Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 5 of 24 →
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we have thus performed our duty as men and Masons , we may calmly and patiently await the arrival of our final summons to the Grand Lodge above . Brethren , I oxve you a deep debt of gratitude , whicli I cannot adequately acknoxvledge , and which no conduct of mine can ever cancel . I beg again to thank you for this valuable additional testimonial of your esteem , and I assure you that it , and the truly amiable and Masonic remarks of our very worthy Master , shall not fall upon me unheeded ; but that my future conduct shall evince that I appreciate and am not xx'holly undeserving of your regard . "
This is the second valuable token of their esteem , with xxdiich Bro . Gaitskell has been honoured by the Brethren , they having a short time previously presented him xvith a splendid set of Provincial clothing . The following Brethren xvere appointed Officers of the Lodge for 1853 : —
Bro . J . G . Blackburne , AV . M . ; Bro . AV . H . Fletcher , P . M . ; Bro . D . Evans , Lect . M . ; Bro . B . Eowland , S . AV . ; Bro . J . S . Hague , J . M . ; Bro . J . Bainford , Chap . ; Bro . T . Mattinson , Trea . ; Bro . AV . Hudson , Sec . ; Bros . H . Greaves and AV . Blackburne , Dea . ; Bro . I . GaitskeU , M . 0 . ; Bro . E . Greaves , Org . ; Bros . J . Brierly and J . Lees , Stew . ; Bro . J . H . Hayes , I . G . ; IJ . Shaxx ' , Tder .
The evening passed off in a most entertaining ancl satisfactory manner , and xvas enlivened by x'arious songs , glees , & c , sung by members , several of which displayed considerable talent , and xvell sustained the musical fcalenfc for xxhich this part of Lancashire is deservedly noted .
SALEOIID . —Annual Masonic Pall . —The annual Masonic ball , in aid of the fund for establishing a Masonic Female Orphan Charity for the Province of East Lancashire , was held at the Toxvn-Hall , Salford , on Thursday evening , Jan . 20 th , under the usual distinguished patronage . About 250 ladies and gentlemen were present , the latter in full Masonic clothing , and dancing xvas continued xvith great spirit until half-past four o'clock on the folloxving morning , to Horabin ' s
quadrille band . The splendid band of the 1 st Eoyal Dragoons , by the kind permission of Major Yorke , xvas in attendance , and contributed greatly to the enjoyment of the evening .
NORFOLK . YARMOUTH . —For some considerable time past the number of Brethren connected xvith this Order has been very small , and for the lasttxvelve months the Yarmouth Lodge has been closed ; but a short time since , several Brethren , favourable to the promotion of Masonic principles , determined on endeavouring to revive the interest of the Orderand on Tuesday eveningJan . 25 the Brethren dined at the
, , , Duke ' s Head Inn , on the occasion of installing Bro . Oswald Diver as AVorshi pful Master . Gentlemen from every Loclge in the district were present , and the evening was passed in the most harmonious ancl agreeable manner , every arrangement of the host ( Bro . Plumb ) being of the most superior character .
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we have thus performed our duty as men and Masons , we may calmly and patiently await the arrival of our final summons to the Grand Lodge above . Brethren , I oxve you a deep debt of gratitude , whicli I cannot adequately acknoxvledge , and which no conduct of mine can ever cancel . I beg again to thank you for this valuable additional testimonial of your esteem , and I assure you that it , and the truly amiable and Masonic remarks of our very worthy Master , shall not fall upon me unheeded ; but that my future conduct shall evince that I appreciate and am not xx'holly undeserving of your regard . "
This is the second valuable token of their esteem , with xxdiich Bro . Gaitskell has been honoured by the Brethren , they having a short time previously presented him xvith a splendid set of Provincial clothing . The following Brethren xvere appointed Officers of the Lodge for 1853 : —
Bro . J . G . Blackburne , AV . M . ; Bro . AV . H . Fletcher , P . M . ; Bro . D . Evans , Lect . M . ; Bro . B . Eowland , S . AV . ; Bro . J . S . Hague , J . M . ; Bro . J . Bainford , Chap . ; Bro . T . Mattinson , Trea . ; Bro . AV . Hudson , Sec . ; Bros . H . Greaves and AV . Blackburne , Dea . ; Bro . I . GaitskeU , M . 0 . ; Bro . E . Greaves , Org . ; Bros . J . Brierly and J . Lees , Stew . ; Bro . J . H . Hayes , I . G . ; IJ . Shaxx ' , Tder .
The evening passed off in a most entertaining ancl satisfactory manner , and xvas enlivened by x'arious songs , glees , & c , sung by members , several of which displayed considerable talent , and xvell sustained the musical fcalenfc for xxhich this part of Lancashire is deservedly noted .
SALEOIID . —Annual Masonic Pall . —The annual Masonic ball , in aid of the fund for establishing a Masonic Female Orphan Charity for the Province of East Lancashire , was held at the Toxvn-Hall , Salford , on Thursday evening , Jan . 20 th , under the usual distinguished patronage . About 250 ladies and gentlemen were present , the latter in full Masonic clothing , and dancing xvas continued xvith great spirit until half-past four o'clock on the folloxving morning , to Horabin ' s
quadrille band . The splendid band of the 1 st Eoyal Dragoons , by the kind permission of Major Yorke , xvas in attendance , and contributed greatly to the enjoyment of the evening .
NORFOLK . YARMOUTH . —For some considerable time past the number of Brethren connected xvith this Order has been very small , and for the lasttxvelve months the Yarmouth Lodge has been closed ; but a short time since , several Brethren , favourable to the promotion of Masonic principles , determined on endeavouring to revive the interest of the Orderand on Tuesday eveningJan . 25 the Brethren dined at the
, , , Duke ' s Head Inn , on the occasion of installing Bro . Oswald Diver as AVorshi pful Master . Gentlemen from every Loclge in the district were present , and the evening was passed in the most harmonious ancl agreeable manner , every arrangement of the host ( Bro . Plumb ) being of the most superior character .