Article from Assyria ancl E gypt to the favoured... ← Page 5 of 8 →
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From Assyria Ancl E Gypt To The Favoured...
problems xvhich relate to the striking agreement in religious tradition , manner of dividing time , and xvorks of art , in eastern Asia ancl America , xiill one clay be cleared up by discoveries of facts hitherto entirely unknown to us . " Since Humboldt thus wrote , a xxexv impulse has been given to migration the progress of the arts and sciences from the east xvestward , be said to
so rapid xvithin the last fifty years , may IIOAV have completed the circle , and introduced civilization into the cradle of the human race ; Avhile the two great isthmuses of the xvorld , are being converted into highways for the croxvded populations of Europe ; a full , strong , gathering stream of mightier poxver for good and better omen , than the hordes
xvhich overthrew the Roman empire . But we have digressed too often from the footpath ; noxv to a sunny knoll to gather one of nature ' s floxvers ; noxv to a dark ravine for antique root or archaic stone ; ancl where is the excuse of the young and joyous hearted ? that "they xvere borne along in the light of life ' s sunny morning , ancl still as their xvinged feet touched the ground , the herbage blushed with flowers . " AVe cannot " return to our muttons ;"
for at this season we confess sympathy with the " curlers , and the roar of the Christmas fire especially excepted , Ave Avould rather hear the deep boom of the stone as it sails along over the blue-black ice to the goal of the " rink , " than any other AA'ith which Ave happen at present to have acquaintance . Noxv the traditional fare of this ice-loving brotherhood is a the vernacular
round of beef xvith garnishings , known in as " greens , " washed down xvith hot xvhiskey-punch ; and for noise , Mr . Walpole ' s description of Malta is to the point ; " the bower is a bastion , the saloon a casemate , the serenade the call of martial music , the draperies Avai-flags , the ornaments shot in readproximity" Having been as in duty bound within hail
y . , Ave return to labour ; AA'hen , as Ave pass the portal , Ave hear these words , " the tAvo sciences of Archeology and Freemasonry are so inseparably connected that the study of the one is almost absolutely necessary to the knoAvledge of the other ; " * and m a paper by the late Bro . Pryor Ave haA'e the folloxving passage : " The mark degree noAV discontinued here afforded a most
intelligent and important link betAveen operative and speculative Freemasonry . They are of the most undoubted antiquity , and may be very profitably studied . "—F . M . Q . R ., June 1850 . Under such shelter Ave shall introduce the mark budget , xvith
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
From Assyria Ancl E Gypt To The Favoured...
problems xvhich relate to the striking agreement in religious tradition , manner of dividing time , and xvorks of art , in eastern Asia ancl America , xiill one clay be cleared up by discoveries of facts hitherto entirely unknown to us . " Since Humboldt thus wrote , a xxexv impulse has been given to migration the progress of the arts and sciences from the east xvestward , be said to
so rapid xvithin the last fifty years , may IIOAV have completed the circle , and introduced civilization into the cradle of the human race ; Avhile the two great isthmuses of the xvorld , are being converted into highways for the croxvded populations of Europe ; a full , strong , gathering stream of mightier poxver for good and better omen , than the hordes
xvhich overthrew the Roman empire . But we have digressed too often from the footpath ; noxv to a sunny knoll to gather one of nature ' s floxvers ; noxv to a dark ravine for antique root or archaic stone ; ancl where is the excuse of the young and joyous hearted ? that "they xvere borne along in the light of life ' s sunny morning , ancl still as their xvinged feet touched the ground , the herbage blushed with flowers . " AVe cannot " return to our muttons ;"
for at this season we confess sympathy with the " curlers , and the roar of the Christmas fire especially excepted , Ave Avould rather hear the deep boom of the stone as it sails along over the blue-black ice to the goal of the " rink , " than any other AA'ith which Ave happen at present to have acquaintance . Noxv the traditional fare of this ice-loving brotherhood is a the vernacular
round of beef xvith garnishings , known in as " greens , " washed down xvith hot xvhiskey-punch ; and for noise , Mr . Walpole ' s description of Malta is to the point ; " the bower is a bastion , the saloon a casemate , the serenade the call of martial music , the draperies Avai-flags , the ornaments shot in readproximity" Having been as in duty bound within hail
y . , Ave return to labour ; AA'hen , as Ave pass the portal , Ave hear these words , " the tAvo sciences of Archeology and Freemasonry are so inseparably connected that the study of the one is almost absolutely necessary to the knoAvledge of the other ; " * and m a paper by the late Bro . Pryor Ave haA'e the folloxving passage : " The mark degree noAV discontinued here afforded a most
intelligent and important link betAveen operative and speculative Freemasonry . They are of the most undoubted antiquity , and may be very profitably studied . "—F . M . Q . R ., June 1850 . Under such shelter Ave shall introduce the mark budget , xvith