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ANTIGUA . —The Brethren met at then * Lodge Booms , on St . John ' s Day , in the forenoon , for the purpose of proceeding in a body to the Cathedral , The attendance xx'as not so numerous as had been expected , probably in consequence of the occasion falling on a Monday ( xvhich is usually a busy day , and xvhich in the present instance succeeded txvo holidays ) , hut was sufficient to make a mosfc imposing appearance . The procession , to and from the church , xvas
headed by the excellent band of the 87 fch regiment ; , whose performances have elicited great and merited praise . The exceedingly unfavourable state of the weather prevented many from attending the church ; the collection , consequently , xvas not so large as it would otherxvise have been ; it will , nevertheless , prove of valuable assistance to the local charities in aid of which it xvas contributed , A a usual , the croxvd was immense ; but the discipline of the police force ,
whose most respectable appearance aud conduct reflected credit on - the superintendent , preserx * ecl as much order and decorum as could possibly have been expected . Upon the return of the procession to the Lodge Booms , the Brethren proceeded to the performance of the interesting and impressive ceremonies attending the installation of the Master and Officers of the Lodge for the ensuing year . These ceremonies occupied the better parfc of the afternoon . The Staff of the Lodge thus established stands as folloxvs ;—
Bro , J . L . Thomas , Eoyal Engineers , AV . M . ; Bro . P . S . Jewetfc , Sen . AV . ; Bro . J . Graham , 67 th Eegiment , Jun . AV . ; Bro . Bev . J , Curfcin , Chap . ; Bro . I . G . Glenny , Treas . ; Bro . P . Horsforcl , Sec . ; Bro . C . H . Curtis , Eeg . ; Bro . Dr . P . G . O'Eearny , Sen , D . ; Bro . G-. AV . Norman , Jun . D . ; Bro . John Shervingfcon , Dir . of Cerem . ; Bro . Daniel AVright , Inn . G . ; Bros . Alex . Mac Parlane and C . J , Ex-ansStewards ,
, Subsequently to the performance ofthe ceremonies of Installation , the thanks of the Brethren xvere unanimously axvarded to the Eev , James Curfcin for fche excellent Sermon he had preached ; to Lieut , Col . Brooks , of the 87 th , for his kindness in giving the use of the splendid band of his regiment for the occasion ; and to the Eev . Mr . Biuuu , of the Morax'ian Missionfor most ablpresiding afc tho in
, y organ the Cathedral . In the evening , the Brethren assembled at a grand banquet in the large hall afc the Lodge-rooms . The late AV . M . Bro . Shervington , on retiring from the Chair of the Lodge , delivered the folloxving address : — BBOTILEK OFFICERS ASD MEMBBKS , —On retiring from this Chair txvelve months ago , on the anniversary of one of our patrons , St . John the Evangelist , the occu-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ANTIGUA . —The Brethren met at then * Lodge Booms , on St . John ' s Day , in the forenoon , for the purpose of proceeding in a body to the Cathedral , The attendance xx'as not so numerous as had been expected , probably in consequence of the occasion falling on a Monday ( xvhich is usually a busy day , and xvhich in the present instance succeeded txvo holidays ) , hut was sufficient to make a mosfc imposing appearance . The procession , to and from the church , xvas
headed by the excellent band of the 87 fch regiment ; , whose performances have elicited great and merited praise . The exceedingly unfavourable state of the weather prevented many from attending the church ; the collection , consequently , xvas not so large as it would otherxvise have been ; it will , nevertheless , prove of valuable assistance to the local charities in aid of which it xvas contributed , A a usual , the croxvd was immense ; but the discipline of the police force ,
whose most respectable appearance aud conduct reflected credit on - the superintendent , preserx * ecl as much order and decorum as could possibly have been expected . Upon the return of the procession to the Lodge Booms , the Brethren proceeded to the performance of the interesting and impressive ceremonies attending the installation of the Master and Officers of the Lodge for the ensuing year . These ceremonies occupied the better parfc of the afternoon . The Staff of the Lodge thus established stands as folloxvs ;—
Bro , J . L . Thomas , Eoyal Engineers , AV . M . ; Bro . P . S . Jewetfc , Sen . AV . ; Bro . J . Graham , 67 th Eegiment , Jun . AV . ; Bro . Bev . J , Curfcin , Chap . ; Bro . I . G . Glenny , Treas . ; Bro . P . Horsforcl , Sec . ; Bro . C . H . Curtis , Eeg . ; Bro . Dr . P . G . O'Eearny , Sen , D . ; Bro . G-. AV . Norman , Jun . D . ; Bro . John Shervingfcon , Dir . of Cerem . ; Bro . Daniel AVright , Inn . G . ; Bros . Alex . Mac Parlane and C . J , Ex-ansStewards ,
, Subsequently to the performance ofthe ceremonies of Installation , the thanks of the Brethren xvere unanimously axvarded to the Eev , James Curfcin for fche excellent Sermon he had preached ; to Lieut , Col . Brooks , of the 87 th , for his kindness in giving the use of the splendid band of his regiment for the occasion ; and to the Eev . Mr . Biuuu , of the Morax'ian Missionfor most ablpresiding afc tho in
, y organ the Cathedral . In the evening , the Brethren assembled at a grand banquet in the large hall afc the Lodge-rooms . The late AV . M . Bro . Shervington , on retiring from the Chair of the Lodge , delivered the folloxving address : — BBOTILEK OFFICERS ASD MEMBBKS , —On retiring from this Chair txvelve months ago , on the anniversary of one of our patrons , St . John the Evangelist , the occu-