Article from Assyria ancl E gypt to the favoured... ← Page 7 of 8 →
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From Assyria Ancl E Gypt To The Favoured...
The mark is on the Bible Avhich he gave to his HigHand Mary at then * last parting- near Montgomery Castle , and the scene is thus draxvn by the hand of Allan Cunningham . " They plighted their x'oxvs on the Sabbath to render them more sacred ; they made them by a burn where they had courted , that open nature might be a Avitness ; they made them over an open Bible
, to SIIOAV that they thought of Gocl in this mutual act ; and when they had done they both took Avater in then * hands and scattered it in the ah * , to intimate that as the stream was pure , so were then * intentions . They parted AA'hen they did . this ; but they parted never to meet more . She died in a burning fever , during a visit to her relations to prepare for her marriage , and all that
he had of her Avas a lock of her long bright hair , and her Bible , which she exchanged for his . " AVe shall noAV give two Masomc devices from the carved bosses of a Gothic church . Early on a xvinter morning , cold ancl wet , xvith a dark grey sky , a deserted street , and the xxind hissing round the tall gables of the antique house , and raising lines of xvhite foam on the dark bosom of the lake of the broad holloAA ' , from XA'hich it takes its name , xve entered again the royal burgh of Linlithgoxx' , and xvere quickly reassxued ; for there , as
formerly , stood the pillar , with the flattering inscription concerning the patron saint ( and much on such a morning did he need it ) , "St . Michael he is kind to strangers ; " ancl nearly opposite , ox'er an archway , the ruddy Hon ramped hi gold , — -sign of good cheer ancl comfort . The inner man refreshed , xve visited the church , the pillars of which are most sedulously
supplied with periodical coats of whitewash , to heighten the effect produced by the building !!! We believe it—i . e . the whitewash—is not appreciated . On the boss , next the eastern end of the church , is this dexice : xvithin a circle , a book , upon it the square
and compasses . At the western end of the church , as at present used , but in reality at the western end of the choir , opposite the
little chapel pointed out as the aisle of St . Catherine , xvhere the gallant ancl chivalrous James IV ., shortly before the battle of Flodden , is represented by Sir Walter Scott paying his devotions " xvith sackcloth shirt and iron belt , and eyes xvith sorroxv streaming , "
—on a boss may be seen this figure . The conversation xvith our rosy-faced guide having been strictly gossiping , Ave cannot , without breach of confidence , do more than allude to King Crispin ' s chair , and the seat which her Majesty AA'as intended to occupy on her first visit to Scotland .
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From Assyria Ancl E Gypt To The Favoured...
The mark is on the Bible Avhich he gave to his HigHand Mary at then * last parting- near Montgomery Castle , and the scene is thus draxvn by the hand of Allan Cunningham . " They plighted their x'oxvs on the Sabbath to render them more sacred ; they made them by a burn where they had courted , that open nature might be a Avitness ; they made them over an open Bible
, to SIIOAV that they thought of Gocl in this mutual act ; and when they had done they both took Avater in then * hands and scattered it in the ah * , to intimate that as the stream was pure , so were then * intentions . They parted AA'hen they did . this ; but they parted never to meet more . She died in a burning fever , during a visit to her relations to prepare for her marriage , and all that
he had of her Avas a lock of her long bright hair , and her Bible , which she exchanged for his . " AVe shall noAV give two Masomc devices from the carved bosses of a Gothic church . Early on a xvinter morning , cold ancl wet , xvith a dark grey sky , a deserted street , and the xxind hissing round the tall gables of the antique house , and raising lines of xvhite foam on the dark bosom of the lake of the broad holloAA ' , from XA'hich it takes its name , xve entered again the royal burgh of Linlithgoxx' , and xvere quickly reassxued ; for there , as
formerly , stood the pillar , with the flattering inscription concerning the patron saint ( and much on such a morning did he need it ) , "St . Michael he is kind to strangers ; " ancl nearly opposite , ox'er an archway , the ruddy Hon ramped hi gold , — -sign of good cheer ancl comfort . The inner man refreshed , xve visited the church , the pillars of which are most sedulously
supplied with periodical coats of whitewash , to heighten the effect produced by the building !!! We believe it—i . e . the whitewash—is not appreciated . On the boss , next the eastern end of the church , is this dexice : xvithin a circle , a book , upon it the square
and compasses . At the western end of the church , as at present used , but in reality at the western end of the choir , opposite the
little chapel pointed out as the aisle of St . Catherine , xvhere the gallant ancl chivalrous James IV ., shortly before the battle of Flodden , is represented by Sir Walter Scott paying his devotions " xvith sackcloth shirt and iron belt , and eyes xvith sorroxv streaming , "
—on a boss may be seen this figure . The conversation xvith our rosy-faced guide having been strictly gossiping , Ave cannot , without breach of confidence , do more than allude to King Crispin ' s chair , and the seat which her Majesty AA'as intended to occupy on her first visit to Scotland .