Article THE WORRIED BISHOP; ← Page 2 of 10 →
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The Worried Bishop;
the nursery : but xvhy are ive to maintain him ? Avhy is his home to be Avith us ?" " Because , Fanny , " ancl Gladwin ' s voice became suddenly tremulous ; " his father sxiccoxu - ed me xvhen all my quondam patrons froxvned ; and because his father and mine xvere brother Masons , —members of the same lodge , —ancl bosom friends .
These , Fanny , are facts not to be forgotten . " " Well , " saicl the lady softening , " if he had money I shoxdd not object , perhaps ; if he hacl money , that xvould make a difference—a A'ery marked ancl immediate difference . " And the cautious housexvife spoke AA'ith unusual deliberation . "If he had money" interrupted Gladwinwith xuxxvonted
, , vehemence ; " he should not remain in my household an hour , to be an object of discussion betxveen us ; it is because he has no money , Fanny , that I shelter him ! " " NOAV I've clone Avith you ! " ancl Mrs . G . started to her feet : " no more debate this night ! No ! I ' ve finished ! xvhen I do converse , I desire , sir , to have for my hearers reasonable beings .
Oh , Mr . Gladxvin ! xvlxere will yom * unaccountable prepossessions bring your unhappy xvife and yoxu * smiling children ? The avenue is long , but at the end of it stands—the xvoitic-HOUSE ! " And , Avith a most alarming sob , Mrs . Gladwin waived her hands despairingly , and A'anished from the apartment . " 1 must put an end to these jiainfxd discussions by some
means ; " saicl poor Gladxvin , mournfully , when he xvas once more alone ; " they worry me beyond expression : the daily struggle Avith poverty is sufficiently crushing xvithout the addition of family discord . Employment must be found for Cecil . Some berth must be procxu * ed for him . But through xx'hat channel , and AA'here ? " And the saddened ancl heart-wearied man fell into a train of painful musings .
II . "Governor ! " said a joyous voice ; and a mirthful , happylooking face peeped cautiously into the study ; " clo I interrupt you ? Pray forgive me . One minute ' s attention—only one —I ' m off for London on Monday ; ancl , —with your permission , —xvill take Harry with me . "
" London- —Harry—Monday ; Avhat may all this mean ? " " That I am about to pay my dutiful respects to the bishop ;" returned the young man gaily ; " Colonel Western has furnished me xvith a valuable letter of introduction ; you have long xAished to place Harry on the foundation at Charter-house , — or , if such a boon could be granted , — to secure for yourself an offer
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The Worried Bishop;
the nursery : but xvhy are ive to maintain him ? Avhy is his home to be Avith us ?" " Because , Fanny , " ancl Gladwin ' s voice became suddenly tremulous ; " his father sxiccoxu - ed me xvhen all my quondam patrons froxvned ; and because his father and mine xvere brother Masons , —members of the same lodge , —ancl bosom friends .
These , Fanny , are facts not to be forgotten . " " Well , " saicl the lady softening , " if he had money I shoxdd not object , perhaps ; if he hacl money , that xvould make a difference—a A'ery marked ancl immediate difference . " And the cautious housexvife spoke AA'ith unusual deliberation . "If he had money" interrupted Gladwinwith xuxxvonted
, , vehemence ; " he should not remain in my household an hour , to be an object of discussion betxveen us ; it is because he has no money , Fanny , that I shelter him ! " " NOAV I've clone Avith you ! " ancl Mrs . G . started to her feet : " no more debate this night ! No ! I ' ve finished ! xvhen I do converse , I desire , sir , to have for my hearers reasonable beings .
Oh , Mr . Gladxvin ! xvlxere will yom * unaccountable prepossessions bring your unhappy xvife and yoxu * smiling children ? The avenue is long , but at the end of it stands—the xvoitic-HOUSE ! " And , Avith a most alarming sob , Mrs . Gladwin waived her hands despairingly , and A'anished from the apartment . " 1 must put an end to these jiainfxd discussions by some
means ; " saicl poor Gladxvin , mournfully , when he xvas once more alone ; " they worry me beyond expression : the daily struggle Avith poverty is sufficiently crushing xvithout the addition of family discord . Employment must be found for Cecil . Some berth must be procxu * ed for him . But through xx'hat channel , and AA'here ? " And the saddened ancl heart-wearied man fell into a train of painful musings .
II . "Governor ! " said a joyous voice ; and a mirthful , happylooking face peeped cautiously into the study ; " clo I interrupt you ? Pray forgive me . One minute ' s attention—only one —I ' m off for London on Monday ; ancl , —with your permission , —xvill take Harry with me . "
" London- —Harry—Monday ; Avhat may all this mean ? " " That I am about to pay my dutiful respects to the bishop ;" returned the young man gaily ; " Colonel Western has furnished me xvith a valuable letter of introduction ; you have long xAished to place Harry on the foundation at Charter-house , — or , if such a boon could be granted , — to secure for yourself an offer