Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 24 of 38 →
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AVir . TsiiiRE . —The Brethren of this Province hailed with delight the announcement of a P . G . Lodge , for the 19 th of October , 1836 , which , in consequence of the absence from England of the P . G . Master , J . R . Grosett , Esq ., to his estates in the West Indies , none having been held since 1830 , the Brethren , however , anticipate , that their much-esteemed D . P . G . Master , Wm . R . Browne , Esq ., of Chilton-house , Hungerford , will perform the duties of his office , with urbanity of manner , gentlemanly conduct , and truly Masonic ability and zeal , for which he is so well distinguished . Box , Wiltshire , 5 th Oct ., 1336 .
SALISBURY , ldth October , 1 S 36 . —A Provincial Grand Lodge of this Province was held this clay , at the White-Hart Inn , in this city , for the dispatch of general business , but more especially to vote an address of congratulation to H . R . H . the Duke of Sussex , on his recent recovery of Ms sight . The P . G . L . was opened at three o ' clock , P . M ., by the Right Worshipful W . R . BrowneEsq . D . P . G . Master of the Provinceassisted by Bro .
, , , S . M . Lazarus , P . G . Registrar , as P . G . S . W ., Bro . H . E . Drake , P . G . J . D . as P . G . J . Warden , and other P . G . Officers . The il . W . D . P . G . M . stated , he had still to regret the absence from England of the P . G . Master , and that could he have anticipated his absence would have been half so long , he would have assembled the Brethren together at a much earlier period , and that he should be regular in calling a P . G . L ., at least once in a year , and oftener if required . The address was then read and
unanimously agreed to . —The other business of the Province being concluded , the P . G . L . was closed with solemn prayer . The Brethren then partook of an excellent dinner . Many excellent songs , Masonic and loyal toasts , and some excellent addresses were delivered during the evening ; and at an early hour the Brethren broke up . The meeting was also attended by Brother John Bennett , iii . i ' . for the county .
SOMERSETSHIRE . — -PROVINCE OF BRISTOL . —The R . W . D . P . G . M ., Brother Richard Smith , begs to announce that he has received an official invitation for himself , — the present and past Officers of the Grand Lodge , together with the Brethren of Bristol generally , to be present at the ensuing Grand Lodge for the County of Somerset , to be holden at Bath , by the R . AV . P . G . M ., Biotber C . K . K . Tynte , on Friday , the 21 st instant , at Eleven in the Forenoon precisely .
The R . W . D . P . G . M . apprises this Province that he has on Ms own part accepted the invitation , and he , in consequence , very fraternally calls upon the present and past Grand Officers , as also upon the Freemasons of Bristol generally , to honour him with their support at the appointed time and place . A Grand Lodge will be holden at the Hall , in Bridge-street , on Monday next , the 17 th , at seven o ' clock precisely , to make arrangements , to attend
when the several members of the Grand Lodge are requested . Bv Order of the R . W . D . P . G . M ., W . W . Alexander , It . L . Burne , 12 th Oct ., 1836 . P- G . Secretaries . The following letter has been addressed to Brother Maddison by the D . P . G . M . for Bristol , Brother Richard Smith : —
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AVir . TsiiiRE . —The Brethren of this Province hailed with delight the announcement of a P . G . Lodge , for the 19 th of October , 1836 , which , in consequence of the absence from England of the P . G . Master , J . R . Grosett , Esq ., to his estates in the West Indies , none having been held since 1830 , the Brethren , however , anticipate , that their much-esteemed D . P . G . Master , Wm . R . Browne , Esq ., of Chilton-house , Hungerford , will perform the duties of his office , with urbanity of manner , gentlemanly conduct , and truly Masonic ability and zeal , for which he is so well distinguished . Box , Wiltshire , 5 th Oct ., 1336 .
SALISBURY , ldth October , 1 S 36 . —A Provincial Grand Lodge of this Province was held this clay , at the White-Hart Inn , in this city , for the dispatch of general business , but more especially to vote an address of congratulation to H . R . H . the Duke of Sussex , on his recent recovery of Ms sight . The P . G . L . was opened at three o ' clock , P . M ., by the Right Worshipful W . R . BrowneEsq . D . P . G . Master of the Provinceassisted by Bro .
, , , S . M . Lazarus , P . G . Registrar , as P . G . S . W ., Bro . H . E . Drake , P . G . J . D . as P . G . J . Warden , and other P . G . Officers . The il . W . D . P . G . M . stated , he had still to regret the absence from England of the P . G . Master , and that could he have anticipated his absence would have been half so long , he would have assembled the Brethren together at a much earlier period , and that he should be regular in calling a P . G . L ., at least once in a year , and oftener if required . The address was then read and
unanimously agreed to . —The other business of the Province being concluded , the P . G . L . was closed with solemn prayer . The Brethren then partook of an excellent dinner . Many excellent songs , Masonic and loyal toasts , and some excellent addresses were delivered during the evening ; and at an early hour the Brethren broke up . The meeting was also attended by Brother John Bennett , iii . i ' . for the county .
SOMERSETSHIRE . — -PROVINCE OF BRISTOL . —The R . W . D . P . G . M ., Brother Richard Smith , begs to announce that he has received an official invitation for himself , — the present and past Officers of the Grand Lodge , together with the Brethren of Bristol generally , to be present at the ensuing Grand Lodge for the County of Somerset , to be holden at Bath , by the R . AV . P . G . M ., Biotber C . K . K . Tynte , on Friday , the 21 st instant , at Eleven in the Forenoon precisely .
The R . W . D . P . G . M . apprises this Province that he has on Ms own part accepted the invitation , and he , in consequence , very fraternally calls upon the present and past Grand Officers , as also upon the Freemasons of Bristol generally , to honour him with their support at the appointed time and place . A Grand Lodge will be holden at the Hall , in Bridge-street , on Monday next , the 17 th , at seven o ' clock precisely , to make arrangements , to attend
when the several members of the Grand Lodge are requested . Bv Order of the R . W . D . P . G . M ., W . W . Alexander , It . L . Burne , 12 th Oct ., 1836 . P- G . Secretaries . The following letter has been addressed to Brother Maddison by the D . P . G . M . for Bristol , Brother Richard Smith : —