Article QUARTERLY COMMUNICATION. ← Page 2 of 8 →
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Quarterly Communication.
The facility which is thus afforded to the Brethren from the provinces of associating on the days of Quarterly Communication , must in time be productive of considerable advantage ; it will not only tend to insure a fuller attendance there , but all subjects of any interest or importance , can ancl will be more maturely considered . This club differs essentially in these very material points from the
Grand Officers' Club , which is held on the same day , at the Freemasons' Tavern , to which none but Grand Officers have access , as subscribers ; whereas the Past Masters and Masters' Club courts the society ancl opinion of their provincial Brethren , to whom , more especially , it cannot fail to be advantageous .
ROYAL FREEMASON ' S CHARITY FOR FEMALE CHILDREN . OCT . 9 . —QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT . —Present , Mr . Shadbolt in the chair , and many other Governors . An inspection of the premises took place . It appeared that the repairs , under the judicious arrangements of Mr . S . Staples , jun ., were going on to the entire satisfaction of the House Committee . A
memorial to His Royal Highness the M . W . G . M . was read , setting forth the calamitous state of the building , with the inadequacy of the funds of the Institution to meet the necessary expences of repair . The memorial prayed the gracious interference of His Royal Highness ( as Grand Master ) with the Grand Lodge for some pecuniary aid . The memorial was unanimously approved .
Mary Jardine and Mary Ramsay were elected into the school . Mr . H . Rowe proposed , and Mr . W . II . White seconded , a vote of thanks to the Editor of the Freemason ' s Quarterly Review , for his advocacy in favour of the charity , which the secretary has duly announced in the following very flattering manner : —
. " Royal Freemason ' s School for Girls . "At a Quarterly General Court , holden at the School-house in Westminster-road , October 9 th , 1834 , "Resolved—That the thanks of this Court be , and they are hereby offered , to the Editor of ' The Freemason ' s Quarterly Review , ' for
the powerful manner in which he advocated the cause of this Masonic charity by an article in the last number of that work , ' On the Necessity of a Building Fund in aid of Masonic Asylums . ' " WM . FLETCHER HOPE , Sec . " [ The Editor has great pleasure in acknowledging the courtesy of the General Court ]
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Quarterly Communication.
The facility which is thus afforded to the Brethren from the provinces of associating on the days of Quarterly Communication , must in time be productive of considerable advantage ; it will not only tend to insure a fuller attendance there , but all subjects of any interest or importance , can ancl will be more maturely considered . This club differs essentially in these very material points from the
Grand Officers' Club , which is held on the same day , at the Freemasons' Tavern , to which none but Grand Officers have access , as subscribers ; whereas the Past Masters and Masters' Club courts the society ancl opinion of their provincial Brethren , to whom , more especially , it cannot fail to be advantageous .
ROYAL FREEMASON ' S CHARITY FOR FEMALE CHILDREN . OCT . 9 . —QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT . —Present , Mr . Shadbolt in the chair , and many other Governors . An inspection of the premises took place . It appeared that the repairs , under the judicious arrangements of Mr . S . Staples , jun ., were going on to the entire satisfaction of the House Committee . A
memorial to His Royal Highness the M . W . G . M . was read , setting forth the calamitous state of the building , with the inadequacy of the funds of the Institution to meet the necessary expences of repair . The memorial prayed the gracious interference of His Royal Highness ( as Grand Master ) with the Grand Lodge for some pecuniary aid . The memorial was unanimously approved .
Mary Jardine and Mary Ramsay were elected into the school . Mr . H . Rowe proposed , and Mr . W . II . White seconded , a vote of thanks to the Editor of the Freemason ' s Quarterly Review , for his advocacy in favour of the charity , which the secretary has duly announced in the following very flattering manner : —
. " Royal Freemason ' s School for Girls . "At a Quarterly General Court , holden at the School-house in Westminster-road , October 9 th , 1834 , "Resolved—That the thanks of this Court be , and they are hereby offered , to the Editor of ' The Freemason ' s Quarterly Review , ' for
the powerful manner in which he advocated the cause of this Masonic charity by an article in the last number of that work , ' On the Necessity of a Building Fund in aid of Masonic Asylums . ' " WM . FLETCHER HOPE , Sec . " [ The Editor has great pleasure in acknowledging the courtesy of the General Court ]