Article from Assyria ancl E gypt to the favoured... ← Page 2 of 8 →
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From Assyria Ancl E Gypt To The Favoured...
basing rites and corrupted religions , figures of high and holy import ? Is not something of this sort to be recognised in the belief ( one remarkable to be found in India ) , "that Word Avas the first thing Avhich broke primeval silence , spoke the being of a God , ancl created all things ? " or in what Ave haA'e somexA'here read , that the Brahmins , who migrated to the south , and the
Teutonic nations , who proceeded toxvards the north , invoked the same God on the banks of the Indus , and the mountains of ScandinaA'ia ? The name given to that manifestation of the Deity was Dyaus , signifying the shining sun , the bringer of life and light : — " Most glorious orb ! that wert a Avorship ere the mystery of thy making xvas revealed ! Thou earliest minister of the Almighty , AA'hich gladdened on their mountain tops the hearts of the Chaldean shepherds , till they pom * ed themselves in orisons . "
Hoxv the study of the heavenly bodies ( in those primitive times ) ancl the mysterious laws by which they are guided , reacted upon this worship of the sun , gave rise , xvith time , to many corruptions and superstitious rites , and converted a heavenly science into a grovelling mysticism , we do not here presume to say ; suffice it to observe that astronomical and Masonic symbols
had much in common ; and that the two sciences were practised by the same men . Astronomy is even alluded to in our ritual of the present day as the mirrored study " wherein you are enabled to contemplate the intellectual faculties , and trace them from their development through the paths of heavenly science even to the throne of God Himself . " And the city of AI Hadhr
, in Mesopotamia , formerly alluded to , as haAing its walls covered with Masonic marks , with reference to its plan of construction is thus spoken of by Mr . Ainsworth : " A square within a circle , and in its exact centre , certainly point out that a system was observed in its construction . "
One important symbol there certainly is , which , whether looked upon as Christian , Pagan , or Masonic , can undoubtedly lay claim to high antiquity , and almost universal application ; we allude to the double triangle , equilateral interlaced , knoAvn to CMistians as a figure of the ineffable name of Jehovah , Avithin Avhich , are often to be met Avith the I H S in the Greek
Church , being found as a mmbus surrounding the head of God the Father ; AA'liile as if more strongly to indicate that this figure was to them a symbol of the Almighty , Avithin the angle of the upAvard pointing triangle are the tliree Greek letters , o , cov , —the self-existing , the great I AM . Its special signification among Masons in the third degree , and its complete development in the Royal Arch , are well known to the initiated .
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From Assyria Ancl E Gypt To The Favoured...
basing rites and corrupted religions , figures of high and holy import ? Is not something of this sort to be recognised in the belief ( one remarkable to be found in India ) , "that Word Avas the first thing Avhich broke primeval silence , spoke the being of a God , ancl created all things ? " or in what Ave haA'e somexA'here read , that the Brahmins , who migrated to the south , and the
Teutonic nations , who proceeded toxvards the north , invoked the same God on the banks of the Indus , and the mountains of ScandinaA'ia ? The name given to that manifestation of the Deity was Dyaus , signifying the shining sun , the bringer of life and light : — " Most glorious orb ! that wert a Avorship ere the mystery of thy making xvas revealed ! Thou earliest minister of the Almighty , AA'hich gladdened on their mountain tops the hearts of the Chaldean shepherds , till they pom * ed themselves in orisons . "
Hoxv the study of the heavenly bodies ( in those primitive times ) ancl the mysterious laws by which they are guided , reacted upon this worship of the sun , gave rise , xvith time , to many corruptions and superstitious rites , and converted a heavenly science into a grovelling mysticism , we do not here presume to say ; suffice it to observe that astronomical and Masonic symbols
had much in common ; and that the two sciences were practised by the same men . Astronomy is even alluded to in our ritual of the present day as the mirrored study " wherein you are enabled to contemplate the intellectual faculties , and trace them from their development through the paths of heavenly science even to the throne of God Himself . " And the city of AI Hadhr
, in Mesopotamia , formerly alluded to , as haAing its walls covered with Masonic marks , with reference to its plan of construction is thus spoken of by Mr . Ainsworth : " A square within a circle , and in its exact centre , certainly point out that a system was observed in its construction . "
One important symbol there certainly is , which , whether looked upon as Christian , Pagan , or Masonic , can undoubtedly lay claim to high antiquity , and almost universal application ; we allude to the double triangle , equilateral interlaced , knoAvn to CMistians as a figure of the ineffable name of Jehovah , Avithin Avhich , are often to be met Avith the I H S in the Greek
Church , being found as a mmbus surrounding the head of God the Father ; AA'liile as if more strongly to indicate that this figure was to them a symbol of the Almighty , Avithin the angle of the upAvard pointing triangle are the tliree Greek letters , o , cov , —the self-existing , the great I AM . Its special signification among Masons in the third degree , and its complete development in the Royal Arch , are well known to the initiated .