Article NOTITIÆ TEMPLARIÆ, No. 2. ← Page 2 of 4 →
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Notitiæ Templariæ, No. 2.
of the lord of Chabanes . A certain Aumer de Rochefoucalt , however , laid claim to her inheritance and estates , and by the aid and favour of "William , ninth Duke of Aquitaine , succeeded in making good his title to the same . Upon the death of that Duke , Robert hacl hopes of having the title reversed , but in this he was doomed to be disappointed ;
and , disgusted with the world , he renounced all its attractions , and took refuge in the house of the Brotherhood of the Temple . Gerard de Bar , the third Grand Master , was elected in 1147 , having previously filled the high office of Prior of France . He was one of 150 mantled Knights who constituted the famous chapter at Paris , held by desire of Louis VII . of France and Pope Eugene III ., at which these potentates were present , and which was distinguished by the devotion
of a certain knight , named Bernard de Baliol , who made a presentation of his possessions and lands in England to the religious and military order . Bernard de Tremelay was appointed to the magisterial office in 1151 . He was son of Humbert , Lord of Tremelay , in the territory of Lyons . Bertrand de Blanchfort attained to the magistracy in 1154 . He
was the son of Godfrey , Lord of Guienne . Andrew de Montbar succeeded the latter in 1165 . He was the son of Bernard de Montbar and Humberga , who was a relative of the
famous St . Bernard . He was one of the oldest servants of the Order , having been one of the seven who first collected under the founder , Hugo de Payens . Philip , snrnamed of Naplus , was born at Naphis in Syria , but was descended from a family of Picardy . He was chosen Grand Master in 1166 , and was a Templar at the time ofthe siege of Damascus , in 1148 .
Philip was an intimate and confidential friend ancl adviser of Almeric , King of Jerusalem . Odo de St . Amand wielded the magisterial abacus , or rod of office , in 1170 . Pie was at one time Mareschal to King Almeric , by whom he was also commissioned along with Hernesius , Archbishop of Cesarea , to proceed to Constantinople , and treat with the Emperor Manuel
concerning a wife for the king . As a Templar he is described as of a fierce disposition . Arnold de Toroga first bore the staff of power in 1179 . He was Preceptor of Spain in 1167 , and died at Verona in 1184 .
Gerard de R ' ulgefort was raised to the supremacy in 1185 . His reasons of joining the Templars were somewhat similar to those related of Robert of Burgundy , the second Grancl Master . Having been desirous of obtaining in marriage the hand of the heiress of Chateau Botrou , it was necessary to obtain for that end the consent of Raymond , Count of Tripoli , whose feudal vassal she happened to be . The Count refused his consent to the match ; and
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Notitiæ Templariæ, No. 2.
of the lord of Chabanes . A certain Aumer de Rochefoucalt , however , laid claim to her inheritance and estates , and by the aid and favour of "William , ninth Duke of Aquitaine , succeeded in making good his title to the same . Upon the death of that Duke , Robert hacl hopes of having the title reversed , but in this he was doomed to be disappointed ;
and , disgusted with the world , he renounced all its attractions , and took refuge in the house of the Brotherhood of the Temple . Gerard de Bar , the third Grand Master , was elected in 1147 , having previously filled the high office of Prior of France . He was one of 150 mantled Knights who constituted the famous chapter at Paris , held by desire of Louis VII . of France and Pope Eugene III ., at which these potentates were present , and which was distinguished by the devotion
of a certain knight , named Bernard de Baliol , who made a presentation of his possessions and lands in England to the religious and military order . Bernard de Tremelay was appointed to the magisterial office in 1151 . He was son of Humbert , Lord of Tremelay , in the territory of Lyons . Bertrand de Blanchfort attained to the magistracy in 1154 . He
was the son of Godfrey , Lord of Guienne . Andrew de Montbar succeeded the latter in 1165 . He was the son of Bernard de Montbar and Humberga , who was a relative of the
famous St . Bernard . He was one of the oldest servants of the Order , having been one of the seven who first collected under the founder , Hugo de Payens . Philip , snrnamed of Naplus , was born at Naphis in Syria , but was descended from a family of Picardy . He was chosen Grand Master in 1166 , and was a Templar at the time ofthe siege of Damascus , in 1148 .
Philip was an intimate and confidential friend ancl adviser of Almeric , King of Jerusalem . Odo de St . Amand wielded the magisterial abacus , or rod of office , in 1170 . Pie was at one time Mareschal to King Almeric , by whom he was also commissioned along with Hernesius , Archbishop of Cesarea , to proceed to Constantinople , and treat with the Emperor Manuel
concerning a wife for the king . As a Templar he is described as of a fierce disposition . Arnold de Toroga first bore the staff of power in 1179 . He was Preceptor of Spain in 1167 , and died at Verona in 1184 .
Gerard de R ' ulgefort was raised to the supremacy in 1185 . His reasons of joining the Templars were somewhat similar to those related of Robert of Burgundy , the second Grancl Master . Having been desirous of obtaining in marriage the hand of the heiress of Chateau Botrou , it was necessary to obtain for that end the consent of Raymond , Count of Tripoli , whose feudal vassal she happened to be . The Count refused his consent to the match ; and