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LANCASHIRE . LIVEBPOOL . —At the meeting of the Ancient Union Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons , 245 , on Thursday evening , Jan . 20 fch , Brother Hand xvas installed AVorshipful Master , xvith Brother Bichard Shaxv as Senior , and Brother T . N . Simpson as Junior AVarden . There were four initiations . AVe are gratified to learn that a motion , proposed
by the AVorshipful Master , was carried , dispensing xvith the banquet on the occasion of each meeting ; and we have reason to believe that the funds of the Lodge , which will be saved by this retrenchment , are to be appropriated to useful and charitable purposes , calculated to increase the repute of the Fraternity . MANCHESTER . —The folloxving address was lately voted to Bro .
Joseph Moody , by the Brethren of the Lodge of Virtue , No . 177 ; and has been accompanied xvith a purse of eighty guineas ! Although some time has elapsed since the vote took place , xve gladly accede to the request , xvhich has been made to us , to give such an instance
of the benevolence of Masons publicity : — """ o Bro . Joseph John'Moody , P . M . P , Prov . G . J . W ., Cheshire ; Prov . G . J . D ., Lincolnshire , & c . & c . The Free unci Accepted Masons , constituting the Loclge of Virtue , No . 177 , held at Manchester , under due Warrant , greeting . WHEREAS , dear Sir ancl Bro , we learn that it is your immediate intention to take up your residence in Australia , xve , the Master , Officers , and Brethren of this Loclge , clo hereby express our grateful sense of the numerous ancl continuous
services xvhich you have rendered unto Masonry during many years , ancl particularly unto this Lodge , of xvhich you are a member . In your uniform conduct as a Brother xve recognize the truth ofthe principle , that to be a good Mason , it is indispensable also to be a good man . The exercise of probity , temperance , prudence , and benevolence , in common life , has been carried by you into Masonry . So also in your person , the acquisition of knowledge ancl the efficacy of truth are alike characteristic of a good Mason and a good man . These x'irtues , linked together by the social ties of sound fellowship and philanthropy ,
have creditably characterized your path in Masonry , as well as in the course of ordinary life . We feel that your mastery of all that tends to a knowledge of the Art , and the readiness xvith which you have always communicated that knowledge to your younger or less instructed Brethren , merit our warmest gratitude . And we are proud to bear testimony , that it was at your suggestion that a course of lectures has been commenced in this Lodge , by xvhich the character and tendency of Masonry cannot fail to be advanced and developed ; and that the opening lecture , delivered by yourself , exhibited great research , sound learning , and the full knowledge arising from a recondite and practical familiarit y xvith the history and
mysteries of the Art . Convinced , therefore , that you have personally done much " for the good of Masonry , " as enjoined by your obligations , grieving that the Lodge will henceforth lose , by your departure , one of its most shining lights , and assured , that in the nexv aud distant sphere of your exertions , Masonry will continue to have the advantage of your co-operation and support , xve conclude by fraternally and affectionately expressing our sincere sorrow at your approaching departure , with an earnest hope and prayer that your integrityindustry , and acquirementsunder
, , the guiding aud sustaining blessing of the Great Architect of the universe , may advance your worldly prosperity and condition , by the continuance of high character , good health , and domestic happiness , and the attainment of competence , and all other xvorldly blessings , xvhich make smooth and pleasant the rugged path of life . _ Given in a Lodge of Emergency , specially holden therefor , on the tivenfcyeighth day of July , in the ye-ar of Masonry , five thousand eig h t hundred and fifty-
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LANCASHIRE . LIVEBPOOL . —At the meeting of the Ancient Union Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons , 245 , on Thursday evening , Jan . 20 fch , Brother Hand xvas installed AVorshipful Master , xvith Brother Bichard Shaxv as Senior , and Brother T . N . Simpson as Junior AVarden . There were four initiations . AVe are gratified to learn that a motion , proposed
by the AVorshipful Master , was carried , dispensing xvith the banquet on the occasion of each meeting ; and we have reason to believe that the funds of the Lodge , which will be saved by this retrenchment , are to be appropriated to useful and charitable purposes , calculated to increase the repute of the Fraternity . MANCHESTER . —The folloxving address was lately voted to Bro .
Joseph Moody , by the Brethren of the Lodge of Virtue , No . 177 ; and has been accompanied xvith a purse of eighty guineas ! Although some time has elapsed since the vote took place , xve gladly accede to the request , xvhich has been made to us , to give such an instance
of the benevolence of Masons publicity : — """ o Bro . Joseph John'Moody , P . M . P , Prov . G . J . W ., Cheshire ; Prov . G . J . D ., Lincolnshire , & c . & c . The Free unci Accepted Masons , constituting the Loclge of Virtue , No . 177 , held at Manchester , under due Warrant , greeting . WHEREAS , dear Sir ancl Bro , we learn that it is your immediate intention to take up your residence in Australia , xve , the Master , Officers , and Brethren of this Loclge , clo hereby express our grateful sense of the numerous ancl continuous
services xvhich you have rendered unto Masonry during many years , ancl particularly unto this Lodge , of xvhich you are a member . In your uniform conduct as a Brother xve recognize the truth ofthe principle , that to be a good Mason , it is indispensable also to be a good man . The exercise of probity , temperance , prudence , and benevolence , in common life , has been carried by you into Masonry . So also in your person , the acquisition of knowledge ancl the efficacy of truth are alike characteristic of a good Mason and a good man . These x'irtues , linked together by the social ties of sound fellowship and philanthropy ,
have creditably characterized your path in Masonry , as well as in the course of ordinary life . We feel that your mastery of all that tends to a knowledge of the Art , and the readiness xvith which you have always communicated that knowledge to your younger or less instructed Brethren , merit our warmest gratitude . And we are proud to bear testimony , that it was at your suggestion that a course of lectures has been commenced in this Lodge , by xvhich the character and tendency of Masonry cannot fail to be advanced and developed ; and that the opening lecture , delivered by yourself , exhibited great research , sound learning , and the full knowledge arising from a recondite and practical familiarit y xvith the history and
mysteries of the Art . Convinced , therefore , that you have personally done much " for the good of Masonry , " as enjoined by your obligations , grieving that the Lodge will henceforth lose , by your departure , one of its most shining lights , and assured , that in the nexv aud distant sphere of your exertions , Masonry will continue to have the advantage of your co-operation and support , xve conclude by fraternally and affectionately expressing our sincere sorrow at your approaching departure , with an earnest hope and prayer that your integrityindustry , and acquirementsunder
, , the guiding aud sustaining blessing of the Great Architect of the universe , may advance your worldly prosperity and condition , by the continuance of high character , good health , and domestic happiness , and the attainment of competence , and all other xvorldly blessings , xvhich make smooth and pleasant the rugged path of life . _ Given in a Lodge of Emergency , specially holden therefor , on the tivenfcyeighth day of July , in the ye-ar of Masonry , five thousand eig h t hundred and fifty-