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ABERDEEN . —Centenary of St . Machar ' s Lodge . —The Brethren of St . Muehar ' s Lodge , No . 54 , celebrated the Centenary of their connection xvith the G . Lodge of Scotland on Tuesday , March 1 st . The Lodge met in the Hall , 115 , Union Street , at 3 pit , and having been opened in due form , an appropriate service was performed . The oration was delivered by the Eev . Bro . AVallis , of No . 93 , in of the unavoidable absence of the Bev . Bro . Cordinerthe
consequence , chaplain of the Lodge . It xvas an eloquent address on the subject of Charity , which was listened to throughout by the Brethren with the mosfc marked attention . The service being concluded , the Lodge was closed ; and the Brethren adjourned to the banquet , which xvas held within Bro . Bobertson ' s ' ( Eoyal ) Hotel . Besides the Brethren of St . Machar ' s
Lodge , there xvere present the Prov . Grand Master and other Officebearers of fche Prov . G . Lodge , aud representafcix'es from the following Lodges-. —Aberdeen , No . 34 ; St . Nicholas , No . 93 ; St . Andrew ' s , No . 110 ; Old Aberdeen , No . 164 ; and St . George ' s , No . 190 . Dinner being concluded , the Loclge was opened , and being
called to refreshment , the AV . M , Bro . Eamage , gave , m succession , " The Queen ; " " Prince Albert ; Albert , Prince of AVales ; and the rest of the Eoyal Family . " The AV . M . then , in a fexv appropriate remarks , proposed " The Craft . " TheAV . M . next gave "The Grand Lodge of Scotland ; " ancl expressed his satisfaction that there was now a prospect of the Grand
Loclge acquiring suitable premises in Edinburgh , the want of which had hitherto been found a serious inconvenience . The Prov . G . M , as a member of the Grand Lodge , returned thanks , stating that the Grand Lodge had done , and would do , everything in its power to further the progress of Masonry . The P . M , Bro . Eettie , then proposed " The Grand Lodges of
England and Ireland . " The AV . M . proposed " The Health of Bro . Hadden , E . AV . Prov . G . M . of the Aberdeen City Province . " Bro . Hadden returned thanks . The W . M . next gave " Prosperity to the Aberdeen Lodge , No . 34 , " the oldest Lodge in Aberdeen—xvhose records date so far back as 1540 .
Bro . Smith , S . W , No . 34 , returned thanks . The Prov . G . M . proposed " Prosperity to St . Machar ' s Loclge , " commenting on the changes it had undergone , and the hig h character ifc had ahvays held for strict and accurate working . The W . itt . returned thanks . The AV . M . gave " The Memory of our Departed Brethren . "Drunk in solemn silence . o 2
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ABERDEEN . —Centenary of St . Machar ' s Lodge . —The Brethren of St . Muehar ' s Lodge , No . 54 , celebrated the Centenary of their connection xvith the G . Lodge of Scotland on Tuesday , March 1 st . The Lodge met in the Hall , 115 , Union Street , at 3 pit , and having been opened in due form , an appropriate service was performed . The oration was delivered by the Eev . Bro . AVallis , of No . 93 , in of the unavoidable absence of the Bev . Bro . Cordinerthe
consequence , chaplain of the Lodge . It xvas an eloquent address on the subject of Charity , which was listened to throughout by the Brethren with the mosfc marked attention . The service being concluded , the Lodge was closed ; and the Brethren adjourned to the banquet , which xvas held within Bro . Bobertson ' s ' ( Eoyal ) Hotel . Besides the Brethren of St . Machar ' s
Lodge , there xvere present the Prov . Grand Master and other Officebearers of fche Prov . G . Lodge , aud representafcix'es from the following Lodges-. —Aberdeen , No . 34 ; St . Nicholas , No . 93 ; St . Andrew ' s , No . 110 ; Old Aberdeen , No . 164 ; and St . George ' s , No . 190 . Dinner being concluded , the Loclge was opened , and being
called to refreshment , the AV . M , Bro . Eamage , gave , m succession , " The Queen ; " " Prince Albert ; Albert , Prince of AVales ; and the rest of the Eoyal Family . " The AV . M . then , in a fexv appropriate remarks , proposed " The Craft . " TheAV . M . next gave "The Grand Lodge of Scotland ; " ancl expressed his satisfaction that there was now a prospect of the Grand
Loclge acquiring suitable premises in Edinburgh , the want of which had hitherto been found a serious inconvenience . The Prov . G . M , as a member of the Grand Lodge , returned thanks , stating that the Grand Lodge had done , and would do , everything in its power to further the progress of Masonry . The P . M , Bro . Eettie , then proposed " The Grand Lodges of
England and Ireland . " The AV . M . proposed " The Health of Bro . Hadden , E . AV . Prov . G . M . of the Aberdeen City Province . " Bro . Hadden returned thanks . The W . M . next gave " Prosperity to the Aberdeen Lodge , No . 34 , " the oldest Lodge in Aberdeen—xvhose records date so far back as 1540 .
Bro . Smith , S . W , No . 34 , returned thanks . The Prov . G . M . proposed " Prosperity to St . Machar ' s Loclge , " commenting on the changes it had undergone , and the hig h character ifc had ahvays held for strict and accurate working . The W . itt . returned thanks . The AV . M . gave " The Memory of our Departed Brethren . "Drunk in solemn silence . o 2