Article THE WRECKER. ← Page 4 of 10 →
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The Wrecker.
" That does for her ! " cried several all at nn » , — « us sea , towering , as if charsred witli l _ o » uoom , rolled right upon her , breaking when it reached her , with a fury that sent the spray to the clouds , ancl totally hid her from the beach . They were right ; when she became visible again , the whole of her larboard broadside was stove in . In a minute , men , women , and children were up to their waists in the surf .
Another sea sent her to pieces . Spars , planks , pulleys , and cordage , now came floating in , and every one went to business—Every one except Black Norris . Nothing seemed to come within reach of him . Still he kept his station upon the reef—a post which by common consent appeared to be yielded to him , and was disputed by none . In advance of Mm stood the maniac ,
regardless of the surf with which she was sometimes more than half covered . In one direction alone she kept looking ; a kind of cove produced by a forldng in the reef . Thence she never took her eyes except to throw a glance at Black Norris , whenever he made a movement , as if he was about to quit the stand which he had chosen . " It will be here , " she kept repeating , " it will be here !—that which will be worth the hull to thee , were it high and dry and all thy own ! Wait for it , I say . ' Tis sent to thee , and will be here ! Did I not tell thee of the huge black hull , and did it not come ? As surely that will
come , which in the huge black hull was sent to thee ! Be ready ivith thy boat-hook . The minutes are counted ! The wave which is to bring it is coming ! I know it—I see it !—there , take my place , and be ready ! There it is !" The Wrecker did as the maniac instructed him . He saw something ; it was almost within reach of his boat-hook .
" 'Tis a body , Black Norris!— 'Tis a body!—Mind what you are about ! Hook it by the clothes ! Keep it clear of the rocks ! Round!—Round !—Round!—Round into this nook , Black Noras ! That ' s right ! See how snugly it lies there ! now take hold of it with thy hands and draw it carefull y up the beach , for I warrant the pockets are full !" She was right . Scarcely was the body clear of the surf , when the Wrecker began to rifle it . The pockets were full . One of them was speedily emptied , when a laugh from the maniac , who , squatting , sat
gibbering at the head , arrested him in the act of examining the contents . " What laugh ' st thou at , jade ? " inquired he , sullenly . " At the fine lovely day that I have brought you , " she replied . " Peace ! I say , " rejoined the Wrecker , drawing a string of jewels out of a case which he had just opened . " Diamonds ! " he exclaimed . The maniac laughed again .
" Wilt thou not stop thy cursed mouth ? " vociferated the Wrecker . " Nay , Black Norris , " she replied , " take no heed of me , but go on . Did I not tell you it was coming ? You ought not to be angry with
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The Wrecker.
" That does for her ! " cried several all at nn » , — « us sea , towering , as if charsred witli l _ o » uoom , rolled right upon her , breaking when it reached her , with a fury that sent the spray to the clouds , ancl totally hid her from the beach . They were right ; when she became visible again , the whole of her larboard broadside was stove in . In a minute , men , women , and children were up to their waists in the surf .
Another sea sent her to pieces . Spars , planks , pulleys , and cordage , now came floating in , and every one went to business—Every one except Black Norris . Nothing seemed to come within reach of him . Still he kept his station upon the reef—a post which by common consent appeared to be yielded to him , and was disputed by none . In advance of Mm stood the maniac ,
regardless of the surf with which she was sometimes more than half covered . In one direction alone she kept looking ; a kind of cove produced by a forldng in the reef . Thence she never took her eyes except to throw a glance at Black Norris , whenever he made a movement , as if he was about to quit the stand which he had chosen . " It will be here , " she kept repeating , " it will be here !—that which will be worth the hull to thee , were it high and dry and all thy own ! Wait for it , I say . ' Tis sent to thee , and will be here ! Did I not tell thee of the huge black hull , and did it not come ? As surely that will
come , which in the huge black hull was sent to thee ! Be ready ivith thy boat-hook . The minutes are counted ! The wave which is to bring it is coming ! I know it—I see it !—there , take my place , and be ready ! There it is !" The Wrecker did as the maniac instructed him . He saw something ; it was almost within reach of his boat-hook .
" 'Tis a body , Black Norris!— 'Tis a body!—Mind what you are about ! Hook it by the clothes ! Keep it clear of the rocks ! Round!—Round !—Round!—Round into this nook , Black Noras ! That ' s right ! See how snugly it lies there ! now take hold of it with thy hands and draw it carefull y up the beach , for I warrant the pockets are full !" She was right . Scarcely was the body clear of the surf , when the Wrecker began to rifle it . The pockets were full . One of them was speedily emptied , when a laugh from the maniac , who , squatting , sat
gibbering at the head , arrested him in the act of examining the contents . " What laugh ' st thou at , jade ? " inquired he , sullenly . " At the fine lovely day that I have brought you , " she replied . " Peace ! I say , " rejoined the Wrecker , drawing a string of jewels out of a case which he had just opened . " Diamonds ! " he exclaimed . The maniac laughed again .
" Wilt thou not stop thy cursed mouth ? " vociferated the Wrecker . " Nay , Black Norris , " she replied , " take no heed of me , but go on . Did I not tell you it was coming ? You ought not to be angry with