Article THE REDEEMED. ← Page 6 of 11 →
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The Redeemed.
my friendshi p ; but the times are full of danger to thy nation . The insolent traitor , Moses , hath returned , and in the presence of our dreaded king demanded Israel ' s freedom—but of that no more . " Reuben , unconvinced , but still under the influence of the priest , followed him across the plain , till they gained the ivest side of the pyramid .
At a signal from Arphax , a huge stone slowly revolving on a pivot , disclosed the entrance : as they descended its winding labyrinth , they encountered a band of the priests ready robed for the coming ceremonies . His conductor pointed to the Israelite , who was instantl y surrounded and secured .
" He is an apostate ! " exclaimed Arphax ; " to the deepest cell hence with him , till the Hierarchy dread pleasure shall be known . " Reuben jiassed that night in a loathsome dungeon . PART II . THE SOJOURN IN THE DESERT . " Now morn her rosy steps in the eastern clime Advancing , sow'd the earth with orient pearl . " MlT . Tl . V .
Morning , like youth , is the season of gladness : earth , refreshed from sleep , smiles in her dewy mantle , and like a vast altar reeking with incense , offers up her praise to the Great Architect of all . Ere the sun had dispelled the mists ofthe young day or gilded with his golden beams'the tents ofthe Israelites , that , ranged in their peculiar order , appeared like a city in the Desert , the Hebrew mothers and daughters
came forth to perform their alloted task of gathering the Heaven-sent bread . Some cheered their labour with light songs ; others , more deeply embued with a sense of the miracle before them , sang His praise whose hands had spread the Desert with their daily food . At a short distance from her companions , filling a vessel of silver that contained the appointed omer , a maiden pursued her task ; her form , fragile to
attenuation , still retained the wreck of its fair jiroportions ; but the li ght , elastic step of youth had vanished , and the melancholy expression of her countenance told that her heart had been seared by the brand of misery till every hope had withered—it was Rachael , once the betrothed bride of the apostate Reuben . As die strains of her companions fell upon her ear , she would shrink as in distaste , and wander yet farther
from their side . " Strange , " she murmured , " that the hymns of our deliverance sound not so sweetly as the songs of our captivity . Defend me from the sin of an unthankful heart ; but in my thoughts—my dreams , visions of the far Nile will rise , and the murmurs of its waters fail like music ou my soul . Again I wander in the bright oasis , and listen to the voice of Reuben—again that name , repining spirit ! I must forget him ! he
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The Redeemed.
my friendshi p ; but the times are full of danger to thy nation . The insolent traitor , Moses , hath returned , and in the presence of our dreaded king demanded Israel ' s freedom—but of that no more . " Reuben , unconvinced , but still under the influence of the priest , followed him across the plain , till they gained the ivest side of the pyramid .
At a signal from Arphax , a huge stone slowly revolving on a pivot , disclosed the entrance : as they descended its winding labyrinth , they encountered a band of the priests ready robed for the coming ceremonies . His conductor pointed to the Israelite , who was instantl y surrounded and secured .
" He is an apostate ! " exclaimed Arphax ; " to the deepest cell hence with him , till the Hierarchy dread pleasure shall be known . " Reuben jiassed that night in a loathsome dungeon . PART II . THE SOJOURN IN THE DESERT . " Now morn her rosy steps in the eastern clime Advancing , sow'd the earth with orient pearl . " MlT . Tl . V .
Morning , like youth , is the season of gladness : earth , refreshed from sleep , smiles in her dewy mantle , and like a vast altar reeking with incense , offers up her praise to the Great Architect of all . Ere the sun had dispelled the mists ofthe young day or gilded with his golden beams'the tents ofthe Israelites , that , ranged in their peculiar order , appeared like a city in the Desert , the Hebrew mothers and daughters
came forth to perform their alloted task of gathering the Heaven-sent bread . Some cheered their labour with light songs ; others , more deeply embued with a sense of the miracle before them , sang His praise whose hands had spread the Desert with their daily food . At a short distance from her companions , filling a vessel of silver that contained the appointed omer , a maiden pursued her task ; her form , fragile to
attenuation , still retained the wreck of its fair jiroportions ; but the li ght , elastic step of youth had vanished , and the melancholy expression of her countenance told that her heart had been seared by the brand of misery till every hope had withered—it was Rachael , once the betrothed bride of the apostate Reuben . As die strains of her companions fell upon her ear , she would shrink as in distaste , and wander yet farther
from their side . " Strange , " she murmured , " that the hymns of our deliverance sound not so sweetly as the songs of our captivity . Defend me from the sin of an unthankful heart ; but in my thoughts—my dreams , visions of the far Nile will rise , and the murmurs of its waters fail like music ou my soul . Again I wander in the bright oasis , and listen to the voice of Reuben—again that name , repining spirit ! I must forget him ! he