Article EDINBURGH. ← Page 2 of 6 →
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odicals with greater pretensions . Its principal object is stated to be , to open up a medium of Masonic communication among the Brethren , to promulgate the true principles of Freemasonry , and to disabuse the neutral world of the prejudices too often entertained against the Craft ; besides ivhich the work will comprehend much valuable information on subjects of general utility and interest . In the present Number we are
presented , amongst others , ivith a curiously erudite article on Masonic Number , from the experienced pen of the Rev . George Oliver , author of various historical works ; and with a paper exhibiting much ingenious research upon the antiquity and origin of the Round Toiver of Brechin , in Angus , by Doctor Tytler , both of which productions would do honour to any antiquarian or literary journal extant . The Masonic department exceeds our expectations : it is managed with much skill
and ability , and there is some good poetry intermingled . The proceedings of Lodges , & c ., will be read with lively interest by every Brother , and the tales , or subjects of romance , will be pronounced by the general reader infinitely superior to the trash often met with in magazines . A tale , by Mr . Sheridan Knowles , is announced for the forthcoming number . The " Philosopher and his Pupil" is a classical conception ,
and the notices of the ancient Scottish Templars afford some curious information . Altogether we have not often met with a more interesting periodical . " [ We re-publish the above flattering compliment to our zeal at the earnest request of out Edinburgh Correspondent . —Ed . ]
GRAND LODGE OT SCOTLAND . 1834 . —The festival of St . Andrew ' s day falling upon a Sunday , the Grand Lodge of Scotland met for their election of office-bearers on Monday , 1 st December last , when the following noblemen and gentlemen were installed , agreeable to the election of the 3 d November . His Majesty King William IV . Patron of the Masonry of St . John .
The Most Noble the Marquis of Douglas and Clydesdale , Grand Master . The Lord Viscount Fincastle , Grand Master elect . Right Hon . the Earl of Buchan , Past Grand Master . Sir John Hay , Bart ., M . P ., Substitute Grand Master . Ronald M'Donald , of Staffa , Senior Grand Warden . Sir Thomas Dick Lander , Junior Grand Warden .
Reverend Alexander Stewart , of Douglas , Grand Chaplain . Sir William Forbes and Co ., Bankers , Grand Treasurers . W . A . Lawrie , Esq ., Grand Secretary . James Bartram , Esq ., Grand Clerk . J . Maitland , Assistant Ditto . William Burn , Esq ., Architect to the Order . William Cunningham , Esq ., Grand Jeweller . Brother Lorimer , Grand Bible-bearer . Brothers Buchanan and Ross , Grand Tylers .
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odicals with greater pretensions . Its principal object is stated to be , to open up a medium of Masonic communication among the Brethren , to promulgate the true principles of Freemasonry , and to disabuse the neutral world of the prejudices too often entertained against the Craft ; besides ivhich the work will comprehend much valuable information on subjects of general utility and interest . In the present Number we are
presented , amongst others , ivith a curiously erudite article on Masonic Number , from the experienced pen of the Rev . George Oliver , author of various historical works ; and with a paper exhibiting much ingenious research upon the antiquity and origin of the Round Toiver of Brechin , in Angus , by Doctor Tytler , both of which productions would do honour to any antiquarian or literary journal extant . The Masonic department exceeds our expectations : it is managed with much skill
and ability , and there is some good poetry intermingled . The proceedings of Lodges , & c ., will be read with lively interest by every Brother , and the tales , or subjects of romance , will be pronounced by the general reader infinitely superior to the trash often met with in magazines . A tale , by Mr . Sheridan Knowles , is announced for the forthcoming number . The " Philosopher and his Pupil" is a classical conception ,
and the notices of the ancient Scottish Templars afford some curious information . Altogether we have not often met with a more interesting periodical . " [ We re-publish the above flattering compliment to our zeal at the earnest request of out Edinburgh Correspondent . —Ed . ]
GRAND LODGE OT SCOTLAND . 1834 . —The festival of St . Andrew ' s day falling upon a Sunday , the Grand Lodge of Scotland met for their election of office-bearers on Monday , 1 st December last , when the following noblemen and gentlemen were installed , agreeable to the election of the 3 d November . His Majesty King William IV . Patron of the Masonry of St . John .
The Most Noble the Marquis of Douglas and Clydesdale , Grand Master . The Lord Viscount Fincastle , Grand Master elect . Right Hon . the Earl of Buchan , Past Grand Master . Sir John Hay , Bart ., M . P ., Substitute Grand Master . Ronald M'Donald , of Staffa , Senior Grand Warden . Sir Thomas Dick Lander , Junior Grand Warden .
Reverend Alexander Stewart , of Douglas , Grand Chaplain . Sir William Forbes and Co ., Bankers , Grand Treasurers . W . A . Lawrie , Esq ., Grand Secretary . James Bartram , Esq ., Grand Clerk . J . Maitland , Assistant Ditto . William Burn , Esq ., Architect to the Order . William Cunningham , Esq ., Grand Jeweller . Brother Lorimer , Grand Bible-bearer . Brothers Buchanan and Ross , Grand Tylers .