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The AV . M . then proposed , in succession , the different Lodges present , according to their seniority , for which the respective Masters returned thanks . A number of other toasts were given , as " The Stranger Brethren , " "The Chairman , " "The Chaplain , " " The AVardens , " "The Past MasterBro . Eettie" "The Proxy Master Brn . Jones" "The
, , , Ladies , " & c . Several Masonic toasts were interspersed among the preceding ; a variety of excellent songs sung ; ancl the Brethren enjoyed themselves in full Masonic hilarit y till past lii gli time , when ' they were called again to labour , and the Lodge closed in due form .
Aberdeen , lAth February , 1853 . At the annual meeting of St . George ' s Lodge of Freemasons , No . 190 , holding of the Grand Loclge of Scotland , which took place on the 27 th of Dee . last ( St . John ' s Day ) , after the election of office-bearers , the Brethren retired to refreshment . The nexvly-elected B . AV . M , Eobert S . Houston , occupied the Chair , xxdien he addressed the Brethren as folloxvs : —
BRETHREN - , the duty xvhich , on this occasion , has devolved on me , is one which I am sorry has not fallen to the lot of some party more adequate to do it justice than I am . However , it is one xvhich fortunately requires no preface from me , the merits of the Brother , whom I am noxv about to address , being well knoxvn to eaehand all of us . About two years ago , xvhen , from circumstances whichitxvould be useless noxv to refer to , our Lodge was in such a state as almost to hazard its existence , xve xvere fortunate enough to secure the able services of this Brother , xvhose assiduous and untiring zeal in the discharge of his office has raised our Lod
ge to its present prosperous state ; and while he has been at the helm , as he has noxv been for a considerable period , our Lodge has sailed triumphantly through the billows of adversity , and is now safely moored in the harbour of progressive prosperity ; and xve fondly trust that xve shall be able to hand it doxvn to our successors as prosperous , if not more so , than xvhen it xvas handed to us : thus it shall stand , an enduring monument of the energy and assiduity of our worthy P . M . In every office he has filled in the Lodge , we have alxvays found him ready and t to further our interests his gentlemanldeportmenthis urbanitof
promp ; y , y manner , his knowledge of Ereemasomy , and the zeal , with which he has endeavoured to promote it amongst us , have , I am sure , endeared him to us all . Now , while Bro . Jamieson has so ably and successfully discharged the duties attendant on his important office as Master of this Lodge , and as he has now retired we have done but our duty when xve have provided tliis small token of our regard for him . And noxv , Bro . Jamieson , deputed by the members of St . George ' s Lodge , I have the very great pleasure of presenting you xvith this silver snuffbox , which bears the folloxving inscription : " Presented to Bro . John Jamieson bthe members of tbe St
y . George ' s Lodge , No . 190 , as a token of respect for him , as tlieir R . W . M . Aberdeen , 27 th December , 1852 . " This small token of our regard for you , Sir , is to mark our unqualified approbation of your conduct as Master of this Lodge , and as a mark of our gratitude for your very valuable services to us as a Lodge ; a . nd while it does this , you will also , I hope , look upon it as the silent , but really sincere and true symbol of our ivarmest xvell-wishes towards you and yours for your future prosperity in this life . In conclusion , thenxvethe members of StGeorge's Lod cordialland sincerely xvish
, , . ge , y you happiness and success in all your present and future undertakings . . The Past Master Jamieson replied in the following terms : R . AV . SIB , you have certainly intended and succeeded in giving me a surprise ; and it is impossible , filled as my mind is at this moment with varied emotions , adequately to return you thanks for this substantial , this valued proof of your
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The AV . M . then proposed , in succession , the different Lodges present , according to their seniority , for which the respective Masters returned thanks . A number of other toasts were given , as " The Stranger Brethren , " "The Chairman , " "The Chaplain , " " The AVardens , " "The Past MasterBro . Eettie" "The Proxy Master Brn . Jones" "The
, , , Ladies , " & c . Several Masonic toasts were interspersed among the preceding ; a variety of excellent songs sung ; ancl the Brethren enjoyed themselves in full Masonic hilarit y till past lii gli time , when ' they were called again to labour , and the Lodge closed in due form .
Aberdeen , lAth February , 1853 . At the annual meeting of St . George ' s Lodge of Freemasons , No . 190 , holding of the Grand Loclge of Scotland , which took place on the 27 th of Dee . last ( St . John ' s Day ) , after the election of office-bearers , the Brethren retired to refreshment . The nexvly-elected B . AV . M , Eobert S . Houston , occupied the Chair , xxdien he addressed the Brethren as folloxvs : —
BRETHREN - , the duty xvhich , on this occasion , has devolved on me , is one which I am sorry has not fallen to the lot of some party more adequate to do it justice than I am . However , it is one xvhich fortunately requires no preface from me , the merits of the Brother , whom I am noxv about to address , being well knoxvn to eaehand all of us . About two years ago , xvhen , from circumstances whichitxvould be useless noxv to refer to , our Lodge was in such a state as almost to hazard its existence , xve xvere fortunate enough to secure the able services of this Brother , xvhose assiduous and untiring zeal in the discharge of his office has raised our Lod
ge to its present prosperous state ; and while he has been at the helm , as he has noxv been for a considerable period , our Lodge has sailed triumphantly through the billows of adversity , and is now safely moored in the harbour of progressive prosperity ; and xve fondly trust that xve shall be able to hand it doxvn to our successors as prosperous , if not more so , than xvhen it xvas handed to us : thus it shall stand , an enduring monument of the energy and assiduity of our worthy P . M . In every office he has filled in the Lodge , we have alxvays found him ready and t to further our interests his gentlemanldeportmenthis urbanitof
promp ; y , y manner , his knowledge of Ereemasomy , and the zeal , with which he has endeavoured to promote it amongst us , have , I am sure , endeared him to us all . Now , while Bro . Jamieson has so ably and successfully discharged the duties attendant on his important office as Master of this Lodge , and as he has now retired we have done but our duty when xve have provided tliis small token of our regard for him . And noxv , Bro . Jamieson , deputed by the members of St . George ' s Lodge , I have the very great pleasure of presenting you xvith this silver snuffbox , which bears the folloxving inscription : " Presented to Bro . John Jamieson bthe members of tbe St
y . George ' s Lodge , No . 190 , as a token of respect for him , as tlieir R . W . M . Aberdeen , 27 th December , 1852 . " This small token of our regard for you , Sir , is to mark our unqualified approbation of your conduct as Master of this Lodge , and as a mark of our gratitude for your very valuable services to us as a Lodge ; a . nd while it does this , you will also , I hope , look upon it as the silent , but really sincere and true symbol of our ivarmest xvell-wishes towards you and yours for your future prosperity in this life . In conclusion , thenxvethe members of StGeorge's Lod cordialland sincerely xvish
, , . ge , y you happiness and success in all your present and future undertakings . . The Past Master Jamieson replied in the following terms : R . AV . SIB , you have certainly intended and succeeded in giving me a surprise ; and it is impossible , filled as my mind is at this moment with varied emotions , adequately to return you thanks for this substantial , this valued proof of your