Article ON FREEMASONRY. ← Page 4 of 7 →
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On Freemasonry.
the Divine Wisdom that the lessons b y which the chosen people were taught to become a nation powerful , wise , and worth y of the promised land . The disorder of the fearstricken multitude fl ying from their cruel and enraged taskmasters , was converted into confidence b y the miraculous passage of the Red Sea , and the supply of food and water
in the Desert . Degraded by their long captivity and slavish obedience to their Egyptian oppressors , their battle with the Amalekites , the descendants of Esau , who , inflamed with the lust of p lunder , attacked them at a base advantage , revived their ancient courage , and on her victory Israel was { aught to know His strength whose name was her spear and shield .
The Jerusalem Targnm records , that during the battle , while Moses held forth his hands in prayer , his people prevailed ; ancl that when overcome b y the infirmity of his nature , he ceased to raise them , the house of Amalek obtained a temporary advantage . The book of Exodus mentions the same miracle attending this act of devotion ofthe great
lawgiver , whose arms were supported in the peculiar form of supplication b y Aaron and Hur , until the overthrow of the enemy . Many have been the opinions of the commentators of the bible upon this passage . The learned Adam Clarke has suggested that Moses held forth the rod of the Lord in his hands . The earl y Fathers of the Church considered it
the type of a sign destined hereafter to become peculiar to salvation . The Mason is content to draw from it a beautiful moral of the influence of prayer supported by faith and perseverance , to trace in it an authority for those mysteries peculiar to the Fellow-craft ' s degree , and an additional confirmation of the divine ori g in of our order . Mankind are distinguished from the rest of the animal
creation not less by the superiority of their mental organization than by the moral law by which they are governed . The impulse , the mere instinct of nature , hath been deemed sufficient for" the beast of the field , the fowl of the air ; they are restrained by it , each according to its kind ; but , gifted with a mind capable , expansive , subtle , that in its range hath
compassed earth and to the many stars of heaven g iven their name , man required a code of ethics suited to his intellectual nature , by whose wholesome disci p line his spirit mi g ht be chastened , the grossness of his passions subdued , his soul refined and elevated . To impart unto the chosen people the laws his mercy framed , the Great Architect of VOL , i . 3 c
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On Freemasonry.
the Divine Wisdom that the lessons b y which the chosen people were taught to become a nation powerful , wise , and worth y of the promised land . The disorder of the fearstricken multitude fl ying from their cruel and enraged taskmasters , was converted into confidence b y the miraculous passage of the Red Sea , and the supply of food and water
in the Desert . Degraded by their long captivity and slavish obedience to their Egyptian oppressors , their battle with the Amalekites , the descendants of Esau , who , inflamed with the lust of p lunder , attacked them at a base advantage , revived their ancient courage , and on her victory Israel was { aught to know His strength whose name was her spear and shield .
The Jerusalem Targnm records , that during the battle , while Moses held forth his hands in prayer , his people prevailed ; ancl that when overcome b y the infirmity of his nature , he ceased to raise them , the house of Amalek obtained a temporary advantage . The book of Exodus mentions the same miracle attending this act of devotion ofthe great
lawgiver , whose arms were supported in the peculiar form of supplication b y Aaron and Hur , until the overthrow of the enemy . Many have been the opinions of the commentators of the bible upon this passage . The learned Adam Clarke has suggested that Moses held forth the rod of the Lord in his hands . The earl y Fathers of the Church considered it
the type of a sign destined hereafter to become peculiar to salvation . The Mason is content to draw from it a beautiful moral of the influence of prayer supported by faith and perseverance , to trace in it an authority for those mysteries peculiar to the Fellow-craft ' s degree , and an additional confirmation of the divine ori g in of our order . Mankind are distinguished from the rest of the animal
creation not less by the superiority of their mental organization than by the moral law by which they are governed . The impulse , the mere instinct of nature , hath been deemed sufficient for" the beast of the field , the fowl of the air ; they are restrained by it , each according to its kind ; but , gifted with a mind capable , expansive , subtle , that in its range hath
compassed earth and to the many stars of heaven g iven their name , man required a code of ethics suited to his intellectual nature , by whose wholesome disci p line his spirit mi g ht be chastened , the grossness of his passions subdued , his soul refined and elevated . To impart unto the chosen people the laws his mercy framed , the Great Architect of VOL , i . 3 c