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Quarterly Communication.
DEC 3 . —Present Rt . Hon . and R . W . the Earl of Durham , D . G , M . as G . M . R . W . D . Pollock , Esq . S . G . W . R . W . H . R . Willett , Esq ., J . G . W . as J . G . R . W . John Ramsbottom , Esq ., M . P . R . W . Rt . Hon . C . Tennyson , M . P .
And a great number of Grand Officers . There was also a very numerous attendance of Masters , Past Blasters , and Wardens of the various Lodges . After the ccnfirmatidh of the minutes pf the preceeding Grand Lodge , the nomination of His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex , as Grand Master for the ensuing year , was very ably and eloquently proposed by Brother Palmer , and seconded by Brother Dr . Crucefix ; which nomination was hailed with unanimous acclamation . The Earl of Durham
acknowledged the compliment on the part of His Royal Highness , and stated that he had it in command from the Royal Grand Master , in case of his being proposed for re-election , to express his readiness , and , indeed , his desire , to accept of the dignified office;—that the M . W . G . Master had travelled from Norfolk for the express purpose of presiding , but he had to regret his absence , caused by the demise of his relative ,
II . R . H . the Duke of Gloucester , which prevented his making a personal acknowledgment of the kindness of the Grand Lodge . The general business was then proceeded in , and addresses of condolence to His Majesty the King , Grand Patron of the Order , to II . R . H . the Duke of Sussex , and to H . R . H . the Duchess of Gloucester , were agreed to , and the Grand Lodge closed .
MASTERS' AND PAST MASTERS' CLUB . DEO . 3 . —It is our pleasing office to state that the accession of Members to this Club promises to increase its means of utility . In addition to London Brethren , the names of several country Brethren have been proposed . We should be exceeding our duty were we to report at
length what was intended to be merely of a conversational nature ; but we should be guilty of a dereliction of that duty did we not declare our conviction that the club is founded upon no other principle whatever than the furtherance of the interests ofthe Order . Any London Brother properly qualified , may visit the club once through the introduction of a member , and Provincial Masters and ' Past Masters who are eligible to a seat in a Grand Lodge , may , ( under its regulations , ) visit the club as often as they please .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Quarterly Communication.
DEC 3 . —Present Rt . Hon . and R . W . the Earl of Durham , D . G , M . as G . M . R . W . D . Pollock , Esq . S . G . W . R . W . H . R . Willett , Esq ., J . G . W . as J . G . R . W . John Ramsbottom , Esq ., M . P . R . W . Rt . Hon . C . Tennyson , M . P .
And a great number of Grand Officers . There was also a very numerous attendance of Masters , Past Blasters , and Wardens of the various Lodges . After the ccnfirmatidh of the minutes pf the preceeding Grand Lodge , the nomination of His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex , as Grand Master for the ensuing year , was very ably and eloquently proposed by Brother Palmer , and seconded by Brother Dr . Crucefix ; which nomination was hailed with unanimous acclamation . The Earl of Durham
acknowledged the compliment on the part of His Royal Highness , and stated that he had it in command from the Royal Grand Master , in case of his being proposed for re-election , to express his readiness , and , indeed , his desire , to accept of the dignified office;—that the M . W . G . Master had travelled from Norfolk for the express purpose of presiding , but he had to regret his absence , caused by the demise of his relative ,
II . R . H . the Duke of Gloucester , which prevented his making a personal acknowledgment of the kindness of the Grand Lodge . The general business was then proceeded in , and addresses of condolence to His Majesty the King , Grand Patron of the Order , to II . R . H . the Duke of Sussex , and to H . R . H . the Duchess of Gloucester , were agreed to , and the Grand Lodge closed .
MASTERS' AND PAST MASTERS' CLUB . DEO . 3 . —It is our pleasing office to state that the accession of Members to this Club promises to increase its means of utility . In addition to London Brethren , the names of several country Brethren have been proposed . We should be exceeding our duty were we to report at
length what was intended to be merely of a conversational nature ; but we should be guilty of a dereliction of that duty did we not declare our conviction that the club is founded upon no other principle whatever than the furtherance of the interests ofthe Order . Any London Brother properly qualified , may visit the club once through the introduction of a member , and Provincial Masters and ' Past Masters who are eligible to a seat in a Grand Lodge , may , ( under its regulations , ) visit the club as often as they please .