Article from Assyria ancl E gypt to the favoured... ← Page 3 of 8 →
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From Assyria Ancl E Gypt To The Favoured...
Among the nations of the east , the triangle , single ancl double , has from remote antiquity formed the geometrical emblem of the Trinity , and in the form of apentalpha , it constituted of old the Pythagorean emblem of health . A bare enumeration of the places where it has been found is the best proof of its universal use . Interlaced xvith a circle
, and having a floxver in its centre , it forms the ornament of a keystone in the crypt of the Church of St . Sibbald ' s , Nuremburg , and in Dr . Oliver ' s great work it is depicted from one of the Avindows of Lincoln Cathedral . It is found in Northern
India , and Western Asia , in Normandy and Italy , m Germany and England , in Westminster Abbey and the Cave of Elphanta . Mr . Urquhart thus takes occasion to mention its occurrence in Mauritania of the old , and Mexico of the nexv world , as "that mysterious open hancl on the one side ancl on the other a diagram , which occupies a conspicuous place among the symbols of
Masonry , —the double triangle . " It forms ^ ancl is , I believe the proper Solomon ' s seal ; I find the same sign is on the signet of the Sultan and his coins . The Moors have adopted it as tlieir arms . The very same symbol is found in Mexico . This figure then , we see , xvas common to the old world and the
nexv , to the south and the north . Now , if there is one distinctive attribute of the human race , it is to be foxmd in that innate consciousness of immortality , or a future state , dependent as that is on the will of a Superior Being , which has prompted the erection of the most enduring memorials of our kind in every country of the worldtemples and tombs—belief in a God
; , respect ancl love for the departed . The former to the honour or for the propitiation of the deity whom they seiwed , the latter to point out to posterity where the bones of tlieir forefathers rest , and to mark their reverence , a reA'erence common to all the race of Adam , for that mysterious charge to which all alike are
subject when the cord of life is broken , ancl dust returns to dust . From the history of this symbol as connected Avith religious rites and sound edifices , Ave are led to look upon it as an holy one , and we belieA'e that it is at Ghuznee that it is to be seen , Avith the inscription surrounding it , " God grant me xvhat I want . " Is it connected with a knoAvn and remarkable
feature in many structures of high antiquity ? We knoAV that the Temple of Jerusalem ancl its progener , the Tabernacle , Avere placed due east and west , and in the orientation of Christian Churches the same peculiarity still holds good ; ( Italy is , Ave believe an exception to this ) . ' The pyramids ofthe valley of the Nile , and of the elevated table-land of Mexico , face the cardinal
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
From Assyria Ancl E Gypt To The Favoured...
Among the nations of the east , the triangle , single ancl double , has from remote antiquity formed the geometrical emblem of the Trinity , and in the form of apentalpha , it constituted of old the Pythagorean emblem of health . A bare enumeration of the places where it has been found is the best proof of its universal use . Interlaced xvith a circle
, and having a floxver in its centre , it forms the ornament of a keystone in the crypt of the Church of St . Sibbald ' s , Nuremburg , and in Dr . Oliver ' s great work it is depicted from one of the Avindows of Lincoln Cathedral . It is found in Northern
India , and Western Asia , in Normandy and Italy , m Germany and England , in Westminster Abbey and the Cave of Elphanta . Mr . Urquhart thus takes occasion to mention its occurrence in Mauritania of the old , and Mexico of the nexv world , as "that mysterious open hancl on the one side ancl on the other a diagram , which occupies a conspicuous place among the symbols of
Masonry , —the double triangle . " It forms ^ ancl is , I believe the proper Solomon ' s seal ; I find the same sign is on the signet of the Sultan and his coins . The Moors have adopted it as tlieir arms . The very same symbol is found in Mexico . This figure then , we see , xvas common to the old world and the
nexv , to the south and the north . Now , if there is one distinctive attribute of the human race , it is to be foxmd in that innate consciousness of immortality , or a future state , dependent as that is on the will of a Superior Being , which has prompted the erection of the most enduring memorials of our kind in every country of the worldtemples and tombs—belief in a God
; , respect ancl love for the departed . The former to the honour or for the propitiation of the deity whom they seiwed , the latter to point out to posterity where the bones of tlieir forefathers rest , and to mark their reverence , a reA'erence common to all the race of Adam , for that mysterious charge to which all alike are
subject when the cord of life is broken , ancl dust returns to dust . From the history of this symbol as connected Avith religious rites and sound edifices , Ave are led to look upon it as an holy one , and we belieA'e that it is at Ghuznee that it is to be seen , Avith the inscription surrounding it , " God grant me xvhat I want . " Is it connected with a knoAvn and remarkable
feature in many structures of high antiquity ? We knoAV that the Temple of Jerusalem ancl its progener , the Tabernacle , Avere placed due east and west , and in the orientation of Christian Churches the same peculiarity still holds good ; ( Italy is , Ave believe an exception to this ) . ' The pyramids ofthe valley of the Nile , and of the elevated table-land of Mexico , face the cardinal