Article QUARTERLY COMMUNICATION. ← Page 4 of 8 →
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Quarterly Communication.
power to expunge or to annul minutes which had been regularly confirmed . Mr . Cabbell was of opinion that it was competent in any General Court to expunge the minutes of a previous meeting , at whatever distant date—a course pursued by the House of Commons . Mr . Henderson coincided with Mr . Cabbell .
Mr . Lythgoe then stated that there was really no occasion for discussion upon the merits of the case , inasmuch as the object of the meeting in May was virtually to dismiss the subject altogether . Mr . Lythgoe ' s motion was then put and carried , and the Court adjourned . Nov . 3 rd . —At the Committee held this evening , it was announced by a Governor , that a Sermon had been preached at Prescott , in
Lancashire by the Rev . Brother Robinson , in aid of the Masonic Charities , and that the proceeds had been divided between the Girls' and Boys ' Schools . The Rev . Brother G . Gilbert most kindly expressed his wish to advocate the two institutions from the pulpit , and stated his opinion , that at St . George ' s Church in the Borough , both minister and congregation would also become willing agents in the great cause of our charities .
OCT . 3 rd . —The anniversary of the Master Masons Lodge of Instruction , Charlotte Street , Rathbone Place , was celebrated this evening , with even more than its usual eclat . Brother Dowley , W . M ., in the Chair . Several members of the Lodge of Unions , No . 318 , under whose sanction this Lodge of Instruction is held , attended to testify the pleasure they felt in its prosperity , and the high sense they entertained
of its value and importance to the Craft . The Master was also supported by a great number of the Fraternity from different Lodges . Bro . Dowley was unanimously re-elected Treasurer ; and Bro . France Secretary . They severally returned thanks . Brother Quintan , of Lodge No . 2 , Dublin , distinguished himself equally by an eloquent address , as by the sweetness and delicacy with which he sung two songs , and the evening passed to the entire satisfaction of all present .
OCT . 19 th . —ASYLUM FOR FEMALE ORPHANS . A vacancy having occurred by the retirement of the Rev . Mr . Robins as morning preacher to this institution , several candidates have addressed the Governors from the pulpit , all giving evidence of considerable talent , and the happiest illustrations of doctrinal and devotional character . It is our pride to state , that among the energetic , if not the most energetic of
probationary addresses , was made by our Brother , the Rev . Thomas Tunstall Haverfield , B . D ., chaplain to H . R . H . the Duke of Sussex , who this day preached to a most numerous congregation . He chose for his text Romans i . 16 ; " For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of
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Quarterly Communication.
power to expunge or to annul minutes which had been regularly confirmed . Mr . Cabbell was of opinion that it was competent in any General Court to expunge the minutes of a previous meeting , at whatever distant date—a course pursued by the House of Commons . Mr . Henderson coincided with Mr . Cabbell .
Mr . Lythgoe then stated that there was really no occasion for discussion upon the merits of the case , inasmuch as the object of the meeting in May was virtually to dismiss the subject altogether . Mr . Lythgoe ' s motion was then put and carried , and the Court adjourned . Nov . 3 rd . —At the Committee held this evening , it was announced by a Governor , that a Sermon had been preached at Prescott , in
Lancashire by the Rev . Brother Robinson , in aid of the Masonic Charities , and that the proceeds had been divided between the Girls' and Boys ' Schools . The Rev . Brother G . Gilbert most kindly expressed his wish to advocate the two institutions from the pulpit , and stated his opinion , that at St . George ' s Church in the Borough , both minister and congregation would also become willing agents in the great cause of our charities .
OCT . 3 rd . —The anniversary of the Master Masons Lodge of Instruction , Charlotte Street , Rathbone Place , was celebrated this evening , with even more than its usual eclat . Brother Dowley , W . M ., in the Chair . Several members of the Lodge of Unions , No . 318 , under whose sanction this Lodge of Instruction is held , attended to testify the pleasure they felt in its prosperity , and the high sense they entertained
of its value and importance to the Craft . The Master was also supported by a great number of the Fraternity from different Lodges . Bro . Dowley was unanimously re-elected Treasurer ; and Bro . France Secretary . They severally returned thanks . Brother Quintan , of Lodge No . 2 , Dublin , distinguished himself equally by an eloquent address , as by the sweetness and delicacy with which he sung two songs , and the evening passed to the entire satisfaction of all present .
OCT . 19 th . —ASYLUM FOR FEMALE ORPHANS . A vacancy having occurred by the retirement of the Rev . Mr . Robins as morning preacher to this institution , several candidates have addressed the Governors from the pulpit , all giving evidence of considerable talent , and the happiest illustrations of doctrinal and devotional character . It is our pride to state , that among the energetic , if not the most energetic of
probationary addresses , was made by our Brother , the Rev . Thomas Tunstall Haverfield , B . D ., chaplain to H . R . H . the Duke of Sussex , who this day preached to a most numerous congregation . He chose for his text Romans i . 16 ; " For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of