the West