Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 25 of 38 →
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Right Worshipful Sir and Brother , I take leave to inform you that I have considered it to be my duty to report officially to my superior , the very handsome and distinguished manner m which his Province was received at Bath , on the 21 st ' instant by your Right Worshipful Provincial Grand iVaster , the Officers of his Grand Lodge , and by the Craft in general . I have no doubt that Colonel Baillie will address Colonel Tynteupon the subject . J r
_ In the interim it cannot but be pleasant to the Brethren of the Province of Somerset to know , that the Freemasons of Bristol , who were fortunate enough to able to he accept their invitation , feel highly gratified and most full y appreciate the liberal and trul y Fraternal reception they experienced . J _ I believe that there is not a single Mason here who does not partake in his own person , of a portion of the obligation conferred upon his Brethren b Province
y your . I am equall y satisfied that the wish nearest to his heart would be to extend to you the hand of Fellowshi p in return for your hospitality whenever opportunity shall present itself . For yourself , my dear Brother , we have known and tried each other so often that our recent meeting could only add one more link to that indissoluble chain which has invariably united us , both " at labour and at high twelve . '
1 hat it may please the Great Architect of the Universe to have you in his especial keeping , is the heartfelt prayer of one , who , with the most sincere regard , has the honour to be ever and fraternally yours . „ T . , „ Richard Smith , 38 , Park-street , Oct . 25 , 1836 . D P G M for Bristol To the Right Worshi pful D . P . G . M . for Somersetshire , Brother M addison . NOTICE IS HEREBY G . VEN that a Provincial Grand Lodge will be
, held at Bath on Friday , the 21 st clay of October next , at 11 o ' clock A M precisely , when the Brethren are respectfull y invited to attend . At this Meeting it is the intention of the P . G . Lodge and Brethren of the Province assembled , to present to the Ri ght Worshi pful P . G . Master , a liece of I late , as a testimonial of their Fraternal respect and gratitude . T , , , „ ., Thomas W . Inman , Prov . G . Sec . Dated at Bndgewater , Sep . 30 ,
1836-TAUNTON , No 397 . —OctoJei-. —Brother C . M . Maker has been unanimousl y elected W . M . for the ensuing year . We hope our Brother ( . aptain will infuse " discipline " into the admirable practice of its members . * The Lodge of Unanimity and Sincerity have resumed their meetings , and have hallowed the event by carrying out the more blessed and benign injunctions of the Craft with that generous bounty which distinguish tMs important
Lodge . A liberal grant has been made to the female School m London , which grant was accompanied b y a corresponding vote of substantial assistance to a fallen Brother , thus aiding Mm to an opportunity of respectably and permanently supporting his ram . l y How powerfull y do acts of this description answer the frozen sneer of the sceptic and the scoffs of the uninitiated ! Our anticipations of assistance to the AGED MASON ' ASYLUM from the Lodge are fervent and sincere . We trust to induce our Brethren to add their quota of cement to that corner-stone which is preparing for that grand super-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Right Worshipful Sir and Brother , I take leave to inform you that I have considered it to be my duty to report officially to my superior , the very handsome and distinguished manner m which his Province was received at Bath , on the 21 st ' instant by your Right Worshipful Provincial Grand iVaster , the Officers of his Grand Lodge , and by the Craft in general . I have no doubt that Colonel Baillie will address Colonel Tynteupon the subject . J r
_ In the interim it cannot but be pleasant to the Brethren of the Province of Somerset to know , that the Freemasons of Bristol , who were fortunate enough to able to he accept their invitation , feel highly gratified and most full y appreciate the liberal and trul y Fraternal reception they experienced . J _ I believe that there is not a single Mason here who does not partake in his own person , of a portion of the obligation conferred upon his Brethren b Province
y your . I am equall y satisfied that the wish nearest to his heart would be to extend to you the hand of Fellowshi p in return for your hospitality whenever opportunity shall present itself . For yourself , my dear Brother , we have known and tried each other so often that our recent meeting could only add one more link to that indissoluble chain which has invariably united us , both " at labour and at high twelve . '
1 hat it may please the Great Architect of the Universe to have you in his especial keeping , is the heartfelt prayer of one , who , with the most sincere regard , has the honour to be ever and fraternally yours . „ T . , „ Richard Smith , 38 , Park-street , Oct . 25 , 1836 . D P G M for Bristol To the Right Worshi pful D . P . G . M . for Somersetshire , Brother M addison . NOTICE IS HEREBY G . VEN that a Provincial Grand Lodge will be
, held at Bath on Friday , the 21 st clay of October next , at 11 o ' clock A M precisely , when the Brethren are respectfull y invited to attend . At this Meeting it is the intention of the P . G . Lodge and Brethren of the Province assembled , to present to the Ri ght Worshi pful P . G . Master , a liece of I late , as a testimonial of their Fraternal respect and gratitude . T , , , „ ., Thomas W . Inman , Prov . G . Sec . Dated at Bndgewater , Sep . 30 ,
1836-TAUNTON , No 397 . —OctoJei-. —Brother C . M . Maker has been unanimousl y elected W . M . for the ensuing year . We hope our Brother ( . aptain will infuse " discipline " into the admirable practice of its members . * The Lodge of Unanimity and Sincerity have resumed their meetings , and have hallowed the event by carrying out the more blessed and benign injunctions of the Craft with that generous bounty which distinguish tMs important
Lodge . A liberal grant has been made to the female School m London , which grant was accompanied b y a corresponding vote of substantial assistance to a fallen Brother , thus aiding Mm to an opportunity of respectably and permanently supporting his ram . l y How powerfull y do acts of this description answer the frozen sneer of the sceptic and the scoffs of the uninitiated ! Our anticipations of assistance to the AGED MASON ' ASYLUM from the Lodge are fervent and sincere . We trust to induce our Brethren to add their quota of cement to that corner-stone which is preparing for that grand super-