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two , and in the year of our Lord , one thousand eight hundred and fifty-txvo , under the seal of this Lodge , and signed by the Master , Officers , and Brethren . BOYAL AECH . —The companions of the Tudor Chapter held their Annual Meeting on Monday , Feb . 21 st , when Comp . AV . H . Fletcher was installed as First Principal , the ceremony being performed in a very beautiful manner by P . Z . E . Holt , I . * G . Blackburne xvas
installed Second , and Thomas Matfcinson Third Principal , by P . Z . I . Gaitskell . Comp . J . S . Hague xvas appointed S . B . ; Comp " . J . Bainford , S . N . and Trea . ; Comp . D . Evans , P . Soj . ; Comps . B . Clegg , and II . Greaves , Ass . Sojs . ; Comp . J . Harrison and S . Barnes , Stexx'ards ; Comp . A . Milnes , Organist ; Comp . U . Shaxx ' , Jan . Comp . Holt , P . Z , xvas elected an honorary member of the Chapter , xvhich is progressing very favourably , twelve members having been admitted since its consecration in January , last x'ear .
OLDHAM . —On AVednesday , the 23 rd February , the Brethren of the Lodge of Friendship , 344 , Oldham , held their annual Festival of Sfc . John in thafc toivn . Nofcxx'ifchsfcandiug fche sfcoi'iny state of tlie xveather during the evening , about forty Brethren sat doxx'n to a sumptuous repast , provided by the xvorthy host , Mr . AVm . Hegenbottom . The evening ' s entertainment xvas presided over by Bro . Geo . BlackburneW . Mwhoaffcer the usual Masonic toasts
-, , , , pre sented to Bro . Gaitskell , P . M ., a splendid gold watch , chain , and ring . The watch bears the folloxving inscription : — Presented to Bro . Isaac Gaitskell , P . M , of the Lodge of Friendship , Zii , P . G , J . D , E . Ii ., ancl P . Z . of the Tudor Chapter , Oldham , by his Masonic Brethren , and R . A . Companions , in testimony of his zeal and assiduity in promoting the interests of Freemasonry , and as a memento of their fraternal affection . —Oldham , Feb . 23 rd , 1853 .
The Chairman in his speech remarked , that he ( Bro . Gaitskell ) had in a great measure been the means of resuscitating this Lodge from a loxv ebb to be one of the best Lodges in the Prox'ince . Bro . GAITSKELL , in returning thanks , said , — " My dear Brethren , I assure you I receive your valuable token of regard xvith deep gratitude , and I beg you will individually and collectively accept my warmest and best thanks . The indulgence —the great and uniform kindness I have always received from you—and the warm
interest you have , many of you , manifested for my xvelfare , and the prosperity of our Lodge , have amply recompensed me for any efforts I have ever made ; and I am aware , and feel sensibly , that no conduct of mine merited such a further rexvard . I assure you it is no slight satisfaction to me , to think that my humble endeavours have remotely contributed to raise our Lodge from a state of utter prostration , to the enviable position of being acknowledged as inferior to few in the Province ; and that such is the fact xve have the testimony of our xvorthy D . P . G . M . I trust if . may long continue to maintain its position . The system we
practise is a noble one , and though many of the Brethren more closely follow its precepts , yet none more admire it than myself . May it flourish in every quarter of the globe—become instrumental in dispensing the light of knowledge—aiding the strength of reason—diffusing the beauties of virtue—and lessening the aggregate of human vice , misery , want , and xvoe ! Founded on the purest principles of piety and virtue , let it teach us to measure our conduct by the line of rectitude , to square our actions by the principles of morality , and to guide our conversation , and our very thoughts , xvithin the compass of propriety . Thus shall we learn to be meek , patient , humble , and resigned . Thus shall we learn to rule and subdue our passions , the excess of which disorders and deforms the very soul I and xvheu
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two , and in the year of our Lord , one thousand eight hundred and fifty-txvo , under the seal of this Lodge , and signed by the Master , Officers , and Brethren . BOYAL AECH . —The companions of the Tudor Chapter held their Annual Meeting on Monday , Feb . 21 st , when Comp . AV . H . Fletcher was installed as First Principal , the ceremony being performed in a very beautiful manner by P . Z . E . Holt , I . * G . Blackburne xvas
installed Second , and Thomas Matfcinson Third Principal , by P . Z . I . Gaitskell . Comp . J . S . Hague xvas appointed S . B . ; Comp " . J . Bainford , S . N . and Trea . ; Comp . D . Evans , P . Soj . ; Comps . B . Clegg , and II . Greaves , Ass . Sojs . ; Comp . J . Harrison and S . Barnes , Stexx'ards ; Comp . A . Milnes , Organist ; Comp . U . Shaxx ' , Jan . Comp . Holt , P . Z , xvas elected an honorary member of the Chapter , xvhich is progressing very favourably , twelve members having been admitted since its consecration in January , last x'ear .
OLDHAM . —On AVednesday , the 23 rd February , the Brethren of the Lodge of Friendship , 344 , Oldham , held their annual Festival of Sfc . John in thafc toivn . Nofcxx'ifchsfcandiug fche sfcoi'iny state of tlie xveather during the evening , about forty Brethren sat doxx'n to a sumptuous repast , provided by the xvorthy host , Mr . AVm . Hegenbottom . The evening ' s entertainment xvas presided over by Bro . Geo . BlackburneW . Mwhoaffcer the usual Masonic toasts
-, , , , pre sented to Bro . Gaitskell , P . M ., a splendid gold watch , chain , and ring . The watch bears the folloxving inscription : — Presented to Bro . Isaac Gaitskell , P . M , of the Lodge of Friendship , Zii , P . G , J . D , E . Ii ., ancl P . Z . of the Tudor Chapter , Oldham , by his Masonic Brethren , and R . A . Companions , in testimony of his zeal and assiduity in promoting the interests of Freemasonry , and as a memento of their fraternal affection . —Oldham , Feb . 23 rd , 1853 .
The Chairman in his speech remarked , that he ( Bro . Gaitskell ) had in a great measure been the means of resuscitating this Lodge from a loxv ebb to be one of the best Lodges in the Prox'ince . Bro . GAITSKELL , in returning thanks , said , — " My dear Brethren , I assure you I receive your valuable token of regard xvith deep gratitude , and I beg you will individually and collectively accept my warmest and best thanks . The indulgence —the great and uniform kindness I have always received from you—and the warm
interest you have , many of you , manifested for my xvelfare , and the prosperity of our Lodge , have amply recompensed me for any efforts I have ever made ; and I am aware , and feel sensibly , that no conduct of mine merited such a further rexvard . I assure you it is no slight satisfaction to me , to think that my humble endeavours have remotely contributed to raise our Lodge from a state of utter prostration , to the enviable position of being acknowledged as inferior to few in the Province ; and that such is the fact xve have the testimony of our xvorthy D . P . G . M . I trust if . may long continue to maintain its position . The system we
practise is a noble one , and though many of the Brethren more closely follow its precepts , yet none more admire it than myself . May it flourish in every quarter of the globe—become instrumental in dispensing the light of knowledge—aiding the strength of reason—diffusing the beauties of virtue—and lessening the aggregate of human vice , misery , want , and xvoe ! Founded on the purest principles of piety and virtue , let it teach us to measure our conduct by the line of rectitude , to square our actions by the principles of morality , and to guide our conversation , and our very thoughts , xvithin the compass of propriety . Thus shall we learn to be meek , patient , humble , and resigned . Thus shall we learn to rule and subdue our passions , the excess of which disorders and deforms the very soul I and xvheu