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Parliamentary Analysis.
HOUSE OF LORDS . June 23 . —Warwick Disfranchisement Bill—several witnesses examined . The Duke of HAMILTON presented a petition from Sir F . Johnstone , one of the claimants of the Annandale Peerage , praying for one month ' s delay , in order to make out his case . The nohle Duke ' s motion was negatived . The Marquess of WESTMINSTER moved the second reading of the Bill for removing the civil Disabilities of the Jews . Majority against , the second reading 92 .
2 ith . —Hie Bishop of LLANDAPP presented two petitions against the admission of Dissenters to the Universities . The Earl of WINTOHI . SEA presented a petition from Captain Aitehison , against the practice of compelling soldiers to pay respect to Roman Catholic ceremonies in foreign countries ; and also praying for compensation for the loss of his commission hy the sentence of a court martial at Malta . —The Warwick Borough Bill was further proceeded in .
25 th . —Petitions presented in favour of the Established Church . —The proceedings in the Warwick Bill were resumed , and adjourned . 2 , 7 th . —Petitions presented in favour of the established Church . —The Borough Justice ' s Bill was read a second time . —Royal Assent to several Bills . —Earl Grey gave notice , that on Tuesday he should move the renewal of the Coercion Bill . 30 /// . —The proceedings in the case of the breach of privilege
complained of by the Lord Chancellor were resumed , and terminated in the committal of Mr . Bittleston ( who admitted himself to be responsible for the article in question ) to the custody of the Usher of the Black Rod . July 1 . —Tiie breach of privilege came under discussion again , Lord WYNFOKD having presented a petition from the Editor of the Morning Post , praying their Lordships' forgiveness . Petition ordered to be taken into consideration on Wednesday . — Earl GREY introduced a Bill to renew the Irish Coercion Act until 1 st August , 1835 ; the only alteration in the new Bill being the omission of the Court-Martial clause . Read a first time , and ordered for a second reading on Friday .
2 d . —Petitions presented iu favour of the Established Church , and for the better observance of the Sabbath . —Mr . Bittleston was brought to the bar , and _ reprimanded by the Lord Chancellor ; after which he was discharged , on payment of the fees . —The Poor Laws Amendment Bill was brought up from the Commons , and read a first time , and ordered for a second reading on Tuesday .
3 d . —1 he Warwick Borough Bill was proceeded in , and again adjourned . —The Duke of RIOHMOND presented the Report of the Select Committee appointed to inquire into the expediency of substituting declarations for oaths in certain cases . —Several petitions were presented for the protection of the Established Church , and on other subjects . —
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Parliamentary Analysis.
HOUSE OF LORDS . June 23 . —Warwick Disfranchisement Bill—several witnesses examined . The Duke of HAMILTON presented a petition from Sir F . Johnstone , one of the claimants of the Annandale Peerage , praying for one month ' s delay , in order to make out his case . The nohle Duke ' s motion was negatived . The Marquess of WESTMINSTER moved the second reading of the Bill for removing the civil Disabilities of the Jews . Majority against , the second reading 92 .
2 ith . —Hie Bishop of LLANDAPP presented two petitions against the admission of Dissenters to the Universities . The Earl of WINTOHI . SEA presented a petition from Captain Aitehison , against the practice of compelling soldiers to pay respect to Roman Catholic ceremonies in foreign countries ; and also praying for compensation for the loss of his commission hy the sentence of a court martial at Malta . —The Warwick Borough Bill was further proceeded in .
25 th . —Petitions presented in favour of the Established Church . —The proceedings in the Warwick Bill were resumed , and adjourned . 2 , 7 th . —Petitions presented in favour of the established Church . —The Borough Justice ' s Bill was read a second time . —Royal Assent to several Bills . —Earl Grey gave notice , that on Tuesday he should move the renewal of the Coercion Bill . 30 /// . —The proceedings in the case of the breach of privilege
complained of by the Lord Chancellor were resumed , and terminated in the committal of Mr . Bittleston ( who admitted himself to be responsible for the article in question ) to the custody of the Usher of the Black Rod . July 1 . —Tiie breach of privilege came under discussion again , Lord WYNFOKD having presented a petition from the Editor of the Morning Post , praying their Lordships' forgiveness . Petition ordered to be taken into consideration on Wednesday . — Earl GREY introduced a Bill to renew the Irish Coercion Act until 1 st August , 1835 ; the only alteration in the new Bill being the omission of the Court-Martial clause . Read a first time , and ordered for a second reading on Friday .
2 d . —Petitions presented iu favour of the Established Church , and for the better observance of the Sabbath . —Mr . Bittleston was brought to the bar , and _ reprimanded by the Lord Chancellor ; after which he was discharged , on payment of the fees . —The Poor Laws Amendment Bill was brought up from the Commons , and read a first time , and ordered for a second reading on Tuesday .
3 d . —1 he Warwick Borough Bill was proceeded in , and again adjourned . —The Duke of RIOHMOND presented the Report of the Select Committee appointed to inquire into the expediency of substituting declarations for oaths in certain cases . —Several petitions were presented for the protection of the Established Church , and on other subjects . —